Originally posted by alveston75gThank you Galve, you are in general more supprotive about answers than robbie.
Start here.....
I read "Unfortunately, oxygen transport, one function that distinguishes real blood from other volume expanders, has been very difficult to reproduce." Wouldn't be happy at all to use that in my body. Are JWers some other kind of humans that can stand this?
So if the alternate blood doesn't work, then wy do you recommend this to the poor but happy people so they will be dead and not so happy anymore?
I read further: "Transfused blood is currently more cost effective"
"Haemoglobin-based blood substitutes may increase the odds of deaths and heart attacks"
"blood substitutes yielded a 30% increase in the risk of death and about a threefold increase in the chance of having a heart attack of for the recipients."
Do I need to read further?
I am currently very happy that I am not a JWer. Will you or robbie give me a reason why I am wrong in this?
Originally posted by robbie carrobieAnd yet you feel fully qualified and justified to comment on mine and other Chrisitan's lifestyle and religious commitment. Don't you think that is quite hypocritical?
please leave your hatred, prejudices and outright lies at the door, this is a happy
thread, neither myself, who actually is a Jehovah's Witness, nor the Gman, who
actually is a Jehovah witness with some experience actually as part of this wonderful
organisation take such allegations seriously, why, because we are actually in the
organisation ...[text shortened]... py thread,
we dont want your spiritual pollution, pick it up and put it in the bin, thankyou!
Originally posted by galveston75If you don't care to be "popular and accepted", why do you spend virtualy all your time here either promoting or defending your organisation?
We don't expect the popular opinon to be favorable to us and we never will ...
If we were worried about being popular and accepted by you and the rest of the world which the Bible says Satan is the ruler of, then yes that would be easy...
So point blank I could care less what you think of us...
And why do you get so bent out of shape all the time (to the point of threatening to leave the site) when your organisation isn't popular or is criticised?
I'm afraid nothing much you say adds up.
Originally posted by divegeesterI actualy spend very little of my time here posting.
If you don't care to be "popular and accepted", why do you spend virtualy all your time here either promoting or defending your organisation?
And why do you get so bent out of shape all the time (to the point of threatening to leave the site) when your organisation isn't popular or is criticised?
I'm afraid nothing much you say adds up.
As I've mentined before there are always one's if even in the background that look at these post that are looking for something better then what their churches offer and want to know who God really is and whan to have a true relationship with him. And they really want to know what the Bible teaches for today and for the hope of the future as there is not much hope that the world offers and not much that most churches offer as for as that goes.
So even though you and some others here are not interested in what we believe, is a given, but there are many others that just might.
If you don't like us that is fine, and if you don't care that we are truly happy that is fine too. We know who we are and I can promise you that we are happeier then you could ever imagine, even dispite ones like you my dear friend.
Originally posted by FabianFnasYes you really should read a lot futher. There is a lot of information on this and that's the reason you should. If you could save your life or the life of a child without having another humans blood in them and what could happen as a result of that, would you not want to know all you could on this?
Thank you Galve, you are in general more supprotive about answers than robbie.
I read "Unfortunately, oxygen transport, one function that distinguishes real blood from other volume expanders, has been very difficult to reproduce." Wouldn't be happy at all to use that in my body. Are JWers some other kind of humans that can stand this?
So if the alte ...[text shortened]... appy that I am not a JWer. Will you or robbie give me a reason why I am wrong in this?
And yes there is no substitue for real blood and we know this but there is so much that can be done without using blood.
And no not one JW ever wants to die, we have no death wish at all but we have complete faith that if we happen to die for whatever reason that we will be resurrected. But if one does not believe in a God then yes this would be hard to understand and I understand that too.
Originally posted by galveston75At first I did brouse through the first link, just to see where I am right and JWers are wrong. Then I read it thrugh with open curiosity, both links. And I'm amazed about the technology! I thank you for the links, it explains a lot!
Yes you really should read a lot futher. There is a lot of information on this and that's the reason you should. If you could save your life or the life of a child without having another humans blood in them and what could happen as a result of that, would you not want to know all you could on this?
And yes there is no substitue for real blood and w ...[text shortened]... does not believe in a God then yes this would be hard to understand and I understand that too.
But still...
Think of the situation, after a car crach, the driver lies there with a broken spleen, massive internal bleedings. Help with non-JW (?) health care will save him. I doubt that a JW will make it if he refuses blood transplants.
Please, describe what will happen with a JW driver victim with a broken spleen with massive internal bleedings. As an example, let's say that the accident happen at (1) Butt, Montana, or at (2) at Bauchi, Nigeria. Who have the best chance to survive, the non-JWer or the nonJW driver at the two geographical examples.
Originally posted by FabianFnasthis is not a happy scenario, why are you unable to relate anything of either a positive
At first I did brouse through the first link, just to see where I am right and JWers are wrong. Then I read it thrugh with open curiosity, both links. And I'm amazed about the technology! I thank you for the links, it explains a lot!
But still...
Think of the situation, after a car crach, the driver lies there with a broken spleen, massive internal ...[text shortened]... the best chance to survive, the non-JWer or the nonJW driver at the two geographical examples.
or happy nature, i challenge you to do so. Lets see if you can do it.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieAs I relate my questions of death instead of blood transfusion, I cannot see any happiness to this. If you can see happiness in death, then you are one of a kind. I'm not. I am as anyone else.
this is not a happy scenario, why are you unable to relate anything of either a positive
or happy nature, i challenge you to do so. Lets see if you can do it.
But I can se happiness of saving my life after a traffic accident with massive internal bleeding by a blood transfusion. I see much happiness that I am not a JWer. So of course I am happy by nature. I like life to much not to be.
Galve is handling my questions better than you. Let him take care of my questions, so you can go around and be happy all by yourself.
Originally posted by FabianFnasso my Swenska friend, you could not do it, you could not bring yourself to relate one
As I relate my questions of death instead of blood transfusion, I cannot see any happiness to this. If you can see happiness in death, then you are one of a kind. I'm not. I am as anyone else.
But I can se happiness of saving my life after a traffic accident with massive internal bleeding by a blood transfusion. I see much happiness that I am not a JWe ...[text shortened]... than you. Let him take care of my questions, so you can go around and be happy all by yourself.
positive, happy, up-building experience and instead attempt to hijack my thread with
references to life or death situations, how unhappy you must be? perhaps i should
start a sad thread and you could pour out all your sad experiences there?
Originally posted by robbie carrobieBut you should really work on your positive attitude yourself. Her come I, wanting to know more about JW any blod transfusion ideas, and you are not happy? You should be. I would be thrilled if any JWer ask me about evolution, just to know more about it.
so my Swenska friend, you could not do it, you could not bring yourself to relate one
positive, happy, up-building experience and instead attempt to hijack my thread with
references to life or death situations, how unhappy you must be? perhaps i should
start a sad thread and you could pour out all your sad experiences there?
If you want to keep this thread happy, then you have to get mor effort into it.
Is it your intention to go personal? Is the matter about blood transfuion about you and me? This is not a personal matter, it's a matter of JW, and JW only. I'm not interested of your views, I'm interested of the JW views. Only.
Originally posted by FabianFnasand i am interested in positive , happy and up-building comments and experiences, it is
But you should really work on your positive attitude yourself. Her come I, wanting to know more about JW any blod transfusion ideas, and you are not happy? You should be. I would be thrilled if any JWer ask me about evolution, just to know more about it.
If you want to keep this thread happy, then you have to get mor effort into it.
Is it your inten ...[text shortened]... r of JW, and JW only. I'm not interested of your views, I'm interested of the JW views. Only.
why i created this thread, death, blood transfusions and serious injury are not of that
sort, are they.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieAs I've explained earlier, my line of asking questions are definitley in line with your happy thread. Mr Galves generous answering makes me happy.
and i am interested in positive , happy and up-building comments and experiences, it is
why i created this thread, death, blood transfusions and serious injury are not of that
sort, are they.
Let me also remind you that noone owns a thread, noone can decide what is and what is not to be written in it. If you don't want to open a public thread under these circumstances, then my advice is that personal mails is a better alternative for you.
Originally posted by FabianFnasso you have received a degree of happiness from this thread, good, i am happy for
As I've explained earlier, my line of asking questions are definitley in line with your happy thread. Mr Galves generous answering makes me happy.
you, now i would be pleased if you spread your happiness to others 🙂