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Jews, n. pl

Jews, n. pl



Originally posted by robbie carrobie
How do you know she was redeemable. You have absolutely no way of knowing.
Her sole offence was to look back. The first born of Egypt cannot all have been irredeemably evil. In fact it was not on their own account, but the Pharaoh's, which they were condemned for. So I don't think your statement holds up under even the slightest scrutiny. The God of the Old Testament was pretty arbitrary.

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Originally posted by DeepThought
Her sole offence was to look back. The first born of Egypt cannot all have been irredeemably evil. In fact it was not on their own account, but the Pharaoh's, which they were condemned for. So I don't think your statement holds up under even the slightest scrutiny. The God of the Old Testament was pretty arbitrary.
On the contrary, she was longing for the things she left behind in Sodom. There is a scriptural basis for my claim, where God reasons with Abraham, if you can find me so many righteous men I will spare the city, if you can find me ten righteous men, if you can find me one righteous man etc etc, God even spared the Ninevites despite the fact that Jonah wanted them punished. No God does not arbitrarily put anyone to death and you have not provided any evidence to the contrary. Its as sound and as solid a variation as you can get.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Its a self evident Biblical truth that God only judicially executes anyone he has deemed, irredeemable.
Judicially executes? You mean murdered?

So we can take it from your position that the whole planets population, save for Noah and his extended family, were 'violent reprobates'. When God returns again in the not too distant future and murders, sorry.....I mean, 'judicially executes' vast swathes of humanity again will that be because they are 'violent reprobates' also?

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Originally posted by Proper Knob
Judicially executes? You mean murdered?

So we can take it from your position that the whole planets population, save for Noah and his extended family, were 'violent reprobates'. When God returns again in the not too distant future and murders, sorry.....I mean, 'judicially executes' vast swathes of humanity again will that be because they are 'violent reprobates' also?
tell us what you know about the great tribulation mentioned in the Bible and no, there is a vast difference between a judicial execution and a murder.


Originally posted by robbie carrobie
On the contrary, she was longing for the things she left behind in Sodom. There is a scriptural basis for my claim, where God reasons with Abraham, if you can find me so many righteous men I will spare the city, if you can find me ten righteous men, if you can find me one righteous man etc etc, God even spared the Ninevites despite the fact that Jona ...[text shortened]... ot provided any evidence to the contrary. Its as sound and as solid a variation as you can get.
Your claim was as follows:
Its a self evident Biblical truth that God only judicially executes anyone he has deemed, irredeemable.
I do not remember anything in the Bible which indicate that either Lot's wife or the first born of Egypt were irredeemable. So I think your claim that it is "a self-evident Biblical truth" is faulty.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
tell us what you know about the great tribulation mentioned in the Bible and no, there is a vast difference between a judicial execution and a murder.
What does what I know about the Great Tribulation have to do with your comments in this thread?

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Originally posted by DeepThought
Your claim was as follows:
Its a self evident Biblical truth that God only judicially executes anyone he has deemed, irredeemable.
I do not remember anything in the Bible which indicate that either Lot's wife or the first born of Egypt were irredeemable. So I think your claim that it is "a self-evident Biblical truth" is faulty.
yes that may be true but you have no real way of knowing and of course neither do I.

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Originally posted by Proper Knob
What does what I know about the Great Tribulation have to do with your comments in this thread?
Its a simple question, you have stated that God is going to be responsible for 'the murder' of millions, possibly billions of persons, I am simply trying to ascertain, how do you know? The great tribulation seemed a logical place to begin.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Its a simple question, you have stated that God is going to be responsible for 'the murder' of millions, possibly billions of persons, I am simply trying to ascertain, how do you know? The great tribulation seemed a logical place to begin.
I know from Watchtower literature that allegedly only the JW's have a scriptural chance of surviving the Great Tribulation and the impending Armageddon.

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Originally posted by Proper Knob
I know from Watchtower literature that allegedly only the JW's have a scriptural chance of surviving the Great Tribulation and the impending Armageddon.
Yes but you are not being asked about the watchtowers perspective. I am asking you about what the Bible calls 'the great tribulation', what will happen during that period because you have stated that God will murder untold millions of persons eventually culminating in what the Bible terms, 'the battle of Armageddon'.

for then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again. . . . . Immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in grief, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he will send out his angels with a great trumpet sound, and they will gather his chosen ones together from the four winds, from one extremity of the the heavens to their other extremity. - Matthew 24

Now clearly there is a parallel with the siege of Jerusalem, 70.C.E. when the Romans, under Titus encircled Jerusalem and laid siege to the city. If one reads the Jewish Historian Josephus one can readily discern what happened inside the city as competing factions vied for supremacy. The city eventually descended into anarchy with murder, infanticide, cannibalism and many other atrocities being committed.

God did not commit any of these atrocities, it was the secular authorities that caused the death either directly or indirectly of possibly millions of persons and enslaved many others.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Yes but you are not being asked about the watchtowers perspective. I am asking you about what the Bible calls 'the great tribulation', what will happen during that period because you have stated that God will murder untold millions of persons eventually culminating in what the Bible terms, 'the battle of Armageddon'.

for then there will be great ...[text shortened]... he death either directly or indirectly of possibly millions of persons and enslaved many others.
As an atheist, am I going to survive Armageddon?

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Originally posted by Proper Knob
As an atheist, am I going to survive Armageddon?
What is Armageddon? I think you might find the popular perception is a little different from the Biblical portrayal.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
What is Armageddon? I think you might find the popular perception is a little different from the Biblical portrayal.
Will I be still alive on the planet after Armageddon as an atheist?

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Originally posted by Proper Knob
Will I be still alive on the planet after Armageddon as an atheist?
I don't know whether you will be alive or not, you might get hit by a falling piano tomorrow. I am trying to find out what your understanding of Armageddon actually is.

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