We can get to: "the lost will glorify him in their eternal woe" strangeness as soon as you are ready.
We can get to your formal complaint of plagiarism sent to Living Stream Ministry publishing whenever you are ready.
Send a copy to me of your formal complaint.
Does Revelation 15 indicate that glory is given to God because of His triumph over His enemies ?
" ...Great and wonderful are Your works, Lord God the Almighty! Righteous and true are Your ways, O King of the nations!
Who will not fear, O Lord, and glorify Your name? For You alone are holy; for all the nations will come and worship before You,
for Your righteous judgments have been manifested." (Revelation 15:3,4)
Examine the context.
Explain what is strange about God, Who does not change, being glorified on into the time of the new heaven and new earth, who among other things, has made His "righteous judgments" manifested.
You have no case.
And proving so is monotonous.
Lastly, the phrase "WHO ... will not fear and glorify Your name?"
This Is a rhetorical question as a challenge. The answer seems to be, that NO ONE will not.
Why assume NO ONE would not involve possible new created lives if God so choose to create them with "a new heaven and a new earth" ?
Originally posted by @sonshipWhat are you talking about? I've never had any intention of making a formal complaint, you are just making this up.
[b]We can get to your formal complaint of plagiarism sent to Living Stream Ministry publishing whenever you are ready.
Send a copy to me of your formal complaint.
Originally posted by @sonship1) claiming that there are people on other worlds witnessing the torture of your hell-God version of Jesus is a weird thing to do. You did it not me.
1.) How do you know creating all things new means this won't involve other lives ?
2.) Did I insist, or did Govette insist, that there will be observing creatures on other worlds ?
... a tempest in a teapot being exploited for all you think you can get from it.
2) if, as I keep calling you out over, you credited your sources then we would at least know where you get your strange ideas. Also you wouldn't be able to try making me out to be a liar for reminding you of what you said.
"Tempest in a teapot"...you would like to think that, but look at these two points.
- Aliens witnessing your hell carnage and
- you not crediting your sourses.
This is all of your making sonship and if other Christians here had the gumption and didn't dislike me, they would be calling you out over this too.
Originally posted by @divegeesterAnother unanswered question (as far as I recollect)
What are you talking about? I've never had any intention of making a formal complaint, you are just making this up.
IF you turn out to be wrong, will you protest to God that His judgments are NOT righteous ?
If you turn the question to me, I would say that -
If I do not understand or agree with God punishing forever the unreconciled, I expect to on the day I am fully conformed to the image of Christ. This conformation is my inevitable destiny as with all the Christians.
I expect to see everything through the eyes of Christ.
This is now repetition much.
I expect that what I may not understand now, I will fully see when I, along with my attitudes, are fully conformed to the image of Christ the Firstborn Son of God.
" Because those whom He foreknew, He also predestinated to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brothers." (Rom. 8:29)
If you are a saved man, do you expect to eventually see all things through the same eyes as of Christ in eternity ? Or do you expect that you will be in disagreement with the Father God about His judgment of the eternally judged ?
Remember, the question is phrased with an appreciation of interpretive matters of which possibility of error on either side is admitted. IF ... you turn out to be wrong, then...
Originally posted by @divegeesterLike or dislike of you has little to do with it.
1) claiming that there are people on other worlds witnessing the torture of your hell-God version of Jesus is a weird thing to do. You did it not me.
2) if, as I keep calling you out over, you credited your sources then we would at least know where you get your strange ideas. Also you wouldn't be able to try making me out to be a liar for reminding y ...[text shortened]... stians here had the gumption and didn't dislike me, they would be calling you out over this too.
Put up ... or shut up -
Report your charge of my alleged plagiarism.
Living Stream Ministry
2431 West La Palma Ave,
Anaheim, CA 92801
And -
Publishers of books by Robert Govette -
Scheottle Publishers Co. Inc.
Lewis Schoettle
Chief Executive Officer
Schoettle Publishing Company Inc
HQ Phone: (706) 896-3333
Folks, back to the thread TOPIC.
Getting together to sing the spiritual Kumbaya is not a bad idea.
It is of course best if all singing really believe or at least HOPE that Jesus Christ the Lord is alive and will come by here.
We need Him.
The aspiration and plea - Kumbaya My Lord is biblical.
It reflects the final expression in the climax ending of the whole Bible.
" He who testifies these things says, Yes, I come quickly.
Amen. Come Lord Jesus." (Revelation 22:20)
22 Aug 17
Originally posted by @sonshipWhat are you blathering on about now!
Another unanswered question (as far as I recollect)
IF you turn out to be wrong, will you protest to God that His judgments are NOT righteous ?
If you turn the question to me, I would say that -
If I do not understand or agree with God punishing forever the unreconciled, I expect to on the day I am fully conformed to the image of Christ. This conf ...[text shortened]... which possibility of error on either side is admitted. IF ... you turn out to be wrong, then...
22 Aug 17
Originally posted by @sonshipLol. Why do you keep going on about this. Do you think your writings here are so important that even though you lift many of your ideas from other ministers, that anyone, anywhere else, other than in these conversations is going to give a monkey's?
Like or dislike of you has little to do with it.
Put up ... or shut up -
Report your charge of my alleged plagiarism.
[b]Living Stream Ministry
2431 West La Palma Ave,
Anaheim, CA 92801
And -
Publishers of books by Robert Govette -
Scheottle Publishers Co. Inc.
Lewis Schoettle
Chief Executive Officer
Schoettle Publishing Company Inc
HQ Phone: (706) 896-3333 [/b]
Originally posted by @divegeesterWhy? Because the Weavers sang it and so did Joan Baez.
Why would I want to do that?
Originally posted by @divegeesterLol. Why do you keep going on about this.
Lol. Why do you keep going on about this. Do you think your writings here are so important that even though you lift many of your ideas from other ministers, that anyone, anywhere else, other than in these conversations is going to give a monkey's?
Its may be the only way to deal with a careless faker.
Do you think your writings here are so important that even though you lift many of your ideas from other ministers,
It may be the only way to deal with a careless faker who now cloaks his cowardice in a new approach - claiming that his careless accusation is about someone not too important.
Another excuse is noted.
that anyone, anywhere else, other than in these conversations is going to give a monkey's?
I do wish you would stop making a monkey out of yourself.
Great spiritual lessons and practical spiritual help can be found at -
Thanks again for another opportunity to do a little free advertising.
Originally posted by @sonshipBut why would be interested in making a complaint to a publisher about something an anonymous person said on a chess website? You are way too filled with your own self-importance sonship.
Thanks again for another opportunity to do a little free advertising.
All that matters here is that you have been called out for using other ministers material and (albeit after repackaging it) passing it off as your own thoughts and ideas. It's not good forum etiquette and it's intellectually dishonest.
PS I'm not sure how YOU posting a website is ME giving you free advertising. You could put it in your profile, under your avatar and close every post you make with it and be far more effective than using it in these pouty jabs at me 🙂