Originally posted by apathistI just noticed your Isaiah reference to a Lilith. Thanks for your reference.
originally posted by [b]sonship
The church was not in existence when Genesis was written.
Where in the New Testament is this Lilith demonized ?
The church was in existence when it selected the books of the bible from preexisting myths and legends. I made no claim that lilith is mentioned in the new testament.
in both the Old Test ...[text shortened]... t just write down "Gobble Gobble!"
Btw, here's a short youtube about lilith. Just for fun.[/b]
Originally posted by apathistI haven't given it too much thought.
Okay. Trying to figure things out is fun. But I am sure we are part of this world, right here around you now.
( One sentence about some Lilith - no big deal ).
Pulling little oddities from the Scriptures, i don't get too distracted with.
I come to the Bible mostly for spiritual life.
i come to it to touch Christ in my spirit and in my heart for living in the world now, and in preparation for the coming age.
You learn to graduate from little curiosities for just zany gossip.
Originally posted by sonshipA nice thing about paganism is we aren't trying to convert anyone.
I haven't given it too much thought....
Good luck and best wishes to you. lol I just whacked you with a couple of pagan charms.
The myth of lilith continues to grow and evolve. There is a magazine named for her. wiki:
Lilith magazine is an independent, Jewish-American, feminist non-profit publication that has been issued quarterly since 1976. The magazine features award-winning[1] investigative reports, first-person accounts both contemporary and historical, entertainment reviews, fiction and poetry, art and photography.[2] Topics include everything from rabbinic sexual misconduct, to new rituals and celebrations, to deconstructing the JAP (Jewish American Princess) stereotype, to understanding the Jewish stake in abortion rights.
Banned from the bible but she won't go away. Because she's interesting, deep and powerful.
The story of Adam and his wife, Eve, is not a kind of miscellaneous matter in the Bible. It is not one of many hundreds of curious instances of God doing some rather random or miscellaneous things.
No, in the story of Adam and his wife Eve is a window into the very heart of God and God's eternal purpose. The one became two. Then the two were brought together to be joined as one. This is not a small thing.
In a real sense there is only one Male in existence - God. Man collectively at the end of the Bible is described as a Woman, a Bride, and a Wife.
If you are a saved man you are part of this cooperate Wife.
If you are a saved woman you are part of this cooperate Wife.
Only God Himself is the real Male and the collective entity which both comes out of Him and is brought back to marry Him is a corporate female - New Jerusalem His Bride and Wife.
" And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and the sea is no more.
And I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband." (Rev. 21:1,2)
You should consider Eve coming out of Adam to be a preview of New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven "from God".
As Adam slept and a bone was taken from him to build for him a woman, so you should view that the church came out of Christ as He "slept" on the cross. Out of His side came blood and water [/b}(John 19:34) [/b]. The blood signified redemption. The water signified divine life impartation. These came out of the side of God incarnate on the cross as the rib was taken out of the sleeping Adam.
Though the "blood of Christ" and the "water of life" God builds the eternal city New Jerusalem She will MATCH God incarnate; correspond to God incarnate; echo God incarnate; be brought back to her source the Son of God to be His "wife".
The story of the woman being taken out of the man is window into the overall eternal purpose of God to take OUT of Christ a helpmeet, a match, a romantic other to marry Christ. Christ is God incarnate.
Adam was the source of Eve. Eve came out of Adam and was brought back to Adam to marry. The church is being built up only from what comes out of Christ. Only God is the source of what will spend eternity with God.
And in the formation of Eve, this utterance of the man is exceedingly meaningful -
"And Jehovah God built the rib, which He had taken from the man, into a woman and brought her to the man.
And the man said, This time this is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; This one shall be called Woman because out of Man this one was taken." (Genesis 2:22,23)
The story of Adam and the woman who came out of him, from him, and was brought back to him is a window into the meaning of the universe and human life. Out from Himself God draws out and builds up into a corporate entity a collective which will marry Him to share a life in union for eternity.
How does it feel guys to know that at heart we are all a woman, a collective Woman ?
Only God is the reality of a Man. All who are of this aggregate entity made from out of His divine nature are collectively His Wife.
Originally posted by sonship...Females are subservient to males per christianity, got it. That's why lilith is so important.
No, in the story of Adam and his wife Eve is a window into the very heart of God and God's eternal purpose. The one became two. Then the two were brought together to be joined as one. This is not a small thing. ...
Originally posted by sonshipAren't you a JW? Not being too sarcastic, but the JW bible is short of a lot of scripture text.
Adam had only one wife.
You would rather run after the apocryphal writings that take the canon of the Hebrew Bible ?
You should get a firm grounding in the canon of the Hebrew Bible before chasing after the apocryphal embellishments in the legends of the Jews.
Originally posted by apathistFrasier's first wife. Later demonised in "Cheers".
Adam's first wife. She wouldn't properly obey adam, so she was culled from genesis then demonized later in the bible.
Easy mistake to make. But ...
Frasier is funnier than Adam.
Cheers is more believable than the bible.
Originally posted by wolfgang59Sometimes you want to go
Frasier's first wife. Later demonised in "Cheers".
Easy mistake to make. But ...
Frasier is funnier than Adam.
Cheers is more believable than the bible.
Where everybody knows your name,
And they're always glad you came;
You want to be where you can see,
Our troubles are all the same;
You want to be where everybody knows your name.
Originally posted by Pudgenik
Aren't you a JW? Not being too sarcastic, but the JW bible is short of a lot of scripture text.
Aren't you a JW? Not being too sarcastic, but the JW bible is short of a lot of scripture text.
My God is the Man Jesus.
That should answer your question succinctly.
No, I am not a Jehovah's Witness student of Charles Taz Russell.
I love the Triune God.
I teach people about the Trinity.
As for JWs - Going from door to door preaching and teaching is not wrong.
Their commitment is commendable.
But going from door to door teaching wrong things is bad.
They are preaching "another Jesus" - an incarnated Michael an archangel.
Originally posted by apathist
Females are subservient to males per christianity, got it. That's why lilith is so important.
Females are subservient to males per christianity, got it. That's why lilith is so important.
Lillitth is important to you because it is a handy distraction from Jesus Christ.
Lillith is just a toy you grab on to with some questionable justification, to rationalize not having to listen to the Gospel of Christ.
You just need to be pre-occupied with some distraction. And a distraction seemingly related tangentially to the Bible works good.
I've been there.