@suzianne saidYou are free to characterize lowering taxes, eliminating regulations, taking a hardline stance on immigration, and other policies as 'serving mammon' if that is what your retail politics instincts would have you do, but I think characterizing and condemning those who support them as somehow not believing in Jesus is a case of you not subscribing to 'live and let live'.
"No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon." - Matthew 6:24 KJV
@suzianne saidTalking of "knowing them by their fruits". SecondSon, for example, recently revealed that "...I like fixing flat tires for some helpless person who then offers me money for the deed. I refuse of course. I also like to give money to bums with cardboard signs that say they lost their job and everything else." He also opposes abortion and all the progressive stances regarding issues that come under the heading 'LBQT rights' in accordance with his Christian beliefs. Sounds like a Christian to me. He also supports Trump.
"Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?" - Matthew 7:16 KJV
@fmf saidYou have a much different view of Christianity than I do. So do all the people who claim to be Christian while supporting Trump.
Talking of "knowing them by their fruits". SecondSon, for example, recently revealed that "...I like fixing flat tires for some helpless person who then offers me money for the deed. I refuse of course. I also like to give money to bums with cardboard signs that say they lost their job and everything else." He also opposes abortion and all the progressive stances regarding issues ...[text shortened]... ts' in accordance with his Christian beliefs. Sounds like a Christian to me. He also supports Trump.
That's as may be. Judgement day will sort out those taking the broad way from those taking the narrow way.
@fmf saidEven demons know that Jesus is the Son of God.
I can "seriously" believe people can admire and support Trump and still believe Jesus Christ was the Son of God who sacrificed His life so that "sinners" could be "saved".
@fmf saidAnd some think that believing this is all that is required for their salvation, and that one can safely ignore the rest of what Jesus preached.
I have no reason to believe "demons" exist. But I know for sure that Christians do. They believe that Jesus sacrificed His life so that "sinners" could be "saved".
@fmf saidI still don't see how living a life in antithesis of what Jesus preached makes one a Christian. It's nonsensical; it's hypocritical.
Yes, that's right. Different people have different views about Christianity and what being a Christian means.
@suzianne saidI don't see how supporting and admiring Trump can be characterized as "living a life in antithesis of what Jesus preached". That's rather silly and unhelpful hyperbole. It would be like characterizing your support for abortion rights as "living a life in antithesis of what Jesus preached". It'd be silly and unhelpful hyperbole.
I still don't see how living a life in antithesis of what Jesus preached makes one a Christian. It's nonsensical; it's hypocritical.