Originally posted by FabianFnasInteresting.
Hitler killed 6 million people, God killed almost every man on earth at that time.Who is the most cruel one? Hitler believed in god, but he wasn't near of what god did in terms of genocide.
How many people did Hitler give life to as compared to God?
I figure the one who gives life has more authority over it than the one who cannot give life in the first place.
Do you have any stats on how many people Adolf Hitler gave life as compared to the Creator God?
Originally posted by jaywillSo if you give life, then you can take life?
How many people did Hitler give life [b]to as compared to God?
I figure the one who gives life has more authority over it than the one who cannot give life in the first place.
Do you have any stats on how many people Adolf Hitler gave life as compared to the Creator God?[/b]
If I have one child, can I take your life then?
Now we are talking genocide, nothing else. Hitler is in heaven, he was christian. God is there too. They have things in common. Killing people.
Originally posted by FabianFnasYou didn't answer the question. Try an answer and then I'll proceed.
So if you give life, then you can take life?
If I have one child, can I take your life then?
Now we are talking genocide, nothing else. Hitler is in heaven, he was christian. God is there too. They have things in common. Killing people.
Originally posted by FabianFnasHow do you know Hitler was a Christian?
So if you give life, then you can take life?
If I have one child, can I take your life then?
Now we are talking genocide, nothing else. Hitler is in heaven, he was christian. God is there too. They have things in common. Killing people.
How do you know Hitler is in Heaven?
How do you know God is in Heaven?
How do you know that anyone who dies, Christian or not, is in Heaven?
Originally posted by FabianFnasSo by proclaiming that Hitler was a Christian you hope to bulster up more rational to oppose the teachings of Jesus Christ ?
So if you give life, then you can take life?
If I have one child, can I take your life then?
Now we are talking genocide, nothing else. Hitler is in heaven, he was christian. God is there too. They have things in common. Killing people.
Do you take comfort in your belief that Hitler was a Christian and is now in heaven as a sturdy rational to reject Christ and His Gospel?
Is it like "Well, since the teaching of Jesus produced Adolf Hitler who is now in heaven, I can totally ignore the teachings of Jesus."
Is that how it goes with you?
Originally posted by FabianFnasIt's pretty debatable whether Hitler was a christian. He was brought up in a Catholic house and town, but in power he supported the suppression of the church pretty heavily.
So if you give life, then you can take life?
If I have one child, can I take your life then?
Now we are talking genocide, nothing else. Hitler is in heaven, he was christian. God is there too. They have things in common. Killing people.
He talked a lot about "providence" and seemed to believe he was destined by a superior force or power to fulfil his destiny as a great german leader (he didn't really fulfil it when it comes down to it), but I don't think he was a christian per se.
I don't think he would have been a moral person even if he were a christian mind you.
Originally posted by FabianFnasSome people say they're Christian and they're not. If they don't display their Christianity then they're not really Christian. Hitler didn't really believe, his life demonstrates that. He might be in heaven but I seriously doubt it!
So if you give life, then you can take life?
If I have one child, can I take your life then?
Now we are talking genocide, nothing else. Hitler is in heaven, he was christian. God is there too. They have things in common. Killing people.
Originally posted by jaywillYour question is off topic. I conclude that god is more evil than god because god takes more life than Hitler. You don't seem to object to that. I'm satisfied with that.
You didn't answer the question. Try an answer and then I'll proceed.
Originally posted by jaywill
How do you know Hitler was a Christian?
How do you know Hitler is in Heaven?
How do you know God is in Heaven?
How do you know that anyone who dies, Christian or not, is in Heaven?
Originally posted by jaywill
So by proclaiming that Hitler was a Christian you hope to ...
Hitler was a christian. He believed in god. So says christian priests.
God is in heaven alright. Read the prayer "Our father who are in heaven..."
Actually I don't believe in god, nor heaven. Tha'ts your belief. Don't question me of what you think is right.
I don't proclaiming anything. I just put two and two together. If (a) christian says that god is good, and (b) god killed almost the enire population of earth at that time, then (a)+(b) gives that it is good to kill people. And (c) that Hitler killed 6 million people and he is considered evil, then god must be considered more evil than Hitler. This is my reasoning. Therefore (amongst other facts) I cannot belive in such a god.
Originally posted by PsychoPawnSo if you kill people, then you can't call yourself christian?
It's pretty debatable whether Hitler was a christian. He was brought up in a Catholic house and town, but in power he supported the suppression of the church pretty heavily.
Originally posted by chappy1
Some people say they're Christian and they're not. If they don't display their Christianity then they're not really Christian. Hitle ...[text shortened]... ally believe, his life demonstrates that. He might be in heaven but I seriously doubt it!
Then all the missionaries in Sout America is not christians because of the genocides they performed in the amazonian djungle? Or the priests in the spanish inquisision that burned people in fire because they thought their own beliefs? I'll mention Bruno again, I think you know what I think of his death.
Many wars are conducted in the name of god, killing a lot of people through the history.
The key point everyone seems to be missing is that from a theist perspective, killing is only wrong because God says so. It is not inherently wrong or evil. If God had not put in the ten commandments "thou shalt not kill" then there would be nothing wrong with killing someone. After all, you may be simply expediting their entry to heaven.
I object to Jaywills argument about he who gives life can take it. I do not see how it provides justification. Also, it creates confusion about what is meant by the word 'life' which is used in various different forms by theists. It would make more sense to talk about what happens after death. If the people killed (as was the case with the flood) are destined for hell, then God is merely expediting it. He had already judged them, so there was really no chance for repentance. If on the other hand God lets them into heaven then again his expediting it can only be seen as a good thing - unless heaven is not all it is make up to be.
Originally posted by FabianFnasYour question is off topic.
Your question is off topic. I conclude that god is more evil than god because god takes more life than Hitler. You don't seem to object to that. I'm satisfied with that.
Hitler was a christian. He believed in god. So says christian priests.
God is in heaven alright. Read the prayer "Our father who are in heaven..."
Actually I don't believe in god, no er. This is my reasoning. Therefore (amongst other facts) I cannot belive in such a god.
If there is a topic - "Man created in the image of God" your comment is just as much off topic.
I conclude that god is more evil than god because god takes more life than Hitler.
That is warped thinking at best.
Ultimately we could count the death of every person as attributable to God. Who else has control over when your last day is if not God?
According to the Bible it was God who ordained that after the transgression of Adam all people would die. So why not blame the death of all people on God and end the matter that He has killed more than anyone?
Of course I might expect you to totally ignore that God too alone has the plan of salvation and resurrection of all people. So the Bible's God has not only authority over when everyone has his or her last day but also when everyone is resurrected from the dead.
"Do not marvel at this, for an hour is coming in which all in the tombs will hear His voice and will come forth: those who have done good, to the resurrection of life; and those who have practiced evil
to the resurrection of judgment." (John 5:28,29)
"Truly, truly, I say to you, An hour is coming , and it is now, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live.
For just as the Father has life in Himself, so He gave to the Son to have life in Himself;
And He gave Him authority to execute judgment because He is the Son of Man." (John 5:25-27)
At least in my Christian faith this God has authority to resurrect again all that He has killed. And He has authority to judge for deeds done.
In your philosophy though you complain about Hitler's murders, still Hitler will probably melt peacefully away into dust and not have to give an account to God for his deeds.
There is more fairness and justice in my belief in a God who has authority over everyone's life, death, and resurrection than there is with your atheism.
You don't seem to object to that. I'm satisfied with that.
Your satisfied with a lot less warped logic than that. Your satisfied with believing that your righteousness exceeds that of God and of Jesus Christ.
On the other hand I am satisfied with a book like Jonah which is dedicated to the revelation of God's reluctance to judge a sinful nation rather than His eagerness to do so.
Besides this God told Abraham that He could not punish the Canaanites yet because they were not yet bad enough. He needed another 400 years of their downward rebellion before they merited having the Israelites come in and take over thier land.
So God gives them another 400 years to disperse their sinful society and stop their terrible deeds. Then when Israel does come out of the land of Egypt ready to enter into Canaan, God delays the judgement for another additional 40 years. Forty more years they see divine judgement coming. Virtually only the hardest of the hard were left.
Any supposed "genocide" was of a people was held off by 400 years plus 40 years of impending warnings.
Can you imagine Hitler giving the Jews 440 years to repent of their so-called misdeeds? There is no comparison between God's actions and those of Hitler. Your warped way of thinking is eager to accuse God so that you may live comfortably in your own sins with self righteousness.
Hitler was a christian.
Sure, anyone who says they believe in apple pie and motherhood is a Christian. It a free world enough for anyone to say they are whatever they want.
Why don't you also condemn music as evil? Hitler's armies marched to music sometimes. So music is Nazism, right ?
David Duke and those fellas who like to burn crosses and bomb churches - the Ku Klux Klan ... there's some more Christians for you to accuse of being disciples of Jesus. Have at it.
Hey, they have flaming crosses. Right" So they must be Christians.
Your too dull I suppose to see that this for people to claim to be followers of Christ while doing evil deeds is not a statement on the quality of CHrist's teachings. It is a statement on the depravity of people to seize a noble and pure teaching to dignify their base and selfish desires.
What better way to lend credence to selfish and evil deeds than to proclaim that they are Christian?
But if you wanted to be a little objective about history you might also gather some information about these:
How many cloths have been put on naked backs in the name of being Christian.
How much shelter and food has been ministered to the needy under the banner of "Christians".
How many services to help the poor, the sick, the oppressed have also been performed under the banner of "Christian"
How many lives have been saved under the banner of "Christian"
Of course I expect no objectivity from your warped view of history.
He believed in god. So says christian priests.
I am happy with Christ's intructions that say we shall know His disciples by their fruits.
Besides, what makes you think that just making Christians was the goal of Christ? What makes you thinks to be Christians is an end in itself. I see Jesus concerned that His disciples be overcomers as believers in Him - (Rev.2:7;11;17;26; 3:5;12;21)
So in the New Testament there are false Christians you know. Then there are defeated Christians and overcoming Christians.
False Christians can say whatever they want about what they are.
Those who are really regenerated spiritual disciples of Jesus can be defeated by immaturity or victorious in maturity. The Bible doesn't say that you have arrived at God's goal simply because you have been saved and can say "I am a Christian".
Christ looked for the Christians who overcome the old nature and mature into the new nature imparted to them by their new birth in Christ. Being born is not the end in itself.
So it matters little if Hitler was a Christian or not. I doubt that he was. And if he was he certainy manifested to be a defeated Christian.
Anyway, unlike you, I am not looking for poor Christians. I am looking for mature ones. I don't hunt for disciples who will give me excuses NOT to believe the Gospel. I look around for disciples of Jesus who give me reasons TO beleive the gospel.
Do you like chess? Do you hunt for poor chess players to give you reasons to give up chess? Or do you look around for good players who encourage you to keep on keeping on to maturity?
Jesus told me to follow Him. What difference does it make to me what Adolf does. Jesus said for ME to follow Him.
He didn't tell me to follow Hitler. What a matter with you? Are you afraid that you won't have any self control and that you may become like Hitler if you believe in the Son of God?
Is that your handy dandy excuse to reject the Son of God? You're afraid that you'll end up like Adolf Hitler?
God is in heaven alright. Read the prayer "Our father who are in heaven..."
Very good. That passages says that God is in heaven.
Find me a verse now that suggests that He wants His saved people to spend eternity in Heaven.
I see the New Jerusalem coming down OUT of heaven to the earth in the closing pages of the Bible. The saved man's destiny is not GOING TO HEAVEN. It is becoming transformed into the image of Christ to be like Christ.
God Himself is the destiny. The destiny of the saved is to be in God - "No one comes to the Father except through Me"
You get forgiven of all your sins. You do not get to remain the same kind of person you were when you sinned.
Every saved person must be transformed into the image of Christ. There is NO exception. You do not get to remain as you are. Neither you nor me nor Hitler (if he was a Christian which is dubious). We all who come to Jesus must be changed by Jesus.
So the destiny is really the Person of Jesus rather than the place of Heaven.
Actually I don't believe in god, nor heaven. Tha'ts your belief. Don't question me of what you think is right.
You make ignorant statements about what I believe and they get exposed.
I just exposed your ignorance about the Christian faith and the tissue of flimsy excuses you have for disdaining Christ.
Now go get busy and work on more lame and stupid misconceptions of my faith and the Bible. Do the best you can and have your little day. Then join the rest of the dying liars who think theu can hold a moral candle to God and Jesus.
I don't proclaiming anything. I just put two and two together.
Pigeon crap!! You're here to proclaim your "noble" rejection of the Gospel of Christ.
If (a) christian says that god is good, and (b) god killed almost the enire population of earth at that time, then (a)+(b) gives that it is good to kill people. And (c) that Hitler killed 6 million people and he is considered evil, then god must be considered more evil than Hitler. This is my reasoning. Therefore (amongst other facts) I cannot belive in such a god.
Sounds real logical.
You'd go well in the mob that cried out "Crucify Him. Crucify Him".
They had thier excellent reasons also.
And where did you pick up the concept that killing people was wrong anyway? Did you invent it? Did you read it somewhe...
Originally posted by jaywillYou really worked hard for your last posting, did you?
And where did you pick up the concept that killing people was wrong anyway?
Yur wrote: And where did you pick up the concept that killing people was wrong anyway?
Do you really mean that it is okay to kill? God did it so it must be okay? I don't think, no, I hope not, that all christians agree with you... But it certainly explains all the wars conducted in the name of god, even amongst christians.
Originally posted by FabianFnas=====================
You really worked hard for your last posting, did you?
Yur wrote: [b]And where did you pick up the concept that killing people was wrong anyway?
Do you really mean that it is okay to kill? God did it so it must be okay? I don't think, no, I hope not, that all christians agree with you... But it certainly explains all the wars conducted in the name of god, even amongst christians.[/b]
You really worked hard for your last posting, did you?
Let me know when your relevant comments start.
Yur wrote: And where did you pick up the concept that killing people was wrong anyway?
If you're an athiest then what diff does it make if you kill or not? Everybody will peacefully melt away into the dust of the earth. There is no final accounting or judgment in atheism.
Your sense of fair play or goodness has no strong foundation. It is purely a subjective matter according to your whim and taste. There is no ultimate standard of morality to give it any strength.
I have ultimate Governor of the universe in my belief who says that judgement is according to truth.
You're an atheist. So on what basis are you up in arms that what Hitler did was bad? That's just your groundless and subjective whim of an opinion no better than Hitler's. He thought is was good to wipe out the Jews.
What makes you more right than Hitler in your atheism?
Do you really mean that it is okay to kill? God did it so it must be okay? I don't think, no, I hope not, that all christians agree with you...
I didn't say it was good. Rather I point out that your atheism has no strong moral foundation upon which to decide if Hitler's actions were good or not.
At any rate in you atheism, there is no last judgment conducted by a righteous God. So Hitler can jump into his grave laughing that he got away with everything and will just become non-existent.
In your system, he has much more incentive to do bad and think he'll get away. In the gospel "It is appointed to men once to die, and after [death] judgment."
But it certainly explains all the wars conducted in the name of god, even amongst christians.
Do you have stats on how many wars were avoided because of God?
IF there is a God how do you know how many battles and wars were not launched because somewhere someone held a belief in God or prayed to God? Even if there is no God what stats do you have on wars that were avoided because of a belief in God?
Do you have stats on how many wars were not fought because of belief in God?
Pol Pot killed millions in the name of your atheism. Stalin slaughters millions in the name of your atheism. Mao killed millions in the name of your atheism.
Has the 20th century passed you by completely unnoticed? Wake up.
Originally posted by jaywillI think I've already made my point.
You really worked hard for your last posting, did you?
Let me know when your relevant comments start.
Yur wrote: And where did you pick up the concept that killing people was wrong anyway?
If you're an athiest t of your atheism.
Has the 20th century passed you by completely unnoticed? Wake up.[/b]
"If you are a true christian, then you are alowed to kill."
I have nothing more to say.