05 Jun 22
@divegeester saidIf that is true why call himself an Atheist that just to piss off God? Denying God’s reality now is to deny Him always, reality didn’t change the day he changed his mind. If he suddenly realized what he had was not true it was never true.
FMF was a Christian with Christ in him, and he “fell away” as you described, from scripture.
01 Jul 22
@kellyjay saidI fully understand that you believe that ,"Jesus Christ’s redemption" is a reality and that this belief has a real impact on your life.
Jesus Christ’s redemption is a reality in my life, for you it was so real you can deny and reject all you claimed you once believed, that was how real it was for you!
@fmf saidThis is true; our faith doesn't make God a reality; God is a reality no matter what
My firm faith didn't make the Christian God a reality. Neither does yours. My faith was real, though. And so is yours.
we think one way or another. You say what you had wasn't real, though you did
believe it, and you now deny it as real because, as you accurately say, your faith
doesn't make a God a reality. This is exactly what I have been saying to you all
long if what you had wasn't real; you didn't have God. All you were ever doing
was conjuring up a feeling for emotion at best, fitting in the group, acting like
everyone around you, with some being real and others just like you, all acting
in the name of Jesus only.
You then go on assuming everyone else' experience was as fake as yours was.
01 Jul 22
@kellyjay saidWith one thing or another, while you 'get' the impact and perspectives that faith gives you, as I did too, you are too much of regurgitator - and goldfish in a bowl [that's a metaphor, KellyJay, not literal] to be able to exhibit much in the way of insight into or conception of the nature of religious faith.
You then go on assuming everyone else' experience was as fake as yours was.
01 Jul 22
@kellyjay saidHang on though, what I "accurately said" was, in fact "My firm faith didn't make the Christian God a reality. Neither does yours." You either accept ALL of this is "accurate" or you don't. Don't be so disingenuous. If you DO accept it as "accurate", then for you to continue to claim that your opinions are objective is rather silly.
You say what you had wasn't real, though you did
believe it, and you now deny it as real because, as you accurately say, your faith
doesn't make a God a reality.
@fmf saidI'm not defining everyone by myself as you do. Even with dive I have to acknowledge
With one thing or another, while you 'get' the impact and perspectives that faith gives you, as I did too, you are too much of regurgitator - and goldfish in a bowl [that's a metaphor, KellyJay, not literal] to be able to exhibit much in the way of insight into or conception of the nature of religious faith.
that it isn't me that decides his fate before God, but the Jesus Christ who died and
rose from the dead on dive's behalf. You want to make it about my opinion, about
your opinion, about dive's opinion when in fact it isn't our opinions it is Christ's the
faithful one you rejected and denied.
@kellyjay saidYou can stick this kind of "Easter bunny" drivel in your ear, KellyJay. It makes you seem small and insecure.
All you were ever doing
was conjuring up a feeling for emotion at best, fitting in the group, acting like
everyone around you else' experience was as fake as yours was.
01 Jul 22
@kellyjay saidAll you have to offer is your personal opinions, KellyJay. They are all you are offering up for discussion
I'm not defining everyone by myself as you do. Even with dive I have to acknowledge
that it isn't me that decides his fate before God, but the Jesus Christ who died and
rose from the dead on dive's behalf. You want to make it about my opinion, about
your opinion, about dive's opinion when in fact it isn't our opinions it is Christ's the
faithful one you rejected and denied.
01 Jul 22
@kellyjay saidMake your mind up KellyJay!
it is Christ's the
faithful one you rejected and denied.
How could FMF have been “rejecting and denying christ” at the same time as he was faking it all and “conjuring up a feeling for emotion at best, fitting in the group, acting like everyone around [him]”
Your mean-spiritedness knows no end does it!
Your dislike for FMF wants you to have him both a Christian who is rejecting Christ AND a faker who never had Christ and was just “playing along with everyone else”
How utterly unchristian, how utterly reprobate of you!
@divegeester saidBecause our opinions don't make us Christian, only Jesus Christ. Proclaiming what
Make your mind up KellyJay!
How could FMF have been “rejecting and denying christ” at the same time as he was faking it all and “conjuring up a feeling for emotion at best, fitting in the group, acting like everyone around [him]”
Your mean-spiritedness knows no end does it!
Your dislike for FMF wants you to have him both a Christian who is rejecting Christ AND a ...[text shortened]... as just “playing along with everyone else”
How utterly unchristian, how utterly reprobate of you!
he had wasn't real, as he is now in his denial. His current declaration shows his
experience wasn't real then. It was only an opinion then and only an opinion now.
Jesus Christ, in reality, must accept us and enter into us, making us Christians by
His sanctification work as He redeems us as we strive to enter into the narrow
gate abiding in Him.
If your Christianity doesn't require Christ in your life, its a personal Christianity that
is godless, and the Jesus you have is of your own making.
@divegeester saidThis is why I need a savior.
KellyJay you’re quite a nasty piece of work really, aren’t you.
@fmf saidWe all give witness to the truth we believe in, and when we are right and not, does
All you have to offer is your personal opinions, KellyJay. They are all you are offering up for discussion
not change because we accept or reject it, molding our opinions.