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Moon landings

Moon landings


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@sonship said

Do you think the evidence that Jesus rose from the dead is stronger and more convincing than the evidence that the U.S. landed on the moon?

Do you think the evidence that Jesus rose from the dead is stronger and more convincing than the evidence that the Earth is not flat?

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Do you think the evidence that Jesus rose from the dead is stronger and more convincing than the evidence that the Earth is not flat?


Let me save you some time as you line up more questions.
If I were in a deep coma and not even aware of my own identity I think the conviction that Jesus is alive would be the strongest most indestructible notion my mind would still hold.

Both objectively and subjectively, I am more convinced of the redemptive death and victorious resurrection of Christ.

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@sonship said
If I were in a deep coma and not even aware of my own identity I think the conviction that Jesus is alive would be the strongest most indestructible notion my mind would still hold.
You would still have faith in Jesus even you were in a coma?

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I've said it before. When you receive the living and available Jesus Christ into your heart, you receive something that the world cannot give you. And the world cannot take it away.

That is subjective. Subjective is important with a relationship with God.

Objectively, the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus is what might be called the "inference to the best explanation" of what happened to tens of thousands of Jews in Jerusalem for those few weeks when they saw tumultuous changes from their ancient traditions.


@sonship said

Do you think the evidence that Jesus rose from the dead is stronger and more convincing than the evidence that the U.S. landed on the moon?


By the way. I do not WANT that six or seven times men DID NOT walked and ride buggies on the moon. I'm just curious about the real facts.

I also find it puzzling that the technology written in mu ...[text shortened]... s, state secrets, and they classified all of it. But that they lost it?

Sounds fishy.
Is the biblical evidence for the talking donkey stronger than the evidence that man walked on the moon?

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You would still have faith in Jesus even you were in a coma?

Yes, I believe so. Christ touches the deepest part of a human being's innermost consciousness.

"He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit" (1 Cor. 6:17)

Part of your being within becomes God.

HE ... WHO IS JOINED ... TO THE LORD [Jesus Christ] ... is ONE SPIRIT .

Part of your own being becomes the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Speaking of His resurrection, Jesus said, and it has become so meaningful to us ...

"In that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you." (John 14:20)



How about that chap who was swallowed by the whale. Is there more evidence of that fishy incident than there is of man walking on the moon?



Okay, forget the whale. Jacob wrestling an angel. Is there more evidence for that than of man walking on the moon?

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How about that chap who was swallowed by the whale. Is there more evidence of that fishy incident than there is of man walking on the moon?

I'd have to think on that. But leaping to make every miracle in the Bible on the same level as the resurrection of Christ, is not necessary.

The chap was the prophet Jonah.
He was swallowed by a fish, of which the Bible says it was "appointed".

A special fish was APPOINTED to swallow a man.

This event is not placed on exactly the same level of importance as the resurrection of Christ. I came to believe this auxiliary record because the integrity of Jesus is for me beyond questioning. And He taught that it was a pointer to His own dying and rising in three days.

"But just as Jonah was in the belly of the great fish three days and three nights, so will the Son of Man be in the heart of the earth three days and three nights.

The men of Ninevite men will stand up in the judgment with this generation and will condemn it, because they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and behold, something more than Jonah is here." (Matt. 12:40,41)

So I believe Jesus death and resurrection is more important.
So I also believe that Jesus took Jonah's experience as history. He said that in a judgment the Ninevites would be with those standing before Him of His generation.

I decided that Jesus would not mix allegorical people with real people standing together in a judgment before God. So as real as the people before Him were so also were the Ninevites.

And the Ninevites believed the preaching of Jonah. And that had to be preaching AFTER he was released out of the belly of the appointed large fish.


@sonship said

How about that chap who was swallowed by the whale. Is there more evidence of that fishy incident than there is of man walking on the moon?

I'd have to think on that. But leaping to make every miracle in the Bible on the same level as the resurrection of Christ, is not necessary.

The chap was the prophet Jonah.
He was sw ...[text shortened]... ah. And that had to be preaching AFTER he was released out of the belly of the appointed large fish.
I'm aware you attach more significance to the resurrection of Christ. The question, however, is if the Jonah incident causes you to have some doubts, as you say the moon landing does?

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@sonship said

You would still have faith in Jesus even you were in a coma?

Yes, I believe so. Christ touches the deepest part of a human being's innermost consciousness.
Do you believe that non-believers in deep comas and not even aware of their own identities when they die will be tormented in burning flames for eternity? If so, do you believe they will be revived from their comas and reminded of their identities?

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@sonship said

How about that chap who was swallowed by the whale. Is there more evidence of that fishy incident than there is of man walking on the moon?

I'd have to think on that. But leaping to make every miracle in the Bible on the same level as the resurrection of Christ, is not necessary.
I cannot 'make the leap' to believe the "miracle in the Bible" about Jesus supposedly rising from the dead. Do you think I could 'make the leap' if I were in a coma and unaware of my own identity?

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The real issue is that what they really want us to believe is that the Earth is round, not flat when it is really flat To hide this fact, they then use projections in the sky to convince us that the moon and sun and planets are really round as well, hence the added deception with the moon landings.

It has you all believers. LOL.

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Interestingly, Jonah was really the first man to walk on the moon, which is really flat like the earth.

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Have you read any posts I wrote on the thread "the Unevangelized" ?

I think that when you ask questions of me, it is not to understand. Rather it is to display how much you think YOU understand.

I've gotten accustomed to your style - You ask questions to show off how much you think that YOU understand.

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