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Moses was a terrorist

Moses was a terrorist


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Originally posted by googlefudge
Here for quick reference is the OP posted by Zahlanzi

[quote]Christian Bale was interviewed about his portrayal of Moses.

His view is that Moses was a terrorist.

-He claims he is doing God's work, that he speaks for God.
-He engaged in 10 plagues. These plagues targeted Egypt's water supply, crops, etc. All of them target civilians and the ...[text shortened]... s. And it's hard to debate or even converse with someone if they make
errors this basic and large.
Your intelligence and opinion I respect. We admittedly have limited if any common biblical
and/or dispensational frames of reference. Thanks for your reply on Zahlanzi's behalf.

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Originally posted by Zahlanzi (OP)
"Aside from the supernatural factors, what difference is there between moses and palestinian terrorists?..."

It's somewhat encouraging to hear you tacitly acknowledge the possibility if not the fact of "supernatural factors".
dude, i am a theist. don't be so surprised.

however googlefudge is right, in this thread i am uninterested in discussing the fiction or nonfiction of the exodus.

i just ask, given what exodus says, if moses can be considered a terrorist.


Originally posted by stellspalfie
for a start googlefudges comments were not anti-semitic. stating that you dont believe in somebodies god is completely different to denying that they have suffered atrocities. just as it would be perfectly reasonable for me to say that i dont believe in american indian or aborignal gods is totally different to me denying the atrocities that happened to ...[text shortened]... from atheists denying the bible as true the same as a jew feels when people deny the holocaust?
stick it to her boyo.


Originally posted by Zahlanzi
dude, i am a theist. don't be so surprised.

however googlefudge is right, in this thread i am uninterested in discussing the fiction or nonfiction of the exodus.

i just ask, given what exodus says, if moses can be considered a terrorist.
◾“If there were no God, there would be no atheists.” – Where All Roads Lead, 1922 -G.K. Chesterton

"If there was no God, there'd be no reason to be an atheist." -truth. (Facebook Paraphrase) Thread 162611 (Page 2)

May I ask why an "atheist" would care about "the exodus" or "moses" unless still considering the possibility that God exists?

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
◾“If there were no God, there would be no atheists.” – Where All Roads Lead, 1922 -G.K. Chesterton

"If there was no God, there'd be no reason to be an atheist." -truth. (Facebook Paraphrase) Thread 162611 (Page 2)

May I ask why an "atheist" would care about "the exodus" or "moses" unless still considering the possibility that God exists?
/Picard double facepalm.

Ignoring for the moment that this question has been asked [by you] and answered
[by just about every atheist on this site multiple times over]....

Zahlanzi just said he was a THEIST... not an atheist....

If you wear glasses/contacts, you might want to consider checking your prescription.

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
◾“If there were no God, there would be no atheists.” – Where All Roads Lead, 1922 -G.K. Chesterton

"If there was no God, there'd be no reason to be an atheist." -truth. (Facebook Paraphrase) Thread 162611 (Page 2)

May I ask why an "atheist" would care about "the exodus" or "moses" unless still considering the possibility that God exists?
◾“If there were no God, there would be no atheists.” – Where All Roads Lead, 1922 -G.K. Chesterton

Evidently false. Both logically and evidentially.

atheists are people who lack a belief in the existence of gods,
the lack of existence of a god or gods does not make lacking a belief in gods impossible,
Therefore there can be atheists given an absence of a god or gods.

There are atheists, there are no gods, therefore there can be atheists without the existence of gods.

"If there was no God, there'd be no reason to be an atheist." -truth.

Again, incorrect.

Firstly the lack of existent gods is THE reason to be an atheist...

Otherwise you are arguing that the only when gods actually exist should people not believe in them...

Do I need to explain why that's stupid?

People DECLARE their atheism, and it's relevant, not because of the existence or non-existence of gods...

But because of the BELIEVERS in gods, and what they do.

For example one thing atheists and atheist organisations do [in America] is fight to preserve the separation
of church and state and try to prevent the erosion of teaching standards by creationists.

Whether god/s exist or not, the people trying to get creationism taught as fact and to ban the teaching of
evolution are very real.

May I ask why an "atheist" would care about "the exodus" or "moses" unless still considering the possibility that God exists?

Because people believe in it, and as people base decisions that effect others on those beliefs it is perfectly
reasonable and valid to question those beliefs. Both to try to understand them and possibly to change them.

Again, we have told you this many many many many many times.

So I have to ask you.

Are you just not listening, or are you just to stupid to understand the answer?


Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
◾“If there were no God, there would be no atheists.” – Where All Roads Lead, 1922 -G.K. Chesterton
There are people who don't believe that the Loch Ness monster exists.

Therefore the Loch Ness monster must exist???

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
◾“If there were no God, there would be no atheists.” – Where All Roads Lead, 1922 -G.K. Chesterton

"If there was no God, there'd be no reason to be an atheist." -truth. (Facebook Paraphrase) Thread 162611 (Page 2)

May I ask why an "atheist" would care about "the exodus" or "moses" unless still considering the possibility that God exists?
i am confused. do you think i made a typo?

i really, really, really am a theist. as a matter of fact, i consider myself a christian, though i refuse to adhere to a certain flavor of christianity.

i am a theist and i find absolutely no problem with labeling horrifying stuff as horrifying. no matter from what book it is.

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Originally posted by googlefudge
◾“If there were no God, there would be no atheists.” – Where All Roads Lead, 1922 -G.K. Chesterton
We want quotes like this one to stick around. They are quite helpful in identifying those who think they are more clever than they actually are. 🙂

Just think how much time might be wasted debating the people who had no C.S. Lewis to quote, for example.

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Going back to the OP, has anyone yet pointed out the HUGE difference that Moses didn't have to do the work of terrorizing himself?

No need for anything so messy and inefficient as suicide bombing, nor as low in kill counts as the Charlie Hebdo shooting.

Perhaps that's the difference between military action and terrorist action. Any given terrorist action is lucky to get kills in the triple digits. Any military action is a waste of resources if it doesn't get a kill count at least in the thousands.

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Originally posted by BigDoggProblem
Perhaps that's the difference between military action and terrorist action. Any given terrorist action is lucky to get kills in the triple digits. Any military action is a waste of resources if it doesn't get a kill count at least in the thousands.
I am not convinced that we cannot call the nuclear bombs dropped on Japan terrorism.
But you are right, that the actions in the Moses story, are on the order of genocidal type atrocities rather than the typical terrorist suicide bombing. Just think, if every first born of every family in any given sizable nation on earth today were to be killed, what would we call that? What about if someone released a virus that actually caused enough deaths to be labelled a plague?

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Originally posted by BigDoggProblem
Going back to the OP, has anyone yet pointed out the HUGE difference that Moses didn't have to do the work of terrorizing himself?

No need for anything so messy and inefficient as suicide bombing, nor as low in kill counts as the Charlie Hebdo shooting.

Perhaps that's the difference between military action and terrorist action. Any given terrori ...[text shortened]... ilitary action is a waste of resources if it doesn't get a kill count at least in the thousands.
"Going back to the OP, has anyone yet pointed out the HUGE difference that Moses didn't have to do the work of terrorizing himself?"

incorrect. just like the terrorist making the bomb and the one delivering it is not always the same person, so was moses triggering the plagues. he also delivers the demands/ultimatums.

"Any given terrorist action is lucky to get kills in the triple digits"
just because of the limitations of the tools used. the americans got very high kill counts in hiroshima and nagasaki or when bombing civilians in germany. not all terrorists are poor. low body count is not a defining trait of a terrorist, causing terror is.

"Any military action is a waste of resources if it doesn't get a kill count at least in the thousands"
a military action such as you describe would quite often resemble a terrorist act. the most successful military actions are the ones who destroy military targets with minimal civilian impact.

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Originally posted by twhitehead
I am not convinced that we cannot call the nuclear bombs dropped on Japan terrorism.
But you are right, that the actions in the Moses story, are on the order of genocidal type atrocities rather than the typical terrorist suicide bombing. Just think, if every first born of every family in any given sizable nation on earth today were to be killed, what wou ...[text shortened]... at about if someone released a virus that actually caused enough deaths to be labelled a plague?
genocides are systematic killings of an entire ethnic group for the express purpose of ultimately obliterating someone.

the plagues were terrorist acts meant to inflict terror, prove how helpless the enemy is (egyptians) and ultimately have some demand met.

"if someone released a virus that "
tricky. it would depend on the intentions of the one who released it.
if it specifically targets some ethnic group, it would be a genocide. if the person wants something in exchange for an antidote, it is a terrorist act.

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Originally posted by googlefudge
/Picard double facepalm.

Ignoring for the moment that this question has been asked [by you] and answered
[by just about every atheist on this site multiple times over]....

Zahlanzi just said he was a THEIST... not an atheist....

If you wear glasses/contacts, you might want to consider checking your prescription.
Thanks, gf. Apparently X 3.25 Drugstore Glasses have become inadequate even with this wide screen laptop.

Q. What may I ask is "/Picard double facepalm."

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Originally posted by googlefudge
◾“If there were no God, there would be no atheists.” – Where All Roads Lead, 1922 -G.K. Chesterton

Evidently false. Both logically and evidentially.

atheists are people who lack a belief in the existence of gods,
the lack of existence of a god or gods does not make lacking a belief in gods impossible,
Therefore there can ...[text shortened]... o ask you.

Are you just not listening, or are you just to stupid to understand the answer?
Originally posted by googlefudge
"Are you just not listening, or are you just to [too] stupid to understand the answer?"

In your eyes probably the latter.

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