First Corthinthians chapters 12 - 14 have a lot of Paul's teaching about Christian church meetings. There is SO much content of importance.
But one thing he says after speaking about the need to do all things in Christian love, is this in the beginning of the next chapter 14.
"Pursue love, and desire earnestly spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy." ( 1 Cor. 14:1)
See to Christian love.
And earnestly desire a particular spiritual gift.
That gift involves the mouth.
It is to PROPHESY.
He says "especially" ... desire to be a Christian who prophesies.
Some may think that this gift to prophesy means mainly to predict. That is to make a supernatural prediction of events.
It is not mainly that here though. It is to SPEAK for the Lord.
It is to speak forth on behalf of the Lord Jesus, on behalf of God.
You have to use your regenerated spirit and you have to use your mouth.
"Pursue love, and desire EARNESTLY spiritual gifts, but ESPECIALLY that you may PROPHESY. (v.1)
For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God; for no one hears, but in his spirit he speaks mysteries. (v.2)
But he who prophesies speaks building up and encouragement and consolation to men." (v.3)
To prophesy is mainly to SPEAK edifying, consulating, encouraging, uplifting, building up, faith producing and faith enhancing words conveying God to people.
Prophesy does not exclude the miraculous. But it is not mainly miraculous prediction by edifying and building up speaking for God for men and women's spiritual benefit.
Paul say this gift should be desired earnestly rather than dismissed as useless "mouth worship".
Paul tells the Christians at Corinth to EARNESTLY desire the gift to prophesy. And then he says he himself ESPECIALLY desires that they would.
"I desire that you all speak in tongues, but especially that you would prophesy, ... " (v.5a)
The Apostle Paul wanted the saints to use their mouths with their regenerated human spirit to prophesy. He wanted them ESPECIALLY to exercise the SPEAKING gifts, all in all, for the building up of one another.
All Christians should earnestly desire to be able to SPEAK forth God, speak for God, and have God conveying speaking. This job should not be left to a special class of clergy.
The Apostle said he desired that all the brothers and sisters in the church life prophesy for building up one another.
He encourages this worship of God with the mouth for the benefit of the hearers.
Paul does not discourage tongue speaking. But he places a higher priority on prophesying in the Christian meetings.
" ... and greater is he who prophesies than he who speaks in tongues,
unless he interprets, that the church may receive building up." (v.5b)
His concern is "What more builds up the local church?"
His realization - propesying is more beneficial.
But if a mysterious tongue is spoken, it is not edifying to the church unless there is an interpretation.
These are uses of the mouth which are intelligible and building up. So to prophesy is greater. But he does not forbid tongue speaking. He says to prophesy is greater in the church meeting.
" ... and greater is he who prophesies than he who speaks in tongues ..."
His priority is the BUILDING UP of the church.
Originally posted by @sonshipGreat thread. I enjoy seeing you make an a$$ of yourself.
The Apostle Paul very much encouraged worshiping God in Spirit with the mouth for the building up of the local church.
Rajk999 has an opportunity to thoroughly trounce me here. Now you all don't be too gleeful about it. Let me down easy now. OK?
Originally posted by @rajk999
Great thread. I enjoy seeing you make an a$$ of yourself.
Great thread. I enjoy seeing you make an a$$ of yourself.
See folks. I told you that he would trounce me.
Boy, I would hate to meet this guy in a dark alley.
In the meantime, isn't it interesting that the apostle Paul says about the use of the mouth.
1.) To prophesy (involving speaking) builds up the church.
2.) We should earnestly excel to build up the church. (ie, to edify fellow believers)
" So also you, since you are zealous of spirits, seek that you may EXCEL for the building up of the church." (1 Cor. 14:12)
Great thread. I enjoy seeing you make an a$$ of yourself.
I'm sorry friends and saints. Rajk999's point is so profoundly impactful, it may take some time for me to find the intellectual wherewithal to deal with his cogent counterpoint.
But in the meantime. The Apostle asked for prayer about himself that he too would be able to open his mouth boldly for the sake of the gospel.
"By means of all prayer ... praying ... for me, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known in boldness the mystery of the gospel." (Eph. 6:18a,19)
Paul learned from experience that the opening of his mouth boldly, in revelation, in speaking forth on behalf of God, was fulfilling God's work.
He desired it therefore for ALL the saints to co-partake of being about to speak forth for God.
"Pursue love, and desire earnestly spiritual gifts,
but especially that you may prophesy." (1 Cor. 14:1)
In the normal church meeting the visitors should be convicted by the PROPHESYING of all the brothers and sisters.
Their speaking should not be quenched but encouraged.
And through much spiritual use of the MOUTH the unbelieving visitor should be convicted by the Holy Spirit.
So the speaking should be rich with proclaiming God in many ways.
" But if all prophesy and some unbeliever or unlearned person enters, he is convicted by all, he is examined by all.
The secrets of his heart become manifest, and so falling on his face, he will worship God, declaring that indeed God is among you." (1 Cor. 14:24,25)
Here he speaks of what should be the case rather than what is average. It should be the case that many believers together PROPHESYING indirectly sheds light into the heart and conscience of the unlearned or unbeliever who hears.
Originally posted by @romans1009He is doing good works, he just called someone an arse.
Is that how you follow the commandments of Christ, amigo? Why aren’t you doing good works?
Please pay attention.
The point here is that prophesying requires a speaking mouth. It also requires one to be living in the Holy Spirit and revelation.
Paul wanted the prophets in the church meeting to prophesy one by one so that there might be mutual encouragement by all.
" For you can all prophesy one by one that all may learn and all may be encouraged." (1 Cor. 14:31)
Paul ever prioritizing the mutual building up of the Christians
says again for them to earnestly desire rich, healthy, life and truth imparting prophseying - speaking forth for God.
"So then, my brothers, desire earnestly the prophesying, and do not forbid the speaking in tongues." (v.19)
For now I skipped over the difficult passage about the women in verses 34-38 ... for now.
Speak for God. Learn to speak forth for God.
Learn to live by Jesus Christ and the living will effect your thinking and you speaking.
The most normal worship meeting is just Christians coming together SPEAKING of the Christ they believe in and enjoy and live by. The room should be orderly yet filled with prophesying for the mutual building up of one another.
" But he who prophesies speaks building up and encouragement and consolation to men,
... but he who prophesies builds up the church. " (See 14:3,4)
But we have to see that prophesying is not just talking or rapping or saying stuff off the cuff. It is not done in the natural man. It should be done in the Spirit with the human spirit.
And it is also worship, sacred, reverent rather than low, cheap, fleshy, filled with human smarts apart from consecration to God. This kind of high speaking is critical to God's moving and God's eternal purpose.