@sonship saidI am not "a special kind of atheist". I am simply an agnostic atheist or an implicit atheist. It's true, none of the "revealed" religions I have encountered appeal to my imagination in the same way as they appeal to the imaginations of their adherents.
You are a special kind of atheist - not saying there is no God or gods, just saying all such reference is imaginary.
Back yet again to torture from which one cannot escape.
I just cannot shake the suspicion that this is your biggest problem.
Let me ask you this.
Do you think there is a greatest possible authority above which no other authority
can exist?
Please do not jump to othe conclusions about the propect. Just tell me if you think there is authority ultimate above which there is no higher authority (of any kind).
@sonship saidYou know full well why "God figure" is the correct way for me to express my stance. Presumably, you agree with me because, when it came up, you evaded it.
You say "God figure" instead as if God could only be one or more figments of someone's imagination - just an imaginary figure.
What a stretch.
Great swellings of imagination.
Great swelling imaginary connecting the dots.
All this must mean I have to agree with your agnostic pseudo atheism.
A good example of great swelling words of your imagination.
@sonship saidThe incoherent, vengeful torture doctrine is certainly the "biggest problem" YOU have with your moral logic. It lies at the very core of YOUR moral universe.
I just cannot shake the suspicion that this is your biggest problem.
But it has little to do with why I no longer see the Bible as a credible reason to share the beliefs that Christians have about themselves and about the identity and significance of Jesus. You are barking up the wrong tree.
What about the authority question?
Do you think (with or without the existence of humans) there is utimate
@sonship saidYou asked me "Do you think there is a greatest possible authority above which no other authority can exist?"
So no humans means no such thing as authority? Is that what you mean?
And I answered, "In what field of human endeavour?"
And now you quibble the word "human" in the context of authority?
Don't be so low integrity, sonship.
If by "Do you think there is a greatest possible authority above which no other authority can exist?" what you REALLY meant was "Do you think there is a non-human divine lawgiver?" then just come out and ask it.