25 Feb 22
@sonship saidI haven't wriggled at all.
The master wiggler evades yet again.
If you want to ask me "Do you think there is a non-human divine lawgiver?" then just go ahead and do it.
You already know the answer.
If anything it is you who is trying to pass off his wriggling as genuine debate.
25 Feb 22
@sonship saidThe only "authority" that matters to humans is the one that presupposes "the existence of humans". If your question about "authority", in any way, presupposes a universe "without the existence of humans", then you are in counting angels on the head of a pin territory.
Do you think (with or without the existence of humans) there is utimate authority?
26 Feb 22
@josephw saidWhy is it then something is quoted from the bible which presents a perspective which you disapprove of, you immediately devolve to accusations of “cherry picking” and accusing the writer of not “know knowing what they are talking about”?
My thoughts?
You cherry picked a verse, taking it out of its context, and made an application of it that has nothing to do with what it's talking about.