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New Testament


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Originally posted by galveston75
I could say the exact thing about your description, right? So how does one come to a conclusion to whom this scripture is speaking of?
If no one cannot figure out who this scripture really applies to then why is it even written down for us to read?
I could say the exact thing about your description, right?

Of course you can say the same about my interpretation, that's the whole point. You can make of it whatever you want to.

So how does one come to a conclusion to whom this scripture is speaking of?

You can't. It's vague and open to any number of interpretations.

If no one cannot figure out who this scripture really applies to then why is it even written down for us to read?

The best person to answer that is the person who wrote that passage, but seeing how he is long dead now i guess we'll never know.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
bwhahaha, that was funny, real funny.
It made my point beautifully though. 🙂

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Originally posted by galveston75
I appreciate your opinion and explination. But the simple question is why can't this scripture apply to the description I posted of the duel powers of the USA and Brittian?
Does it touch a nerve because of ones here living in these countries and it affects ones allengiance to them?
Or possibly the fact that we are living in this exact time these scri ...[text shortened]... h, they hope, will perpetuate the now-existing system of human political rulership."
There was a bust of Winston Churchill in the Presidents office in the white house until
Obama had the good sense to remove it, I remember reading in a biography of Obama.

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Originally posted by Proper Knob
It made my point beautifully though. 🙂
no it doesn't, it doesn't say anything, the European Union is an economic entity, not a
strictly political one.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
no it doesn't, it doesn't say anything, the European Union is an economic entity, not a
strictly political one.

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Originally posted by Proper Knob
[b]I could say the exact thing about your description, right?

Of course you can say the same about my interpretation, that's the whole point. You can make of it whatever you want to.

So how does one come to a conclusion to whom this scripture is speaking of?

You can't. It's vague and open to any number of interpretations.

If no ...[text shortened]... person who wrote that passage, but seeing how he is long dead now i guess we'll never know.
I totally disagree. It was written for a very important reason and the Bible does cleary explain that and that it is to help us understand what time period we may be living in and what one who is truly watching and listening to these prophecies can do to protect themselves and families to gain life thru these events.
The bible also clearly explains that most will not see and react to what these prophcies are saying and when they are actually happening.
So yes to many it would be as you say "vague".

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Originally posted by Proper Knob
horns stand for ruling powers, governments, political entities.

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Originally posted by galveston75
I totally disagree. It was written for a very important reason and the Bible does cleary explain that and that it is to help us understand what time period we may be living in and what one who is truly watching and listening to these prophecies can do to protect themselves and families to gain life thru these events.
The bible also clearly explains t ...[text shortened]... saying and when they are actually happening.
So yes to many it would be as you say "vague".
If it's that important you would have thought the writer of that passage may have been a little more descriptive in what he was writing. That passage is vague, except for those like yourself who have inserted words into the passage so that it melds with their own theological interpretation.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
horns stand for ruling powers, governments, political entities.
They represent strength.

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Originally posted by Proper Knob
If it's that important you would have thought the writer of that passage may have been a little more descriptive in what he was writing. That passage is vague, except for those like yourself who have inserted words into the passage so that it melds with their own theological interpretation.
It was written just as God wanted it. God knew that the majority of humans would not follow his words in the Bible and would never submit to him and his rule just as history has shown even down to today.
Even that was proved true with Noah and his family in that only those eight loved their creator and did as he told them.
If the Bible did explain things as you think they should to really be true, then how would most humans react to that? Would they submit out of fear or would they follow God's word the Bible no matter what? What would be their motives?
We are to love our God unconditionally with no exceptions. Even if we are wrong with our understanding of any prophecy, hopefully our love for our creator would still support us and continue to serve him until the understanding is finally and completely clear.
Can most humans do this? Not according to the Bible.
So this subject at hand with the 7th and 8th world powers are yes vague and that is on purpose. One has to ask God for help. If one does not these will always be vague and a mystery to them just as the Bible says.

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Originally posted by Proper Knob
If it's that important you would have thought the writer of that passage may have been a little more descriptive in what he was writing. That passage is vague, except for those like yourself who have inserted words into the passage so that it melds with their own theological interpretation.
I have not inserted anything. We have asked God to help us understand this as well as the rest of the Bible. With God's help these explinations become clearer and clearer.
To those who truly ask God to help understand, it all falls into place and makes sense.

Have not other documents that man has unearthed or discovered from the past not make sense at first glance? But with study and research become more clear and then understood? And then maybe only understood by someone who might speak or understand that particular language?

Is a puzzle easy to see and understand when it's in a pile thrown on a table? Of course not.

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Originally posted by galveston75
It was written just as God wanted it. God knew that the majority of humans would not follow his words in the Bible and would never submit to him and his rule just as history has shown even down to today.
Even that was proved true with Noah and his family in that only those eight loved their creator and did as he told them.
If the Bible did explain th ...[text shortened]... help. If one does not these will always be vague and a mystery to them just as the Bible says.
Are you claiming that God showed you, or i presume showed the Watchtower, that this passage of scripture was referring to the US and Britain?

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Originally posted by Proper Knob
Are you claiming that God showed you, or i presume showed the Watchtower, that this passage of scripture was referring to the US and Britain?
Yep. Why not? He has always pretty much had a group of dedicated followers he has always worked with and directed. Why not now? If not, prove why not?

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Originally posted by galveston75
Yep. Why not? He has always pretty much had a group of dedicated followers he has always worked with and directed. Why not now? If not, prove why not?
Did he show you personally or was it someone at the Watchtower?

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Originally posted by Proper Knob
Did he show you personally or was it someone at the Watchtower?
Not me personaly but why does that matter? Does the president have to tell you personally not to speed and obey the lasw of this country?
Does he not have the appropriate people in the line on down to us to let us know the laws and wishes of his position?

So no God does not talk to me or anyone on this planet at this time. His son Jesus is the one thru prayer that we talk to his Father and then it is Jehovah's spirit that works to dispence any spiritual information to us and to let ones who are very willing to work with those directions, learn and then teach others.

This is how Jehovah with his Kingdom works on down the line to us. In the past he has worked his will thru humans and there is no reason that he is not again.

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