noah's ark

noah's ark


Walk your Faith


24 May 04
12 Aug 17

Originally posted by @apathist
Predate? People advocated creator gods LONG before abraham showed up.

Kelly, haven't you ever wondered why the important message from your god was delivered only to a minor mid-eastern tribe when the world was full of people?

Never mind. I know logic and reason cannot battle faith, unless you let it.
If didn't start with a tribe.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
12 Aug 17

Originally posted by @apathist
I'm gonna object to this. Truth is an ideal we attempt to approach.

Do you think that your eyes tell you what the world actually looks like? Do you think your ears tell you what the world sounds like?

They really don't, kelly. Go research. Your brain sends more signals to your ears than your ears send to your brain. Why would that be?
What are you comparing your views to, to grasp reality in such a pure grasp of reality?


31 May 12
12 Aug 17

Originally posted by @kellyjay
As I pointed out to someone else, science self corrects, it has to, because we don't always get things right. An old story if true will remain so no matter how old it is.
What is true in your statement is that age has nothing to do with truth. An old falsehood is also still false.

looking for loot

western colorado

05 Feb 11
12 Aug 17

Originally posted by @kellyjay
If didn't start with a tribe.
I wonder why you think that.

looking for loot

western colorado

05 Feb 11
12 Aug 17

Originally posted by @kellyjay
What are you comparing your views to, to grasp reality in such a pure grasp of reality?
Everything I can? I think I don't understand your question.

The thing about ears, in the post you just replied to. Did you read without noticing, without wondering, without thinking?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
12 Aug 17

Originally posted by @moonbus
What is true in your statement is that age has nothing to do with truth. An old falsehood is also still false.
Yes, I agree with you here too.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
12 Aug 17
1 edit

Originally posted by @apathist
I wonder why you think that.
God singled out Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and started a nation of people through these
than all the promises of God came to us through them.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
12 Aug 17

Originally posted by @apathist
Everything I can? I think I don't understand your question.

The thing about ears, in the post you just replied to. Did you read without noticing, without wondering, without thinking?
When we build houses or other structures even hanging pictures on a wall without some
means to cast a line that is straight you can have something built that is leaning left or
right, or pictures that start low and work their way up or down. So you need a plumb line
that shows you straight up and down, or a level that shows you a level line. In life it is
no different, we need something besides our own eyes, if we just use our own eyes we
can get it wrong. Through the God who fills the universe, who sees every speck, the
planets,and in the universes all at once, with Christ who fills us with His Spirit giving us
eyes to see that are not fueled by our fleshly desires, ears that hear that are fueled by our
fleshly desires, clean hearts that are not driven by our fleshly desires. Without God we
are on our own, we can look around at all the other things in this life, there are plenty to
choose from, but none compares to the King of the universe. Those of us who even claim
His name, but live without Him are walking in the flesh, doing the deeds of them too.

looking for loot

western colorado

05 Feb 11
14 Aug 17
2 edits

Originally posted by @kellyjay
God singled out Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and started a nation of people through these
than all the promises of God came to us through them.
Pretty much the definition of starting from a tribe.

Haven't you ever wondered why your god used a charismatic leader and some 'revealed' truth to this tiny portion of the world, ignoring all of the other regional tribes and ignoring asia! europe! africa! australia! N america! S america!
In fairness I suppose maybe he spread his all so important message complete with miracles down in antartica.

Besides revealing his own awesome self to only a mere tribe in the wide world, we haven't heard from him since! Not even support checks. It's almost like we actually have only the charismatic leader with his spiel, and then what happens next. Like Anderson, Koresh, etc etc etc.

I live next to the border with our mormon state, so I've listened to them. Have you? They have the latest word from the Christian God! Later than christianity, later even than islam.


looking for loot

western colorado

05 Feb 11
14 Aug 17

Originally posted by @kellyjay
When we build houses or other structures even hanging pictures on a wall without ...
Secular people, and people of other religions, are not second place in building stuff.

But I get your point, I think. Without your indoctrinated opinion about this, you lose your rudder. Your compass shatters. Very scary stuff.

looking for loot

western colorado

05 Feb 11
14 Aug 17

Originally posted by @apathist
The thing about ears, in the post you just replied to. Did you read without noticing, without wondering, without thinking?
Our brains tell our ears how to hear. There's a feedback thing, so that we can connect with our culture. In the case of ears, more neurons run from brain to ear than from ear to brain!

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
14 Aug 17

Originally posted by @apathist
Pretty much the definition of starting from a tribe.

Haven't you ever wondered why your god used a charismatic leader and some 'revealed' truth to this tiny portion of the world, ignoring all of the other regional tribes and ignoring asia! europe! africa! australia! N america! S america! [hidden]In fairness I suppose maybe he spread his all so importan ...[text shortened]... the latest word from the Christian God! Later than christianity, later even than islam.

No, the start of a tribe yes, but it was started when God called one man.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
14 Aug 17

Originally posted by @apathist
Pretty much the definition of starting from a tribe.

Haven't you ever wondered why your god used a charismatic leader and some 'revealed' truth to this tiny portion of the world, ignoring all of the other regional tribes and ignoring asia! europe! africa! australia! N america! S america! [hidden]In fairness I suppose maybe he spread his all so importan ...[text shortened]... the latest word from the Christian God! Later than christianity, later even than islam.

You running around with your fingers in your ears so you don't hear from God is on you.
I promise you God has been working among people since the beginning, the fact you have
harden your heart to the point you miss Him doesn't mean He has not been reaching out.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
14 Aug 17
2 edits

Originally posted by @apathist
Our brains tell our ears how to hear. There's a feedback thing, so that we can connect with our culture. In the case of ears, more neurons run from brain to ear than from ear to brain!
Yes, we can either walk this earth in our flesh and nothing more or receive God's Spirit
and look through the eyes God gives us to see with. The thing about seeing with just our
fleshly perspective is we have blinders on to the things of the spirit. You need eyes to
see, and ears to hear what God is doing. You fail to grasp that you will never find God, or
better said hear God when He reaches out to you.

Luke 10:22-24 English Standard Version (ESV)
22 All things have been handed over to me by my Father, and no one knows who the Son is except the Father, or who the Father is except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.”
23 Then turning to the disciples he said privately, “Blessed are the eyes that see what you see! 24 For I tell you that many prophets and kings desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.”

There were men that lived during the time Jesus walked the earth missed Him, while He
did great works right in front of them. You are doing the same as them.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
14 Aug 17

Originally posted by @kellyjay
Yes, we can either walk this earth in our flesh and nothing more or receive God's Spirit
and look through the eyes God gives us to see with. The thing about seeing with just our
fleshly perspective is we have blinders on to the things of the spirit. You need eyes to
see, and ears to hear what God is doing. You fail to grasp that you will never find God, ...[text shortened]... th missed Him, while He
did great works right in front of them. You are doing the same as them.
Kind of off track to the OP. Didn't you know god invented the Ark tale because he/she/it knew Bill Cosby needed a skit? FooBah FooBah. NOAH. ?? Are we on candid camera?

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