Wow, this is so wrong (the fact that so many intelligent people buy into it notwithstanding). Where to start? At the beginning, I guess...
sonhouse said:
I'll second that. And the biggest problem is 2 billion people think exactly the same way. 2 billion people obsessing about a god and devoting all that energy to worship and such
pyx replies:
If only. 🙂 Most of those 2 billion are only nominally Christian, unfortunately. Clearly you haven't attended a church in a long time, if ever (especially if you think we all think "exactly the same way." That's really funny.)
sonhouse says:
when the world really needs all the human intelligence it can muster to tackle REAL problems like global warming, poverty, education, the study of medicine, the study of evolution and genetics without all the obsessively god based distractions that robs us of our real gift, intelligence.
pyx replies:
You far overrate human intelligence. Understandable, I guess, in one of your accomplishments... however, we as a race aren't that smart, or good, or pretty much anything else positive. We have accomplished as much as we have, materially, on the easy availability of cheap energy, and we are living in the "last days" (if you'll pardon the expression) of that phase.
But smart people aren't by that token any better (morally speaking) than the rest of the human race; they might in fact be laboring at somewhat of a disadvantage once the real purposes of humanity are taken into account.
sonhouse said:
If 1000 people are working on a common problem, whatever that is, genetics, cancer, energy, whatever, and 200 of them are actively devoted to destroying the science behind it, then those 200 are killing 20 percent of our common intelligence pool.
pyx replies:
All the science in the world isn't going to solve the problems we have created. To believe that there is some scientific breakthrough(s) out there that will allow us to continue consuming energy at the present pace is to be more deluded than a snake-handler in the mountains of West Virginia.
sonhouse said:
We need all the help we can get to get us out of the corner we have painted ourselves into.
pyx replies:
Finally, something I can agree with wholeheartedly! But, sadly, I don't think you and I are going to see eye-to-eye on the solutions...
sonhouse said:
All the prayer and religious wars on the planet will not make the climate come back a bit faster. What it needs is real science, and that may in fact involve the study of evolution and genetics. We don't need millions of people robbing us of our real heritage, intelligence. The more we have to respond to specious attacks on evolution, the less brain power we have to devote to REAL problems in the world, for instance genetically altered bacteria that can poop oil. That is being done but creationist forces would have us firmly back in the tenth century forced to cut off any science or engineering in that direction or the use of placental stem cells for instance, for real medical breakthroughs.
pyx replies:
Your faith in science is touching but misplaced. And it is FAITH... unless you know something you're not cluing the rest of us in on (and as bright as you seem to be, I doubt even you have all the answers). What is needed is for us to cut back on our ambitions and our wasteful ways, and the only real way for us to do that is to recover a sense of the spiritual, and *true* religion. God doesn't force us to do what is right; He allows us to make our own mistakes.
sonhouse said:
Religion holds us back more than any other single negative force on the planet from the fight for survival we are desperately fighting for now. If you don't think it is a fight of desperation, you have your head in the sand and all the praying to your deaf god comes to absolutely nothing, zero, nada. Meanwhile, we are destroying species at a rate not seen for 65 million years and all the religious set can do is rail over the rights of gay people to get married or women to control their own bodies however they want. In short, religious people want to, no, DEMAND, to be in charge and direct the flow of intellectual effort in a vain attempt to get god like.
pyx replies:
That has it just about backwards. It isn't the (truly) religious people who want to be Godlike (they know better than that); it's those who think this world is all that there is, and thus all that matters, that must try to become more and more godlike in a vain attempt to rescue the world from their predecessors in hubris, who got us to where we are now. Do you really think otherwise? Has the influence of religion (the Christian religion especially) been growing or shrinking over the past two, three, five hundred years? I think the answer to that is pretty clear... and the fruits, which have been pretty well-hidden from us in the prosperous West for the last fifty or sixty years, are about to be harvested. And they're going to be bitter.
Originally posted by sonhouse"I would think if faith had a basis in fact, none of those things would be happening."
I don't think the faith of christians are working out that well, the planet is going to hell in a handbasket with wild climate swings, Muslims are killing christians in Africa and the far east, the present US economy is in the toilet, the days of world leadership in the US is waning.
I would think if faith had a basis in fact, none of those things would ...[text shortened]... t the way things are going we may end up just offing billions of people with no end in sight.
Excellent statement sonhouse. You nailed it. But only to a point. Everything that is happening in the world is according to its own unavoidable end.
A world without truth is a dieing world. The world is dieing. All that happens in the future will be just as it was foretold. This is so freaking complicated I don't know what to say next.
Originally posted by josephwAre you hinting at determinism? I don't want to send this thread in that direction, I'm just asking. It would deserve its own thread. Although it must have been discussed to death here, already.
[b]"I would think if faith had a basis in fact, none of those things would be happening."
Excellent statement sonhouse. You nailed it. But only to a point. Everything that is happening in the world is according to its own unavoidable end.
A world without truth is a dieing world. The world is dieing. All that happens in the future will be just as it was foretold. This is so freaking complicated I don't know what to say next.[/b]
Originally posted by 667joeListen, you look me up the day after Judgement Day and tell me how that's working out for you.
Man cannot look at the face of god because there is no god!
Oh, that's right, you won't be around any more to look me up.
(You atheists with your self-fulfilling prophecies... there's nothing after death? Well, you're insuring that there won't be... for you.)
Originally posted by RJHindsThis is what I was talking about earlier about your posts devolving into nonsense.
Nothing you said in your post is "scientific" or any other kind of fact.
It is all speculations from the imaginations of the minds of ungodly men.
Read the Holy Bible for the facts.
Wake up, man, and stop making Christians look stupid.
Originally posted by SuzianneChristians believe the Holy Bible is the "Word of Truth" and I will not stop
This is what I was talking about earlier about your posts devolving into nonsense.
Wake up, man, and stop making Christians look stupid.
declaring it, stupid or not. You should stop pretending you are a Christian.
Originally posted by SuzianneWell Suzianne, after you die, you too will have no after life whether you hope to or not. The sooner you realize this, the sooner you will get more out of the life you have now!
Listen, you look me up the day after Judgement Day and tell me how that's working out for you.
Oh, that's right, you won't be around any more to look me up.
(You atheists with your self-fulfilling prophecies... there's nothing after death? Well, you're insuring that there won't be... for you.)
Originally posted by SuzianneI can't but sense you have a rather large chip on your shoulder.
Listen, you look me up the day after Judgement Day and tell me how that's working out for you.
Oh, that's right, you won't be around any more to look me up.
(You atheists with your self-fulfilling prophecies... there's nothing after death? Well, you're insuring that there won't be... for you.)
Originally posted by 667joeThe sooner you both realize that Jesus is the great God, who created
Well Suzianne, after you die, you too will have no after life whether you hope to or not. The sooner you realize this, the sooner you will get more out of the life you have now!
the heavens and the earth, and has the keys to death and the grave,
and has the power to give eternal life to those that believe and trust
in him, the closer you will be to repenting of your sins and seeking
life rather than death.
Originally posted by RJHindsYou have been sucked into the black hole of religion. Your mind is as primitive as those who with equal fervor believed in Baal! Whenever I see someone wearing a cross or other religious symbol, it is a clue the person is a chump!
The sooner you both realize that Jesus is the great God, who created
the heavens and the earth, and has the keys to death and the grave,
and has the power to give eternal life to those that believe and trust
in him, the closer you will be to repenting of your sins and seeking
life rather than death.
Originally posted by 667joeI had a nice discussion with my son Kevin about the idea of the brain being hard wired to be susceptible to religion. There is the study of the 'God helmet' where magnetic stimulation of a certain portion of the brain induces the feeling of being with god or feeling entities around you, felt in a large percentage of people undergoing the experiment.
You have been sucked into the black hole of religion. Your mind is as primitive as those who with equal fervor believed in Baal! Whenever I see someone wearing a cross or other religious symbol, it is a clue the person is a chump!
So it probably is reality that we will live or die with this giant monkey on our backs, being programmed to believe in some god or other.
It's sad really.
My fantasy is the ungod virus that infects all of mankind and converts that god area in the brain into cells able to be used in general intelligence or creativity. Now THAT would be something.
The virus hits and people look at all the millions of words written in the 'holy' books and go 'how could we have believed all that shyte?', the ex christians and muslims become fast friends and start dealing with the real problems of the world and actually grow a real compassion based civilization.
Originally posted by SuzianneI just can't help reading this without envisioning a cross-eyed asylum inmate in a tattered Napoleon uniform shrieking in a padded cell: "You just wait! Just wait! The day the TRUTH is revealed that 1 plus 1 equals 3, look me up and tell me how 1 and 1 is 2 is working out for you! Oh, that's right, the shock of the revelation will make you mad, and you'll in here while I'm out there, so you won't be able to look me up! MWA-HAHAHAHAHA-HA-HAAAAAAAH!"
Listen, you look me up the day after Judgement Day and tell me how that's working out for you.
Oh, that's right, you won't be around any more to look me up.
(You atheists with your self-fulfilling prophecies... there's nothing after death? Well, you're insuring that there won't be... for you.)
Originally posted by SoothfastSee Harold Camping: How much good did it do him?
I just can't help reading this without envisioning a cross-eyed asylum inmate in a tattered Napoleon uniform shrieking in a padded cell: "You just wait! Just wait! The day the TRUTH is revealed that 1 plus 1 equals 3, look me up and tell me how 1 and 1 is 2 is working out for you! Oh, that's right, the shock of the revelation will make you mad, an ...[text shortened]... I'm out there, so you won't be able to look me up! MWA-HAHAHAHAHA-HA-HAAAAAAAH!"
The sad part is, studies have shown this kind of cognitive dissonance results in even deeper belief when these kind of doomsday dates go by with no doomsday. The believers just are that much more fervent.
Talk about being sucked in. Hook line and sinker.