Originally posted by RJHindsim not fighting, that would imply a struggle. if it turns out he does exist he can keep his love, i dont need it. i would never give myself to somebody that has stood by and let so many bad things happen to good people. im not willing to forget his crimes just so i can live forever and be loved. i have my own morals and according to them he is the sinner and needs to answer for his actions. your god in my eyes is not a god but a monster.
You keep fighting against God. You will never understand until you are
willing to humble yourself before God and submit to His love.
Originally posted by stellspalfie
im not fighting, that would imply a struggle. if it turns out he does exist he can keep his love, i dont need it. i would never give myself to somebody that has stood by and let so many bad things happen to good people. im not willing to forget his crimes just so i can live forever and be loved. i have my own morals and according to them he is the sinner and needs to answer for his actions. your god in my eyes is not a god but a monster.
im not fighting, that would imply a struggle. if it turns out he does exist he can keep his love, i dont need it. i would never give myself to somebody that has stood by and let so many bad things happen to good people. im not willing to forget his crimes just so i can live forever and be loved. i have my own morals and according to them he is the sinner and needs to answer for his actions. your god in my eyes is not a god but a monster.
Haven't you done bad things to good people ?
When judgment for these who did bad things to good people finally occurs, do you expect somehow you'll be overlooked ?
Did God intervene always when you, stellspalfie, were doing some of your bad things to other people ? Ask some of those people you did things to. They might complain that God did not intervene always to stop their injuries at your guilty hands.
Because of His love He is giving you a opportunity to be saved from eternal judgment for some of the bad things stellspalfie did to people, good and bad.
Originally posted by jaywillit depends on what you consider bad. but in my eyes im pretty sure ive nver done a bad thing to a good person and one bad thing to a bad person (they deserved it).
[quote] im not fighting, that would imply a struggle. if it turns out he does exist he can keep his love, i dont need it. i would never give myself to somebody that has stood by and let so many bad things happen to good people. im not willing to forget his crimes just so i can live forever and be loved. i have my own morals and according to them he is the si ...[text shortened]... ved from eternal judgment for some of the bad things stellspalfie did to people, good and bad.
I will say it again - i dont want his love - i would have to be physically forced to stand in front of god, i have no respect for him or his opinions of me. i dont need him to tell me if im a good person, i know im a good person. he needs to apologize to humanity for being such a horrible, violent, voyeuristic god.
would you stand by and watch a bunch of school children be murdered? god would.
would you stand by and watch a man rape a woman? god would.
would you stand by and watch genocide? god would.
just because the crazy, bloodthirsty, nutcase loves you doesnt excuse his actions, just because he offers you eternal life doesnt excuse his actions. he his not above morality.
Originally posted by stellspalfie
it depends on what you consider bad. but in my eyes im pretty sure ive nver done a bad thing to a good person and one bad thing to a bad person (they deserved it).
I will say it again - i dont want his love - i would have to be physically forced to stand in front of god, i have no respect for him or his opinions of me. i dont need him to tell me if im ...[text shortened]... s, just because he offers you eternal life doesnt excuse his actions. he his not above morality.
it depends on what you consider bad. but in my eyes im pretty sure ive nver done a bad thing to a good person and one bad thing to a bad person (they deserved it).
I will say it again - i dont want his love - i would have to be physically forced to stand in front of god, i have no respect for him or his opinions of me. i dont need him to tell me if im a good person, i know im a good person. he needs to apologize to humanity for being such a horrible, violent, voyeuristic god.
would you stand by and watch a bunch of school children be murdered? god would.
If is not easy to understand why God would permit certain things to occur. And I will not pretend that I can offer a grieving parent an easy answer for the loss of a loved one, especially by violence.
I myself lost a dear younger brother to AIDs in the gay community.
I would like to think that he had a long time to think and pray and make peace with his God.
While things happen to remind us that the world is somehow not working right, I can at least know that God has it HEADED in a direction in which things will ALL work right.
I'll repeat, as you repeated. Though I admit, and the Bible also admits, that things are not working right among human beings, at least we are promised that things are HEADED in the direction that they will work right and that for eternity.
I know you hate the word of God. So these quotations are not for you. You can stop reading here.
"But according to His promise we are expecting new heavens and new earth in which righteousness dwells." ( 2 Pet. 3:13)
"And I heard a loud voice out of the throne, saying, Behold the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will tabernacle with them, and they will be His peoples and God Himself will be with them and be their God.
He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and DEATH will be no more, nor will there be sorrow or crying or pain anymore; for the former things have passed away." (Rev. 21:3,4)
"They will not hunger any more, neither will they thirwst any more, neither will the sun beat upon them, nor any heat; For the Lamb who is in the midst of the throne will shepherd them and guide them to springs of waters of life; AND GOD WILL WIPE AWAY EVERY TEAR FROM THEIR EYES." (Rev. 7:16,17)
I know that the DIRECTION and the DESTINATION towards which humanity is moving in the plan of God, is His glorious eternal kingdom of divine life permeated with harmony in nature and in all creation.
But now we are in "the former things" which are to pass away. And we have Jesus Christ as the FORETASTE and APPETIZER of the world to come. So we Christians do not dispair, though we TOO are appalled at what sometimes occurs under the sun as God is working out His perfect will.
would you stand by and watch a man rape a woman? god would.
would you stand by and watch genocide? god would.
just because the crazy, bloodthirsty, nutcase loves you doesnt excuse his actions, just because he offers you eternal life doesnt excuse his actions. he his not above morality.
God has prevented many things also. I know He has.
But to be a real powerful God He has to be the God of those who have ALSO undergone great misfortune.
This Christ must not only be the God of those who were saved from rape. He must prove the power of His grace that He can ALSO be the victorious God of some who underwent the crime of rape also.
He has to be big enough to be the God of those underwent great misfortune too. And He CAN indeed be that great, as history has proved.
The existence of evil doing in the world is a powerful evidence of the existence of God.
If you can discriminate between good and evil then you must have a standard, external and absolute, by which you can tell good from evil.
You must refer some transcendent law of morality. That implies the presence of a Law Giver. And the ultimate law giver is the one the Atheist is trying to say does not exist. Yet his refering to the terrible things of evil he has discrimiated from the good things by some transendent standard.
"Bad things happened. So there is no God." is a failed argument. In fact "Bad things happened. So there must be a God" is, I think, a stronger argument.
If "bad things" are only a figment of your imagination, then there is no problem.
If "bad things" are actually out there, then there is a problem. "Bad things" based on the majority opinion or evolution are only "bad things" in our imagination. Like "imaginary elephants" they are not a problem.
Real elephants in the neighberhood is a problem. And real "bad things" and real "evil" is not a figment of human imagination. That is a problem. But "real evil" must mean that there is a transcendent standard of good and evil, a absolute moral law.
Thus a transcendent moral law Giver to whom we are responsible - God.
Originally posted by stellspalfieYou sound like a defiant teenager blaming his parent for the bad things
it depends on what you consider bad. but in my eyes im pretty sure ive nver done a bad thing to a good person and one bad thing to a bad person (they deserved it).
I will say it again - i dont want his love - i would have to be physically forced to stand in front of god, i have no respect for him or his opinions of me. i dont need him to tell me if im ...[text shortened]... s, just because he offers you eternal life doesnt excuse his actions. he his not above morality.
that happen to him and not always being able to have his way.
P.S. Think about it. Are you really as perfect as you wish to pretend?
Originally posted by jaywill"While things happen to remind us that the world is somehow not working right, I can at least know that God has it HEADED in a direction in which things will ALL work right."
for somebody who created EVERYTHING in 6 days, meandering in the right direction isnt good enough, he needs to pull his finger out, what could he be possibly waiting for? the world needs helping NOW!!!
"they will work right and that for eternity."
will you be able to enjoy eternity, will you be able to forget about the horrors that happened. will you be able to forget the billions of good people that had horrific things happen to them and did not make it into heaven? maybe this is a trick of god maybe the people who can enjoy heaven knowing that people are being punished for small sins are in fact sinners themselves!
"I know you hate the word of God. "
i dont hate the word of god, many things in the bible are good. i just have no respect for god. he seems to have a lack of morals and empathy.
"But according to His promise we are expecting new heavens and new earth in which righteousness dwells." ( 2 Pet. 3:13)"
its all a bit vague, righteousness is subjective so it couldnt exist for everybody. how much do we have to put up with while we wait? how long do we wait?
"He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and DEATH will be no more, nor will there be sorrow or crying or pain anymore; for the former things have passed away." (Rev. 21:3,4) [/b]"
i dont like the sound of this. how is he doing it. is he removing our ability to do bad things or our ability to feel sad. we need to cry and be sad so we know how good laughter and happiness is. i want to watch a sad movie or read a sad book, i want to argue and make up with my wife. i dont want to walk around for eternity with a prozac smile. if we loose this then we will no longer be human.
"God has prevented many things also. I know He has."
stopping SOMEthings isnt good enough when you have the power to stop it all. if i see two babies crawling onto a motorway and i save one and leave the other do you think i would be a hero or hated?
" This Christ must not only be the God of those who were saved from rape. He must prove the power of His grace that He can ALSO be the victorious God of some who underwent the crime of rape also."
he can be the god of victims but how can he look them in the eye knowing he could of helped. if he loves them how could he listen to their screams?
"And He CAN indeed be that great, as history has proved"
by saying can are you admitting that hes not great at the moment?
sorry to hear about your brother jaywill.
Originally posted by stellspalfieYou need to get your head out of your rear end and read the Holly Bible.
"While things happen to remind us that the world is somehow not working right, I can at least know that God has it HEADED in a direction in which things will ALL work right."
for somebody who created EVERYTHING in 6 days, meandering in the right direction isnt good enough, he needs to pull his finger out, what could he be possibly waiting for? the wo ...[text shortened]... hes not great at the moment?
sorry to hear about your brother jaywill.
It tells you why God is waiting so long as you call it. Then you would
not be making these stupid comments. 😏
Originally posted by RJHindsme not wanting a world in which such horrific things happen hardly makes me sound like a defiant teenager! defiant yes. to call me a teenager suggests the things i am unhappy about are trivial? is that what you are saying?
You sound like a defiant teenager blaming his parent for the bad things
that happen to him and not always being able to have his way.
P.S. Think about it. Are you really as perfect as you wish to pretend?
for your analogy to work my parents (god) would have bring me up in a world surrounded by violence, abuse and countless other horrors and do nothing to help or protect me. its a parents duty to protect their children. god as a parent would be classed as neglectful. humanity would be taken into social care.
ive never said i am perfect. i have many flaws, but none id say that make me a bad person, i guess that its subjective though. im mearly saying that i have pretty much the same ethical code as a christian (except im not homophobic). what things do you think would make me a bad person and i tell you if ive done'em
Originally posted by stellspalfie
"While things happen to remind us that the world is somehow not working right, I can at least know that God has it HEADED in a direction in which things will ALL work right."
for somebody who created EVERYTHING in 6 days, meandering in the right direction isnt good enough, he needs to pull his finger out, what could he be possibly waiting for? the wo ...[text shortened]... hes not great at the moment?
sorry to hear about your brother jaywill.
for somebody who created EVERYTHING in 6 days,
Strictly speaking the ancient Hebrew of the Bible never says that God "created" everything in six days. Exodus 20:11 says He "made heaven and earth, the sea ..." [/b]
The word there in Hebrew is also used elsewhere for trimming of fingernails, preparing a calf for a meal, preparing a meal.
meandering in the right direction isnt good enough,
It is not meandering. It is working abainst opposition.
he needs to pull his finger out, what could he be possibly waiting for? the world needs helping NOW!!!
Where would you be at 12:01 pm if God were to snap everything into His perfect will at 12:00 pm ?
What makes you think if He fixed everything in five minutes in six minutes you wouldn't be under His judgment ?
What makes you think everyone ELSE is part of the problem besides you ?
"they will work right and that for eternity."
By the way, had God just created rocks, stones, and lower animals then maybe there would be no problem. A rock doesn't have the capacity to rebel.
It took six days to form, recover, shape and mold His material creation in Genesis for it has no WILL. A rock, stone, or piece of wood gives God no problem. A man with a free will CAN give Him some problem.
Or perhaps you wonder why God did not just create a race of robots. He pushes a button and they say "I Love You Creator."
The freedom of will of some of His created beings does offer Him some problem this side of eternity.
No excuses for refusing His operation in MY heart now on His way.
Sinners and rebels always seem to want God to start with the OTHER guy over there.
will you be able to enjoy eternity, will you be able to forget about the horrors that happened. will you be able to forget the billions of good people that had horrific things happen to them and did not make it into heaven?
The word of God says that the former things will not be remembered or come into mind.
You might try reading the Bible someday for yourself a litle bit objectively for once.
Besides, what I do not think about today from God's point of view, I am certain that I will see from His point of view. That is when I am completely conformed to the image of Christ.
God is NOT the enemy.
God is NOT incompetent.
maybe this is a trick of god maybe the people who can enjoy heaven knowing that people are being punished for small sins are in fact sinners themselves!
The bible shows the New Jerusalem coming down OUT of Heaven. You don't read the Bible. You parrot ignorantly second, third, and fourth hand what you think is there.
" ... the New Jerusalem, which descends out of heaven from My God ..." (Rev. 3:12)
" ... I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God ..." (rev. 21:2)
Its good to read it sometime so you can talk about something you know about what it says.
i dont hate the word of god, many things in the bible are good. i just have no respect for god. he seems to have a lack of morals and empathy.
There are 365 days to a year. You cannot turn around at the end of one year and thank God for ONE day ?
How wicked of you. You have had many days of happiness.
You have had many days.
ONE TINY LITTLE BLOOD VESSEL could pop in your head and you suffer a stroke. You cannot say "God, at least I want to stop for a minute and thank You that I did not have a stoke this past year." ?
You are totally unthankful for many days of at least reasonable happiness ? You know not what misfortunes God protected you from. You cannot turn around after 9 months and thank God for anything ? Not for ANYTHING ?
Today, if you had an infection in your urinary, do you know how painful it would be for you to take urinate ? It would be very painful.
Maybe the next time you urinate you might say 'At LEAST God, I can thank you that I do not have cancer in my urinary glands."
You are unthankful and hateful towards God. Shame. You find nothing at all for which you could conceivably stop for a moment and say "Thank You God. At least for this, I want to take a minute and just say Thank You."
"But according to His promise we are expecting new heavens and new earth in which righteousness dwells." ( 2 Pet. 3:13)"
its all a bit vague, righteousness is subjective so it couldnt exist for everybody. how much do we have to put up with while we wait? how long do we wait?
"He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and DEATH will be no more, nor will there be sorrow or crying or pain anymore; for the former things have passed away." (Rev. 21:3,4) "
That is only the tip of he iceberg. And God has a good track record on His promises. That is precisely WHY we are confident.
For over a thousand years the promise of the coming of Christ was in the Scripture. Then finally HE CAME. God's RESUME and TRACK RECORD give us confidence that He means what He has promised.
So we enjoy His indwelling and turn more and more of our hearts over to Him. For this is preparation for the kingdom world to come.
You are wasting valuable time each day you put off receiving Christ for forgiveness and sanctification. Take a tip from the Rolling Stones. only "Time WAS on your side".
We who love God learn to number our days. God can restore the YEARS that the canker worm has eaten.
i dont like the sound of this. how is he doing it. is he removing our ability to do bad things or our ability to feel sad. we need to cry and be sad so we know how good laughter and happiness is. i want to watch a sad movie or read a sad book, i want to argue and make up with my wife. i dont want to walk around for eternity with a prozac smile. if we loose this then we will no longer be human.
He is doing it by infusing Christ into His redeemed people.
He is doing it by dispensing Himself into His redeemed people.
He is doing it by saturating and permeating them with His divine nature to be co-kings to rule with Him.
" ... He has granted to us precious and exeedingly great promises that through these you might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption which is in the world through lust." ( 2 Pet. 1:4)
We are "born again" that we may be conformed to the image of Christ.
He will do it without having to change everyone. He will do it by gaining a "beachhead" a strategic vantage point from which He can bring in His kingdom.
We Christians are on the winning side of human history.
I am not here to beg you to be saved. But thanking God for small and big blessings would be a good place to start to soften your rock heart towards the Heavenly Father.
Originally posted by jaywill"It is not meandering. It is working abainst opposition. "
who has the power to oppose god?
"Where would you be at 12:01 pm if God were to snap everything into His perfect will at 12:00 pm ?"
im sure gods not holding back the end of days just for me.
"What makes you think everyone ELSE is part of the problem besides you?"
"By the way, had God just created rocks, stones, and lower animals then maybe there would be no problem. A rock doesn't have the capacity to rebel."
or if he had created man and not given him the capacity to do evil.
"It took six days to form, recover, shape and mold His material creation in Genesis for it has no WILL. A rock, stone, or piece of wood gives God no problem. A man with a free will CAN give Him some problem."
why? i though god could do anything?
"Or perhaps you wonder why God did not just create a race of robots. He pushes a button and they say "I Love You Creator."
i think blindly following your creator, doing exactly what he say is closer to behaving like a robot.
" No excuses for refusing His operation in MY heart now on His way.
Sinners and rebels always seem to want God to start with the OTHER guy over there"
what do you mean by start on the other guy? i have no desire of god to start anything on anybody.
"The word of God says that the former things will not be remembered or come into mind"
so im right. the guilt will be so bad that memories need to be wiped for people to live in happiness. god will still know what he did though.
" You might try reading the Bible someday for yourself a litle bit objectively for once."
i dont think somebody who blindly follows something without question say to somebody who is asking questions that they lack objectivity.
"Besides, what I do not think about today from God's point of view, I am certain that I will see from His point of view. That is when I am completely conformed to the image of Christ."
being able to see gods point of view doesnt make his point of view correct.
"Its good to read it sometime so you can talk about something you know about what it says."
i read all the time, but im not keen on fairy stories.
"There are 365 days to a year. You cannot turn around at the end of one year and thank God for ONE day ? "
"How wicked of you. You have had many days of happiness.
You have had many days."
so i should thank god that somebody else is suffering rather than me? that sounds pretty damn cold and selfish. while im at it shall i thank god that a pedophile decided to rape and kill some other child rather than my daughter? should i thank him for my food, while he allows others to starve? if you do thank him isnt that suggesting hes showed you favoritism over the people he hasnt helped? like some sort of "god likes me and not you" elitism.
" You are totally unthankful for many days of at least reasonable happiness ? You know not what misfortunes God protected you from. You cannot turn around after 9 months and thank God for anything ? Not for ANYTHING ?"
nothing, i thank him for nothing. i belive in equality for all. we should be in this together. im not thanking god that i have it good, when by luck of birth somebody is born ethiopia and has by no fault of their own an horrific life full of disease and starvation.
"Today, if you had an infection in your urinary, do you know how painful it would be for you to take urinate ? It would be very painful.
Maybe the next time you urinate you might say 'At LEAST God, I can thank you that I do not have cancer in my urinary glands."
again this is just selfish thinking, just worried about how the I is doing, thanks god im okay. i dont care what you bestow on the guy next to me. im just happy it wasnt me. selfish.
"You are unthankful and hateful towards God. Shame. You find nothing at all for which you could conceivably stop for a moment and say "Thank You God. At least for this, I want to take a minute and just say Thank You."
should a jewish prisoner who doesnt go in the gas chamber because they are needed in a factory be grateful to the nazi general that spared them?
"He is doing it by infusing Christ into His redeemed people.
He is doing it by dispensing Himself into His redeemed people.
He is doing it by saturating and permeating them with His divine nature to be co-kings to rule with Him."
what does any of that actually mean. hes giving them some of his powers? and then what? whats the point? isnt the concept of ruling old fashioned, isnt wanting to rule the sign of an ego-maniac?
"We are "born again" that we may be conformed to the image of Christ.
He will do it without having to change everyone. He will do it by gaining a "beachhead" a strategic vantage point from which He can bring in His kingdom."
and then what? we all become christ-like, why?
" We Christians are on the winning side of human history."
okay charlie sheen.
"I am not here to beg you to be saved. But thanking God for small and big blessings would be a good place to start to soften your rock heart towards the Heavenly Father"
no, i dont like him, he seems mentally unhinged.
Originally posted by stellspalfie
"It is not meandering. It is working abainst opposition. "
who has the power to oppose god?
"Where would you be at 12:01 pm if God were to snap everything into His perfect will at 12:00 pm ?"
im sure gods not holding back the end of days just for me.
"What makes you think everyone ELSE is part of the problem besides you?"
"By ...[text shortened]... i dont like him, he seems mentally unhinged.
who has the power to oppose god?
Satan - a being created once with superlative wisdom and beauty and great authority and a free will. He turned and became the nemisis against God Himself.
It seems that God allowed this being to be the great grand repository into which all opposition against God is collected. This was a being who actually has the power to oppose God Himself.
I recommend "The Invisible War" by Dr. Donald Barnhouse.
Or the first third of a book "Earth's Earliest Ages" by G. H. Pember.
im sure gods not holding back the end of days just for me.
Not "just" for you. But you are certainly included.
"What makes you think everyone ELSE is part of the problem besides you?"
You quip, " God should get on with the job and clear away all the sin. " [paraphrased]
"Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered" (Psalm 68:1)
What if you are part of the enemy ? Only a fool would not want to be reconciled to God first before He arises to scatter His enemies. Christ has come for the sinner's reconcilation to God.
"By the way, had God just created rocks, stones, and lower animals then maybe there would be no problem. A rock doesn't have the capacity to rebel."
or if he had created man and not given him the capacity to do evil.
That is an old philosophical argument that I cannot answer or do justice to in an Internet post. But would such a creature really be free ?
"It took six days to form, recover, shape and mold His material creation in Genesis for it has no WILL. A rock, stone, or piece of wood gives God no problem. A man with a free will CAN give Him some problem."
why? i though god could do anything?
I didn't say God HAD to do it this way.
Perhaps He did it this way so we get the point. We look over the cycle of time and see the erecting of the great edifice of the world. Like a pyramid of life and meaning, we see all things gradually prepared and at the top, at the last - a MAN made in the image of God.
I think the ascending of the world in six days allows us to look down from the top of the pyramid and ascertain something of our place in the universe.
But there are more passages on God's creation than Genesis chapter one. This particular chapter, however, follows that gradual unfolding and ascending scheme - six days.
"Or perhaps you wonder why God did not just create a race of robots. He pushes a button and they say "I Love You Creator."
i think blindly following your creator, doing exactly what he say is closer to behaving like a robot.
It would be. But since I do not follow "blindly" it does not apply.
Trust is not blind. Trust is full of sight and wisdom that the credentials of the trusted one are persuasive. I know nothing of so-called "Blind Faith".
Considering the credentials of Jesus Christ does not leave one "blind".
" I once was lost, but now I'm found;
Was blind, but now I see. "
(from the song Amazing Grace)
" No excuses for refusing His operation in MY heart now on His way.
Sinners and rebels always seem to want God to start with the OTHER guy over there"
what do you mean by start on the other guy? i have no desire of god to start anything on anybody.
You said that God should get busy on the job, like He is suppose to do, and clear up the evil in the world.
But you don't want Him to start with you. "Clear it all up. But leave ME alone entirely." That is the attitude I hear. "Its THOSE people doing THOSE things over there. Why are you standing by and letting it just happen."
One on one, Jesus Christ has a way to start changing YOU. Why don't you realize that that is part of His operation to "FIX" it all ?
"The word of God says that the former things will not be remembered or come into mind"
so im right. the guilt will be so bad that memories need to be wiped for people to live in happiness. god will still know what he did though.
I don't see it that way. I see it as being so consumed with the present enjoyment and joy, especially at seeing how positively God worked out all the tragedies.
" And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are callked according to His purpose." (Rom. 8:28)
We can see that even history's worst crime, the murder of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, God turned to utilize for such a great salvation of man. We see how He turned that awful injustice for the greatest peace and eternal salvation of men and his environment. So we have condfidence that He can also cause all things to work together for good to those who are responding to His eternal purpose.
Imagine a chess master who is impossible to defeat and you may get an idea of the power of the God of resurrection to overcome every obstacle.
i dont think somebody who blindly follows something without question say to somebody who is asking questions that they lack objectivity.
A second time now I write it. We Christians know nothing of your so-called "Blind Faith".
That is YOUR assumption as one looking from the outside.
YOU assume we are following "blindly" just by a sheer will power, like the Wizard of Oz -
" I DO believe. I DO believe. I DO, I DO, I DO believe "
That is YOUR caricature. That is YOUR assumption - that I follow Christ "blindly".
No. Our trust in Jesus Christ is full of sight. And it is also accompanied by a certain amount of confirmation in our daily lives and as we look back over the years we have followed.
Faith and Trust which is full of sight, Not "blind following".
being able to see gods point of view doesnt make his point of view correct.
The idea of a incompetent God makes no sense. How could He give what He had not the capacity to give ? How could He make His creature MORE right when He has not the rightness to dispense ?
The idea of the CAUSE being inferior to the EFFECT has never been a convincing argument to me.
Besides, I can examine Jesus Christ and see that there is no higher level of goodness to have ever walk this earth. He is worthy of my trust.
i read all the time, but im not keen on fairy stories.
This doesn't read like a "fairy story" to many of us:
"Now in the fifteenth year of the government of Tiberius Caesar, while Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea, and Herod was tetrarch of Galilee, and his brother Philip was tetrarch of the region of Ituraea and Trachonitis, and Lysanias was tetrarch of Abilene, during the high priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas, the word of God came to John the son of Zachariah in the wilderness." (Luke 3:1,2)
That reads like history to me rather than a "Once Upon a Time In a Far Off Land ..." [/b]
This reads lik Journalism to me -
"Inasmuch as many have undertaken to draw up a narrative concerning the matters which have been fully accomplished among us, Even as those who from the beginning became eyewitnesses and ministers ofthe word have delvered them to us, It seemed good to me also, having carefully investigated all things from the first, to write them out for you in an orderly fashion, most excellent Theophilus, So that you may fully know the certainty of the things concerning which you were instructed." (Luke 1:1-4)
This reads like journalism to me and not "fairy stories".
Those who call the New Testament "fairy stories" to me, do not display sober thinking.
Then we have the Apostle Peter's word that they in fact, did NOT follow "cleverly devised myths."
"For we did not follow cleverly devised when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we became eyewitnesses of that One's majesty.
For He received from God the Father honor and glory, a voice such as this being borne to Him by the magnificent glory; This is My Son, My Beloved, in whom I delight.
And this voice we heard being borne out of heaven while we were with Him in the holy mountain." (2 Pet. 1:16-18)
EYEWITNESSES, NOT following "cleverly devised myths".
so i should thank god that somebody else is suffering rather than me?
Well, if you INSIST on being sadistic about it, who can stop you.
Some of us help others and pray for others.
But if it bulsters up your skepticism to have a sick and sadistic approach, go ahead and be a sicko about it.
that sounds pretty damn cold and selfish.
You are stupid. So being thankful is damn cold and selfish ?
You think you're clever to exploit the MOST twisted and MOST perverted angle.
You think this is pretty clever of you ?
while im at it shall i thank god that a pedophile decided to rape and kill some other child rather than my daughter? should i thank him for my food, while he allows others to starve?
No. You could offer them Christian love, service, encouragement, and testimony how even in your own misfortunes God strenghtened you.
But since you have no experience and want none, you have nothing but your warped, perverted, twisted way to turn everything around. You are very clever at twisting everything around to use every conceivable spiritual opportunity to show how pitch black cynical your heart can be.
The God of resurrection can get down underneath even one who has suffered rape. If God could not get low enough to uphold even the rape victom then the crucifixion of Jesus would be rather pointless.
I met people who have had tragedies. I...