Originally posted by @divegeesterThis is the way Divegeester shows his contempt for the Gospel.
divegeester: LOLDo you think so? I think you have cut a comic figure on this thread. So does he, it would seem. I think the "LOL" is about you personally: your behaviour, your demeanour. Obviously so, in fact. But you think... he - one of your fellow Christians - is showing "his contempt for the Gospel"? You're projecting THAT onto him? Really?
Originally posted by @sonship
This is the way Divegeester shows his contempt for the Gospel.
Originally posted by @fmfYea, I think so.
Do you think so?
Christ, the Firstborn Son in resurrection. Christ is the beginning of the new creation of God coming out of God's death destroying victory in resurrection.
Maybe if you encourage him long enough you can get him saying like you .... " Hey everybody, You know I use to be a Christian. "
Originally posted by @sonshipYou are simply beyond parody sometimes sonship. You have an interpersonal problem here with some people because of your vanity. To try to hide behind "the Gospels" [i.e. laughing at your behaviour is laughing at "the Gospels"], because you do not get the respect you want from someone, is a really tawdry use of the Holy Bible.
Yea, I think so.
Originally posted by @sonshipHe's laughing at you. You.
Me;Christ, the Firstborn Son in resurrection. Christ is the beginning of the new creation of God coming out of God's death destroying victory in resurrection.
And to pick out 25 words of the piles of stuff you regurgitated on page 1 and claim his "LOL" is specifically about those 25 words, when we both know that it was not, and that you have fabricated this by your juxtaposition, is downright dishonest of you.
Originally posted by @divegeesterWas it my third comment on page 1 and sonship's third comment from the bottom of the page that triggered this "LOL"? Or was it your undisguisable contempt for the Gospel? 😛
Originally posted by @sonshipYou are like the Levite in the story of the Good Samaritan, trying to preach to people. When it comes to good works and righteous living you turn your head [and your heart],against those critical teachings of Christ, but you are full of verbose analyses of trivial bible passages. That is why people laugh at you. Nobody here [not even the atheists], laugh at the gospel of Christ. They laugh at your foolish interpretation that Gospel ... the mouth worship, the eternal torture for everyone but Christians. They see your hypocrisy and they dont want to be like you and they dont want to read the foolishness you write.
This is the way Divegeester shows his contempt for the Gospel.
I rest secure in the New Testament's truth.
No one here can point out any error in this sentence.
Laughing, sneering, and chuckling and contempt not withstanding.
Christ, the Firstborn Son in resurrection. Christ is the beginning of the new creation of God coming out of God's death destroying victory in resurrection.
01 Jan 18
Originally posted by @sonshipKeep repeating this as if it comes from the New Testament. Its just another twisting of the Bible, and you are proficient at that.
Important things -
The NT record set straight.
Christ, the Firstborn Son in resurrection. Christ is the beginning of the new creation of God coming out of God's death destroying victory in resurrection.
Originally posted by @rajk999If I ask you to identify which part is a twisting, you'll probably just ignore the question or stumble on trying to make up some other errors about something else.
Keep repeating this as if it comes from the New Testament. Its just another twisting of the Bible, and you are proficient at that.
Rajk999, which part is my twisting of the New Testament in this post ?
Christ, the Firstborn Son in resurrection. Christ is the beginning of the new creation of God coming out of God's death destroying victory in resurrection.
01 Jan 18
Originally posted by @sonshipYou said it came from the NT. Please state the chapter and verse.
If I ask you to [b]identify which part is a twisting, you'll probably just ignore the question or stumble on trying to make up some other errors about something else.
Rajk999, which part is my twisting of the New Testament in this post ?
Christ, the Firstborn Son in resurrection. Christ is the beginning of the new creation of God coming out of God's death destroying victory in resurrection.[/b]