Originally posted by sonhouseHe stated that the Holy Spirit is here and among us now. I asked him what the Holy Spirit looks like or if he knows which country he might be in at the moment. I think that was 4 days ago? Anyway he hasn't answered that one yet either.
Taken 3 days so far, must be in a quandary.
Originally posted by galveston75Galveston. What on EARTH could you possibly mean by asking what the Holy Spirit LOOKS like ?
He stated that the Holy Spirit is here and among us now. I asked him what the Holy Spirit looks like or if he knows which country he might be in at the moment. I think that was 4 days ago? Anyway he hasn't answered that one yet either.
Is this suppose to be a clever "gotcha" question gauranteed to trip up trinitarians ?
It's not clever.
When you live as Christ lived because of the indwelling enfluence of this Spirit, that is something of "seeing" the Holy Spirit in action upon the Christian's life.
Originally posted by jaywillIt's not to trip him up but to expose his reasoning on this matter. He has constantly refused and ignored very simple questions I have asked him over the months about who or to be exact what the holy spirit is.
Galveston. What on EARTH could you possibly mean by asking what the Holy Spirit LOOKS like ?
Is this suppose to be a clever "gotcha" question gauranteed to trip up trinitarians ?
It's not clever.
When you live as Christ lived because of the indwelling enfluence of this Spirit, that is something of "seeing" the Holy Spirit in action upon the Christian's life.
The simplist of questions he has ignored and that only points to his lack of knowledge as to what his force is that God has and uses. He just confessed in another thread that he knows very little about the book of Revelation which is no suprise, so what makes anyone think he knows what the holy spirit is?
Jesus was once on earth and humans saw him and he even had a name. So now he says the holy spirit is here so I want to know what his take is on that? Is it a human again, do we have a name for him, can anyone see it?
Jesus came to the earth for a purpose and that purpose was finished. So now why is God which you say Jesus and the Holy Spirit are, back here on earth again?
Originally posted by galveston75
It's not to trip him up but to expose his reasoning on this matter. He has constantly refused and ignored very simple questions I have asked him over the months about who or to be exact what the holy spirit is.
The simplist of questions he has ignored and that only points to his lack of knowledge as to what his force is that God has and uses. He jus ...[text shortened]... ished. So now why is God which you say Jesus and the Holy Spirit are, back here on earth again?
Jesus came to the earth for a purpose and that purpose was finished. So now why is God which you say Jesus and the Holy Spirit are, back here on earth again?
RJHinds can answer for himself.
Now you are asking me. The Holy Spirit has much work to do on the earth for the building up of the New Jerusalem. All of this work of God in man is done through the Holy Spirit.
If you are suprised that the Holy Spirit is working in His people through the last 20 some centries that reveals some woeful lack of understanding on your part.
In fact the whole matter of the Seven Spirits of God in the book of Revelation is an indication that the Holy Spirit is working throughout the church age.
He is working to convict men to believe in Christ for starters:
"And when He comes, He will convict the world concerning sin and concerning righteousness and concerning judgment ..." (John 16:8)
That is the work of the Holy Spirit - to convict. And He continues to convict on deeper and deeper levels those who have come to Christ. This is all the operation of the Spirit of Christ - the Holy Spirit.
The mention of the seven Spirits of God in Revelation hails back to the realization of the Spirit of God OPERATING in the rebuilding of the damaged temple of God -
"This is the word of Jehovah to Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says Jehovah of hosts." (Zechariah 4:6,7)
This explanation refered back to the vision of the golden oil pouring out of the seven pipes and the two sons of oil:
"And he said to me, What do you see? And I said, I see that there is a lampstand all of gold, with its bowl on top of it and its seven lamps upon it, with seven pipes for each of the lamps on top of it; And there are two olive trees beside it, one to the right of the bowl and one to the left." (v.3)
God's building will be built not by human power, not by human strength, but by the Holy Spirit of God. That Spirit of God is pictured as golden oil pouring out of seven pipes.
This means the dispensing of God's Spirit into man for the building up of the human / divine dwelling place of God.
Originally posted by jaywillI never said the holy spirit is not working and doing what it's supposed to be doing. The spirit is which is God himself in action and it is doing all it's supposed to be doing as we speak.Jesus came to the earth for a purpose and that purpose was finished. So now why is God which you say Jesus and the Holy Spirit are, back here on earth again?
RJHinds can answer for himself.
Now you are asking me. The Holy Spirit has much work to do on the earth for the building up of the New Jerusalem. All of this work of God in man ...[text shortened]... f God's Spirit into man for the building up of the human / divine dwelling place of God.
Yes God is very busy by using his holy spirit or force with his son's help giuding the congregations to do the work Jesus commissioned them to do.
Originally posted by moon1969The trinity teaches that God is a 1 in 3 Godhead. All knowiing all powerful all everything in one being but yet they are seperate in some way.
I know this is off-thread, but what exactly is the trinity vs non-trinity thoughts. I have a sense of the discussion (or disagreement) but only superficially.
This is not a bible teaching on any level and has paganistic origins long before the Bible was written.
It is also never mentioned in the Bible and was not even thought of as a Christian belief until about 400 years after Jesus died and it is also something he or the apostles never taught.
The Bible say that God " Jehovah" is 1 God and that his son Jesus, is his first creation hense he is called "the first born of all creation" in the Bible.
The holy spirit or the third head of this Godhead that the trinity says is this third being, is not a god or a stand alone spirit at all but it is simply God's own active force or his spirit that he uses to accomplish his will.
Originally posted by galveston75I have already told you that the Holy Spirit is God. So do you know what God
He stated that the Holy Spirit is here and among us now. I asked him what the Holy Spirit looks like or if he knows which country he might be in at the moment. I think that was 4 days ago? Anyway he hasn't answered that one yet either.
looks like? You should be able to answer these questions without my help if
you know God.