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Salaried church officials and your donations

Salaried church officials and your donations


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Originally posted by menace71
I don't believe it for a minute that the JW's have all truth so I guess I will be destroyed at the end of the age. At least I will not have to burn in Hell 🙂

I hope your not destroyed for any reason... That's why we do the teaching work worldwide. We don't want anyone to forfit their life's because of not knowing Jehovah and knowing the truth's he requires of us.

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So if we met and I told you to stop preaching your garbage to me but I still wanted to be your friend? Would you or would you shun me? JW doctrine is to shun the world.


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Originally posted by menace71
So if we met and I told you to stop preaching your garbage to me but I still wanted to be your friend? Would you or would you shun me? JW doctrine is to shun the world.

You over read or you just try to push buttons because your wrong ot just don't understand. What does the Bible say about having friendships with unbelievers? We don't make that up. It's in the Bible and was written there for a reason. Right? We love every person on this planet as we all should. I would be a friend to you but not to the extent of it harming my faith with God. Does that not make sense?

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Ahhh just wanted to see what you would say. Fact is though I will never ever be JW. I will never enter a Kingdom hall. If they come to my door I will be courteous and heck even discuss bible with them. I will open my bible and discuss. I will however go for the jugular ever single time with the central figure of the bible namely Christ. I will battle that point to no end. I will also challenge them on the historical legitimacy of the JW's


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Originally posted by galveston75
.. the message that Jesus TOLD his followers to do.
The message preached by Christ, John the Baptist, the disciples and Paul, is the message of the good news of the kindgom. What you people preach is your own version of what the Bible means. You JWs have lost almost every debate here becuse you cannot substantiate your conclusions with verses from the teachings of Christ. And worse, all you have suceeded in doing is demonstrating your arrogance by accouncing to everyone that you are Gods chosen people and that you are right.

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Another day, another thread, and another gaggle of bickering Christians.

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Originally posted by menace71
Obviously the founder was not honest that is proven fact or should we say history.
The guy after the founder ran it like a dictatorship this is all History. That's when there was a split. I guess the modern day version is not quite the same but who cares.

i care for you have slandered the reputation and the name of a body that is entirely dedicated to the dissemination of biblical truth on the basis of what? nothing but your blind ignorance and prejudice. You were asked to produce evidence for your lie that the leaders of Jehovahs witnesses were greedy and corrupt, you as yet have provided nothing? when it was pointed out to you that they were non-salaried and volunteers you again could not handle that your lie has been exposed and resort to the usual nominal Christian rhetoric of personal insult. when you have anything of substance to state other than your prejudices, let the forum know, but i for one shall not let this pass, you have been called out Manny and you have found to be the perpetrator of nothing but a lie and you should be named and shamed for it, for you have not the humility to admit that you were wrong.

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yes you are correct dear Noobster, tiresome isn't it. Some words of wisdom from the ancient King

(Ecclesiastes 7:9) . . .Do not hurry yourself in your spirit to become offended, for the taking of offense is what rests in the bosom of the stupid ones.

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(Ecclesiastes 5:10) . . .A mere lover of silver will not be satisfied with silver, neither any lover of wealth with income. . . .

Dr. John Russell earned $361,587 and received $44,974 in benefits as executive vice president of medical affairs for Baptist Health System in 2001. John Brazil, the president of Trinity University, where Hagee received his bachelor's degree in history in 1964, earned $300,000 and received $142,835 in benefits in 2001.

In addition, Hagee's compensation was among the highest pay packages for television evangelists in 2001, according to IRS 990 filings.

Paul Crouch, president of California-based Trinity Christian Center of Santa Ana, received $403,700. His wife, Janice Crouch, earned $347,500 as the vice president for the organization, which broadcasts sermons nationally on the Trinity Broadcasting Network.

Billy Graham earned $174,000 in compensation and $28,403 in employee benefits for his role as director and chairman for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, which netted $96.7 million in revenue in 2001.

"It's not unprecedented (for ministers to earn a high salary)," said Paul Nelson, president of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, an accreditation group for Christian ministries that monitors the fund-raising practices of its member organizations. "But it is high," Nelson said about Hagee's compensation.

When discussing the finances of GETV and his compensation, Hagee and his wife defended their earnings.

"You're comparing apples to oranges," Diana Hagee said when discussing Graham's compensation and comparing it with her husband's compensation.

"Billy Graham is set up with 400 acres of property, with a house in the middle of it, with a chain-link fence and security dogs around it. His ministry provides all that," John Hagee said while seated in the 'living room" stage set of GETV's Stone Oak studio.

"I provide my own house," he said. "I provide my own insurance. I provide everything for myself."

A representative for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association said Graham has owned his own home since the 1950s but receives a housing stipend that is folded into his total compensation package. This year, Graham's total compensation package was $190,000, which included a $47,500 housing stipend.

Hagee and his wife are listed in the Bexar County Appraisal District database as owners of their six-bedroom, 5,275-square-foot house in one of San Antonio's most exclusive gated communities, The Dominion. The house, similar in architectural style to the building at Cornerstone Church - classical Greek revival and white with tall pillars reaching from the ground to the roof - is appraised at $688,900.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
[b](Ecclesiastes 5:10) . . .A mere lover of silver will not be satisfied with silver, neither any lover of wealth with income. . . .

Dr. John Russell earned $361,587 and received $44,974 in benefits as executive vice president of medical affairs for Baptist Health System in 2001. John Brazil, the president of Trinity University, where Hagee ...[text shortened]... pillars reaching from the ground to the roof - is appraised at $688,900.[/b]
Tell us also about the 'Miracle Wheat' story .... 😀 lol.

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Originally posted by Rajk999
Tell us also about the 'Miracle Wheat' story .... 😀 lol.
actually your lies have already in that instance been exposed on the forum previously, i think it was i who posted the refutation of your (oh no it was not your allegation was it, but your source of lies that produced the allegations, if ever you get an original thought, let us know, well send up balloons for the momentous occasion) there is no need to do so again, why not? for this very reason,

(Proverbs 14:7) . . .Go away from in front of the stupid man, for you will certainly not take note of the lips of knowledge.

now if you dont mind i would rather apply this scripture, in this instance

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Originally posted by Rajk999
Tell us also about the 'Miracle Wheat' story .... 😀 lol.
Are the charges in a tract against Jehovah’s witnesses true that the Society’s first president was immoral, profiteered from selling some mysteriously named wheat at $65 a bushel, and committed perjury when asked in court if he could read Greek?

No. They were deliberate falsehoods. No immoral action was ever proved against the Watchtower Society’s first president, Charles Taze Russell. In a suit for separate maintenance Mrs. Russell’s attorney said, “We make no charge of adultery”; and Mrs. Russell, who went to all ends to discredit her husband (her main objection was that he would not let her control the Watchtower magazine’s policy), specifically said she did not accuse him of immorality. When critics who did not know him thought they could take portions of the trial and malign his good name, he swore: “I never was guilty of immorality toward any person. . . . Further, I have never desired to do so.” Those who knew him personally highly respected his integrity. J. F. Rutherford, one who was sufficiently convinced of the importance of the Christian work Brother Russell did to likewise devote his life and funds to it, and who succeeded Russell as the Society’s president, said at Russell’s funeral: “Truly it can be said that Pastor Russell’s character was and is without blemish.”

The facts about “Miracle Wheat” are equally perverted. Brother Russell was interested in anything related to the Scriptural prediction that the desert would blossom as a rose and the earth yield her increase. So, when the public press reported a new and unusual strain of wheat, called “Miracle Wheat” by its original grower, Brother Russell reported this in The Watchtower, along with a government report on it. Some Watchtower readers contacted the grower, who was in no way connected with the Watchtower Society, and purchased some of the wheat. When theirs produced seed they offered it as a contribution to the Society. The original grower sold the seed at $1.25 a pound, so they suggested their contribution be priced at $1.00, and all the money received be given to the Society. The Society made no claim for the wheat on its own knowledge, though it won several State Fair grand prizes before it wore itself out. Brother Russell neither named it nor profited from it; the money went as a donation into Christian missionary work. When others criticized this sale, all who had contributed were told that if they were dissatisfied their money would be returned, and the money was held for a year for this purpose. Not a single person requested it back. The only critics were those who had no real knowledge of the matter, which was purely a donation sale for the benefit of the Society—as open and aboveboard as a church cake sale.

The “perjury” charge was not made in court, but in a tract written later by an irresponsible slanderer against whom Brother Russell had brought a libel case. The official record of the case in question (Police Court of the City of Hamilton, Ontario, March 17, 1913) says: “Q. You don’t profess, then, to be schooled in the Latin language? A. No, sir. Q. Or in Greek? A. No, sir.” After this he was asked if he knew individual Greek letters, and it was over this that the question of his knowledge of Greek arose. This false “perjury” claim has been repeated by many who never went to this Canadian city to check this old court record to see if they are spreading truth or a lie. Not only has the question they “quote” been reworded, but Brother Russell had specifically said that he did not know Greek.

The extent to which critics will deliberately falsify such quotations is shown in another tract that says Jehovah’s witnesses deny the ransom and tries to support this with a quotation from Volume 5, page 127, of the Studies in the Scriptures: “Jesus’ suffering would not pay the debt of sin.” Here is what the book actually says: “True, the wages of sin was not suffering, but death; and hence suffering on our Lord’s part would not alone pay the wages of sin for us: it was absolutely necessary that he should ‘taste death for every man.’” The book says exactly the opposite of what the tract claims it says.

With such lies and perverted facts the critics condemn themselves. They would not like to be classed with the ultramodernists who accuse Jesus of being illegitimate, but they stoop equally low regarding other men whose lives were spent unselfishly in God’s service.

there isn't that a nice story for your bedtime, now you shall be pleased to tell the forum what Charles Russell did with the fortune that he earned from his clothing business and how much he profited by selling wheat. If you cannot nor will not, you are a liar and a slanderer, but hey, we knew that already. Perhaps you can help Manny find some other piece of evidence to support his lie as well, God knows he needs it.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
actually your lies have already in that instance been exposed on the forum previously, i think it was i who posted the refutation of your (oh no it was not your allegation was it, but your source of lies that produced the allegations, if ever you get an original thought, let us know, well send up balloons for the momentous occasion) there is no need ...[text shortened]... lips of knowledge.

now if you dont mind i would rather apply this scripture, in this instance
What original thought do the JWs have. They are required by their elders (according to Galveston who confirmed this ) to simply regurgigate the rubbish fed to them.

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Originally posted by Rajk999
What original thought do the JWs have. They are required by their elders (according to Galveston who confirmed this ) to simply regurgigate the rubbish fed to them.
see your allegations lying on the forum floor, shall i mop them up for you?

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Ok how about all of the Watch Tower predictions that the world was going to end?
1914 , 1917 1975 ect I'm sure I'm missing some dates there. How about the prediction that the Old testament saints were going to reappear in visible form and the House The JW's made so they could stay there? This is all Historical fact. It's in your own writings how can you refute it? You can't. I don't buy the weak argument that "Oh it's progressive revelation" What we once thought has now changed. If God gave you the revelation it would not change. Either that or your god is a liar!! Do you see what I'm saying. The stiff resistance you get is because people see through the lies. I will not apologize for my words against the WT or the JW's. I believe the JW's the people are generally good moral people but that does not change the lie of the Organization.


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