Originally posted by Rajk999I'm not sure why you found my post unflattering because what I am talking about and what the quote is referring to is the advance of Christianity a long time ago when it was in its fledgling stage not in modern times. I think the game has changed since then. No I don't think people choose to Christianity today because they are suffering anomie. However, I think it does provoke an interesting to discussion in regards to understaning how it went from a very small, fringe religion back in the Roman Empire to one that ultimately swept across Europe. For a little background to know where I'm coming from the book that has caught my attention on this is called "The Germancization of Early Medeival Christianity." by James Russell. The discussion is not meant to be unflattering or insulting in any way but rather an objective analysis of the spread of Christianity at the time.
Sorry my post got you upset. Do you have a strong feminine side?
How would you react if your Red Thor gets shellacked by the God
of Israel ?Anyway my post was meant to provoke you as well as get you to think. Provoke you because its not flattering for you to imply that Christians are "..People suffering from extreme deprivation and people suffering ...[text shortened]... s of [i]"..People suffering from extreme deprivation and people suffering from anomie ..?
Regarding your questions:
"Sorry my post got you upset. Do you have a strong feminine side?"
No usually I have pretty thick skin but nobody's perfect.
"How would you react if your Red Thor gets shellacked by the God of Israel?"
My god weilds a big hammer, your god got nailed to a cross. Any questions?
(okay, okay it's just a joke - nobody need get offended.)
Originally posted by UllrOk I will take a look at the book.
I'm not sure why you found my post unflattering because what I am talking about and what the quote is referring to is the advance of Christianity a long time ago when it was in its fledgling stage not in modern times. I think the game has changed since then. No I don't think people choose to Christianity today because they are suffering anomie. However, I th ...[text shortened]... a cross. Any questions?
(okay, okay it's just a joke - nobody need get offended.)
And by the way the God of Israel destroyed two cities with one ZAP from his fingers .. 🙂
Originally posted by UllrYou raise another serious question/problem here again for spirituality seekers.
The God of Israel of the OT was no joke. He became soft when he had a child. As we all do I suppose.
(ie.becoming "soft" when having a child(ren) )
My 'guru',(God bless him where ever he may be, haven't seen him in 7 years), loves me as much as anyone I have ever known, including my own mother !
But he said "I'm not good with children".
(It took me a little while to understand what he meant, but after I saw that he was a real man ,(of action), I quickly realized that people, (especially in small towns, with few cops where martial law rules, people can become very vindictive and try to dish out their own justice. This is because they were actually the thieves and law-breakers and they wanted to point the finger at someone else.)
This is what you get when you dont adhere to the laws of a scizophrenic society. (A society divided against itself, living in fear, neighbour fearful of neighbour, etc.)
There is no escaping universal Laws(s).
But you can piss people right off, to the point of them wanting to kill you, without breaking any man made laws. (For example we were accused of thieving and judged and persecuted for it by the "community",(which was just a few dumb thugs), who ran with the story ,( spouted by the actual thief, a mate of theirs), and spread it to the whole town. I was harrassed and "hunted" and my reputation took an almighty dive.
So , while staying in a sqaut and having most of the town against us, it was easy to see why it wasn't a good idea for my child to visit us, even though I wanted my child to meet my special "friend".
There is much more to this story, practical lessons and (internal) paradigm shifts that have change me in a very extraordinary way- a way that I did not see coming until it hit me.(It "hit " me so hard that I actually got physically ill from the shock and was bedridden for 4 days). Eversince then , there has been no going back for me and I am locked into my path that I was put on back then, 7 years ago.
I would be happy to tell more of this story or any questions anyone may have regarding this. I'll try to be brief, to the point and truthful. Apparently this guy could answer ANY question,kinda like blackbeetle, but not😵