Originally posted by @eladarWell whats your problem then?
(ps I'm not ditching you. I just goto log off for a few hours)
12 Aug 17
Originally posted by @karoly-aczelI don't have a problem.
Well whats your problem then?
(ps I'm not ditching you. I just goto log off for a few hours)
13 Aug 17
Originally posted by @karoly-aczelI have no problem with you acting by your heart and against God.
Man you are in denial.
We all got problems ...
(just trek thru the comments if you wanna get back on point)
13 Aug 17
Originally posted by @karoly-aczelCan you prove that God does not exist? Or is that just your opinion?
I cant turn away from something/someone that does not exist ...
Originally posted by @eladarYou really do think this, don't you?
You, like most, reject God and his commands. This is true of many females who claim to be Christian but refuse to submit to their husbands.
Jesus would say that he does not know you.
Originally posted by @eladarThat is for those wives to decide.
So you claim that Christian wives are not to submit to their husbands?
But for someone to claim they should and then claim that God says they should is completely self-serving.
Any more restrictions you want to put on people who you think are inferior only because they are not like you?
14 Aug 17
Originally posted by @suzianneYes, wives need to decide of they are going to follow God's commands or not. I totally agree.
That is for those wives to decide.
But for someone to claim they should and then claim that God says they should is completely self-serving.
Any more restrictions you want to put on people who you think are inferior only because they are not like you?
Do I need to quote the Bible for you?
Originally posted by @eladarThe concept of one overlord just does not add up with my worldview as informed by my senses
Can you prove that God does not exist? Or is that just your opinion?
Originally posted by @eladarNo, you don't.
Yes, wives need to decide of they are going to follow God's commands or not. I totally agree.
Do I need to quote the Bible for you?
You also don't need to tell me that when I tell you that you're full of crap that I'm disagreeing with God.
Originally posted by @eladarVerse 22 is preceded by verse 21 which has ALL the believers being being subject to one another.
Yes, wives need to decide of they are going to follow God's commands or not. I totally agree.
Do I need to quote the Bible for you?
" Being subject to one another in the fear of Christ." (Eph. 5:21)
The tone is subjection all around among the churching Christians.
The previous verse 18 shows that for this the believers need to be in the enjoyment of the fulness of the Holy Spirit.
"And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissolution, but be filled in spirit, ..." v.18)
You see it is one thing to be in dissolution through the excess indulgence in alcohol barking out commands to the wife. It is quite another that the Christian man and his wife seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Christ is alone the submissive One absolute for the will of God.
The believers need to be filled in spirit with Christ to submit and to love. Remember that the apostle's instruction is for the husband to deny himself and lay down his life for his wife following Christ's example to His church.
Verse 25 -
"Husbands, love your wives even as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her."
For a Christian husband to take the lead in his family must mean that he takes the lead to deny himself, say "No" to his flesh and enjoys the fulness of the Spirit of Christ within.
How else can you, like Christ, lay down your life in pure love for your wife ?
Also the Apostle Peter says that the Christian husband and wife are heirs together of the grace of divine life. Heirs together does not mean "You first and then me". Rather each has his or her respective responsibility to take Christ for grace, supply, empowering and enabling to live.
"Husbands, in like manner dwell together with them according to knowledge as with the weaker, female vessel, assigning honor to them as also to fellow heirs of the grace of life,
that your prayers may not be hindered." (1 Pet. 3:7)
His concern is that the couple's prayer life is effective, authoritative, and can touch the administration of God - moving His hand. How effective is the prayer life of the husband and wife?
Peter's concern is not to measure how much the man can boss around the woman.
Rather he is concerned with how much the grace of God flows through the unit - husband and wife, that their petitioning power before God is effective.