Originally posted by divegeesterI know, I have been astonished for many years. I have been debating, counseling, been asked to leave a church, among other things for a long time.
I honestly cannot laugh; I find this whole jumbo-jumbo approach to Christianity degrading to those who believe in it and a stumbling block to those who may have a genuine interest in what Christianity has to offer. I am honestly absolutely astonished at what some of the Christians in this forum believe, especially some of the allegedly more mature Christians like sonship and Grampy Bobby.
Not only the hell thing, the life after death myth, the let's blame God for any disaster or disease, etc. ๐
Originally posted by divegeesterThe sun also appears to rise in the east and set in the west. That is why we have long explained it that way and still do. ๐
Assuming that the sun did actually appear to stop in the sky, it would only appear to stop in the sky, so the account could be an accurate representation of what was observed.
Originally posted by CalJustWhat makes you think the Earth and sun will disappear in a 'few million' years?
I always thought (incorrectly, it appears) that the three-tiered universe went out with Galileo and Copernicus.
But if this 4-cell chamber is really in the centre of this planet, then at least there is respite for the poor souls there. This planet and its sun will disappear in only a few million years.
But in order to live forever, maybe the inhabitant ...[text shortened]... planet in a new galaxy? But even that will burn out. Maybe it says that in the Bible somewhere?
Originally posted by checkbaiterI do not see anything in scripture that requires "destroy" in scripture to always mean annihilated. Even the word "forever" does not have to mean infinity. ๐
The Greek word translated “destroy” is apollumi (#622
แผπฯλλυµι. Apollumi means “to cause or experience destruction” (BDAG). The concept
of “burning forever in hell” came into Christianity from the Greeks (and Jews like the
Pharisees who were influenced by Greek teaching going back to the time of Alexander
the Great who conquered Palestine in 333 BC). ...[text shortened]... teach the simple truth
that each person will either live forever or be destroyed, annihilated.
Originally posted by Ghost of a DukeI can easily say that I do not believe in any of those things, because they are all nonsense. ๐
That's not a very strong line of reasoning. There are many absurdities that it could be argued scripture doesn't rule out the possibility of. You have also never heard of the following, but by your own reasoning they are also possible because scripture doesn't definitely rule them out:
1. A secret tribe of small courgette people. (Let's call them ...[text shortened]... etc.
Scripture shouldn't be your benchmark for what is possible. Your brain should do that.
Originally posted by divegeesterI am saying I don't have enough knowledge about it to agree or disagree. For now, I am leaving the possibility open. However, in the case of billions of years of evolution, I have a definite opinion. ๐
You said [b]"I don't recall anything in scripture that would defintely rule out that possibility."
Do you therefore agree with Grampy Bobby that there is a literal cavern at the Center of the earth which is Sheol?[/b]
Originally posted by sonhouseOK, say about another 5 bn years, then it's fuel is used up and it becomes a white dwarf. Meant to say billion, not million, sorry.
What makes you think the Earth and sun will disappear in a 'few million' years?
But even 5 bn is a miniscule fraction of eternity, so the point stands.
Originally posted by divegeesterMaybe because its a non-issue. Have you heard of Urantia Book? Basically it sounds like fabricated stories all of which revolve around the Bible. eg they take the creation story and build a wierd but interesting story around it.
I notice most of the Christians here are giving this Grampy Bobby thread a wide berth, especially after his astonishing revelation that he believes hell is an actual cavern deep underground somewhere.
What do the rest of you think of this notion, true? Not true?
It GB gets his thrills from believing in fabricated stuff that is not in the Bible than its harmless as far as I can tell.
29 Aug 15
Originally posted by Rajk999However, it does rather cast doubt upon his judgement and perceptions regarding the validity of everything else he purports to believe too. So in terms of the daily discourse that goes on here, and his contribution to it, it's not really a 'non-issue'.
It GB gets his thrills from believing in fabricated stuff that is not in the Bible than its harmless as far as I can tell.