Originally posted by twhitehead
I speak of religion in a disparaging way because I think it is bad. I have good reasons for this and can defend them. I also gave good reasons why I think skeptics are not bad. I am always ready to defend my statements and admit when I get them wrong. You however seem to just jump to another thread then take pot shots at me. Will you admit that this is in fact not a case of the pot calling the kettle black?
Evil men can find a way to use about anything for bad. Religion and government can be used for good or bad. So we can find many examples of both. It seems to be all in the eye of the beholder. I think killing of unborn babies is bad, while others think it is good. We all have our reasons. However, we genearally agree today that it was bad to beat and crucify someone, like was done to Jesus, because we believe their religion is bad. We try to give them freedom to practice their religious beliefs in safety as long as it is also safe to others.