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Suzanne’s Post, Fact, Fiction, Christian? Let’s Come Together!

Suzanne’s Post, Fact, Fiction, Christian? Let’s Come Together!


Lover of History

Northants, England

15 Feb 05
06 Oct 23


You could well be right.

Lover of History

Northants, England

15 Feb 05
06 Oct 23

@ghost-of-a-duke said
They carry more gravitas out of context. 😀
See I know your Wolfie tricks. I couldn’t realistically play this time around but I have my eye on you sir, the way that you are bamboozling the masses 😝



04 Apr 04
06 Oct 23
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@medullah said
So when God instructs Moses to write as the sixth commandment "thou shalt not kill" is that a con job too?

What's point k? is that the one that goes in John 8:44 "You are of your father the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning " .............

The bloodshed has to stop !!
The ten commandments are given to the people of Israel. These are for people to follow, not governments and leaders. It is a set of laws for individuals who want to live righteously before God. One would have thought it was obvious that it does not apply to leaders and governments, since it contains stuff about sexual conduct. Surely you do not think that God is telling the government not to commit formication.

The guidelines and laws applicable to governments are laid out separately, and governments are required to kill offenders for adultery, disobedience, blasphemy etc etc. There is a long list of crimes and sins which attract the death penalty under the Law of Moses.

God also advised in what circumstances the Jews are to go out and kill other people and nations. Surely you cannot possible believe that the 6th commandment means there should be no killing at all. Individuals must not go killing other people, but there are times leaders and govts are required to kill..

The Gravedigger
Jack Torrance

Overlook Hotel

04 Feb 11
06 Oct 23

A recent study in the UK by a charity for the homeless determined that 94% of homeless people had a drug, alcohol or mental health problem. This is what had caused them to become homeless. Giving them a house is not going to solve it.



04 Apr 04
06 Oct 23
1 edit

@the-gravedigger said
A recent study in the UK by a charity for the homeless determined that 94% of homeless people had a drug, alcohol or mental health problem. This is what had caused them to become homeless. Giving them a house is not going to solve it.
Loads of people in countries that have a social net where citizens are compensated for certain situations, take unfair advantage of the governments generosity. There are countries where most these same 94% will have to get off their butts and go to work otherwise they will starve to death.


20 May 16
07 Oct 23

@suzianne said
My original post was as honest as it gets.

Apparently, you're not used to honesty. Wean yourself off Trump, man.
I’m very used to honesty, I have lied in the past, I now find it pointless like your your post. You might look up who gives more between far left liberals like you, Democrats, and Republicans. I find you to be a narcissist with a problem of blaming others for your issues in order to feel better about yourself and function in life as you do. This gives you your insight where a certain group you obviously know nothing about as people are responsible for the things you see around you, while you and your group can do anything you complain about and more and all is fine. You need to grow up, wake up and realize theirs a bigger world out there than the one you see and we all don’t think or live alike. I was offering an open hand and to look for common ground, maybe when you’re a little older and mature, or see the world outside of media and watching tv. I wish you well live and feel as you like but this doesn’t mean I have to agree or accept especially when our children and their development and concerned. Would you like to talk to talk about our Christian walks and how God leads and guides our lives through his mercy, grace, and love. How has God worked the most in your life. I realize from your own words of being liquored and sexed up most of the time they may be a little different.

Ghost of a Duke

14 Mar 15
07 Oct 23

@medullah said
See I know your Wolfie tricks. I couldn’t realistically play this time around but I have my eye on you sir, the way that you are bamboozling the masses 😝
You missed a good game sir.


16 Feb 08
07 Oct 23
1 edit

@the-gravedigger said
A recent study in the UK by a charity for the homeless determined that 94% of homeless people had a drug, alcohol or mental health problem. This is what had caused them to become homeless. Giving them a house is not going to solve it.
Excellent point.

Ghost of a Duke, would you concur given your exposure.
(Serious question btw… )

Ghost of a Duke

14 Mar 15
07 Oct 23

@divegeester said
Excellent point.

Ghost of a Duke, would you concur given your exposure.
(Serious question btw… )
Always need to tackle/address the underlying cause (whether that be drugs etc) but that could be done in conjunction with providing shelter. Quite often it is the 'right kind' of housing that matters (where support is available or people are removed from past influences).


28 Oct 05
07 Oct 23

Good government policies to tackle homelessness and hunger alongside the voluntary participation of citizens under the auspices of non-governmental organizations, including those of Christians and Muslims etc.:

Building of more public housing that will then be sold cheaply to tenants

More investment in shelters

More investment in halfway houses.

Public/workfare projects that offer housing and food.

More investment in occupational and physical therapy

Rent allowances in combination with rent controls.

More investment in programmes aimed at drug and alcohol addiction with temporary accommodation.

Others too, no doubt.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
07 Oct 23

@suzianne said
You know, you could always go over to the thread where I said that and see what led up to that and my response to what followed. You know, instead of assuming.

Thread 197670 Top of Page 4
It was the things you said in this thread that prompted me to write what I did.



04 Apr 04
07 Oct 23

@ghost-of-a-duke said
Always need to tackle/address the underlying cause (whether that be drugs etc) but that could be done in conjunction with providing shelter. Quite often it is the 'right kind' of housing that matters (where support is available or people are removed from past influences).
I would think that drug abuse is a symptom and not a root cause. Somewhere along the line it must go back to poor parenting, spoilt kids, laziness, entitlement. Much of the problems of modern society is caused by people not working and trying to get something for nothing. Laziness is condemned all over the bible to the point where it states if a man does not work he must not eat, and if a man fails to provide for his family he is worse than an infidel.


28 Oct 05
08 Oct 23
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@rajk999 said
Laziness is condemned all over the bible to the point where it states if a man does not work he must not eat, and if a man fails to provide for his family he is worse than an infidel.
Yes, 1 Timothy 5:8.

"But if any provideth not for his own, and especially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an unbeliever."

This reminds me of how Romans1009 claimed that caring for one's parent is an example of "the indwelling Holy Spirit" causing "good works" to be done.

And he went on to claim that he had no idea why non-believers care for their parents.

1 Timothy 5:8 is surely an affirmation of some common decency that is a basic facet of human nature.

As for the condemnation ~ "worse than an infidel/unbeliever" ~ it raises a question: How did the writer of Timothy perceive "unbelievers" who provided for their families?



04 Apr 04
08 Oct 23

@fmf said
Yes, 1 Timothy 5:8.

"But if any provideth not for his own, and especially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an unbeliever."

This reminds me of how Romans1009 claimed that caring for one's parent is an example of "the indwelling Holy Spirit" causing "good works" to be done.

And he went on to claim that he had no idea why non-believe ...[text shortened]... es a question: How did the writer of Timothy perceive "unbelievers" who provided for their families?
From Adam to the end of time, mankind has the same conscience and the same knowledge of good and evil. Paul's words here are relevant:

(For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another😉 (Romans 2:13-15 KJV)

All people can live righteously and all know instinctively what is right and what is wrong, and all are going to face judgment. Unfortunately for Christians even professions of faith and even having the Holy Spirit and even being born again is no guarantee that they will live righteously and get eternal life. Paul said that even Christian saints can be cast out of the Kingdom of God, including he himself.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
08 Oct 23

@rajk999 said
From Adam to the end of time, mankind has the same conscience and the same knowledge of good and evil. Paul's words here are relevant:

[i](For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto the ...[text shortened]... e. Paul said that even Christian saints can be cast out of the Kingdom of God, including he himself.
Deciever, do you know what it means to be justified?

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