@secondson saidFirst of all no doctrine that promotes good works and righteousness can be of the devil. All righteousness and good works is of God. All evil and sin is of the devil [let me know if you want the references]. Your church doctrine promotes sin and evil by proclaiming that professions of faith is all that is required. Good works is trying to earn ones salvation, and is in fact legalistic. Your church promotes the doctrine of the devil which is disobedience to God.
"I dont know that,.."
But you seem to know everything else.
1 John 1:8-10
¶ If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.
Your doctrine of salvation by works is of the devil.
Next, what I promote is the avoidance of mouth worship aka professions of faith gives eternal ife. That is mouth worship. It is not the teachings of Christ. I promote the following of the commandments of Christ.
Therefore I promote following Christ, then if people do this then Christ will reward them accordingly as Christ stated in Mat 25. My doctrine of Christ. Yours is of man.
07 Aug 19
@rajk999 saidIf i were in an Atheist family, never hearing the word preached. yet my family helped the poor, fed the hungry, gave to help the homeless. and im not just saying in a little way. but took great strides for the needy. when i was 20 , i was in an auto wreck and died. would i go to hell based on what you stated.
The answer to your question can be found by reading in its entirety one of Paul's letter to the churches. Paul says:
1. Profess faith in Christ
2. Become baptized into Christ
3. Receive the Holy Spirit
4. Christians are then saved
5. Continue to live righteously and do good works.
Paul was crystal clear that failure to do #5 would lead to no inheritance in the kingdom of God.
If your doctrine omits #5 then you need to examine yourself before it's too late.
07 Aug 19
@rajk999 saidAlright lets settle down. You know i get more angry at self rightious Christians than anyone else.
First of all no doctrine that promotes good works and righteousness can be of the devil. All righteousness and good works is of God. All evil and sin is of the devil [let me know if you want the references]. Your church doctrine promotes sin and evil by proclaiming that professions of faith is all that is required. Good works is trying to earn ones salvation, and is in fact l ...[text shortened]... ist will reward them accordingly as Christ stated in Mat 25. My doctrine of Christ. Yours is of man.
First off, Jesus stated ( after the Apostles stopped a man preaching that wasn't part of thier group ) If they are not against us they are for us.
All the churches are in this same boat. Not one is above another. yes there are some that have a better grasp. but you still cant condemn the veggie eaters if you think you are a meat eater, and the same with the other way around. Do not condemn those who teach faith alone. they are still your brothers and sisters
07 Aug 19
@secondson saidAnd you need to settle down as well. Christians i swr are the most stubborn of all. Its faith alone that brings us to Jesus. but you have to receive Jesus into your heart. Both faith in action and receiving Jesus into your heart are an action. If you have faith, and do nothing with it. you dont search out Jesus, you dont read the scripture, you dont get involved. then you are only burying your faith in the sand. and what does scripture say about burying your talents (faith) in the sand. Yes, you will be worthless, and thrown into the fire.
"I dont know that,.."
But you seem to know everything else.
1 John 1:8-10
¶ If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.
Your doctrine of salvation by works is of the devil.
Those actions you take, those steps you take are only a part of God working though you. It isn't what you do alone without God, that are the "works" scripture speaks of in Hebrews. It is Christ in you, that Christ is working through you.
Does this help you understand. plainly it is the movement of the Holy Spirit in you. that is what the works are
07 Aug 19
@rajk999 saidDefine "mouth worship", because you accuse people of that all the time, and whenever you share why, it is always for something not said them only implied by you.
Jesus Christ has assured certain people of their salvation. I offer no interpretation or analysis, just a couple quotes, and there are dozens more like them :
And being made perfect, he [Jesus Christ] became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him; (Hebrews 5:9 KJV)
[b]Q : Who gets eternal salvation from Christ ?
A : Those who OBEY Christ[/ ...[text shortened]... s no hope for you. So did John and Jude.
Beware of the wolves that teach the doctrines of Satan.
It is crystal clear that ungodly living may prevent a Christian from inheriting the kingdom of God. See three important passages -
" etc. etc. ... has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God" ( Eph. 5:5)
" etc. etc. ... not the rapacious will inherit the kingdom of God" ( 2 Cor. 6:9,10)
" etc. etc. ... shall not inherit the kingdom of God" (Gal. 5:19-21)
These are three strong New Testament passages warning the eternally saved that captivity to such fleshly living will forfeit for them the inheritance of the kingdom of God.
Now we come to Romans 14:17 -
"For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit" (Rom 14:17)
If the believer in the church age is failing in the consistent living of righteousness failing to experience peace and faltering in "joy in the Holy Spirit" his experience of the kingdom of God is defective. It may even be so weak as to be practically non-existent.
For we are told what are the ingredients of the kingdom of God - righteousness in Christ, peace toward God and men, joy in the Holy Spirit. Being poor in these areas puts a question mark on that Christian's practical experience of the kingdom of God.
Now when Jesus returns physically to the earth, the one thousand year millennial kingdom of the heavens will be manifested, And the overcoming Christians from the church age will be rewarded. The defeated will not inherit that stage of the kingdom of God.
Preparation for inheriting the kingdom of God in the millennium is made by enjoying the kingdom of God today in the church age as righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
This should cause every Christian a sober concern. But we must remember that even in the dispensing of reward the MERCIFUL can receive MERCY.
Blessed are the merciful, FOR THEY SHALL OBTAIN MERCY. (Matt. 5:7)
As you are strict and unmerciful with others so at that time Jesus will be strict and unmerciful with you even though you be saved eternally.
"Do not judge, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you shall be judged; and with what measure you measure, it shall be measured to you." (Matt. 7:1,2)
Human nature is usually to be merciful and accommodating with one's self but strict and exacting upon OTHER people. The principle of the kingdom people is the opposite. Jesus, the King says, be strict with your own Christian life and towards others be merciful in your judgments.
Then when He returns to dispense your position in the millennial kingdom of a thousand years, you may OBTAIN mercy, even though there were weaknesses in your Christian life during the church age.
This is about reward during the millennium. And the Bible warns -
"For the judgment is without mercy to him who has shown no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgment." (James 1:13)
The wise Christian will give Christ the King opportunity to reveal that mercy TRIUMPHS over judgment.
@pudgenik saidIn that case from what I see from the teachings of Christ you would be with Christ after death.
If i were in an Atheist family, never hearing the word preached. yet my family helped the poor, fed the hungry, gave to help the homeless. and im not just saying in a little way. but took great strides for the needy. when i was 20 , i was in an auto wreck and died. would i go to hell based on what you stated.
07 Aug 19
@kellyjay saidI accuse people of PREACHING A MOUTH WORSHIPING DOCTRINE. This is a doctrine contrary to the doctrine of Christ which is about good works and righteousness. Christians generally preach that professing that they believe in Christ gives them eternal life, and good works is not required.
Define "mouth worship", because you accuse people of that all the time, and whenever you share why, it is always for something not said them only implied by you.
07 Aug 19
@sonship saidThe passages warn Christians. The expression eternally saved is not in the Bible
It is crystal clear that ungodly living may prevent a Christian from inheriting the kingdom of God. See three important passages -
" etc. etc. ... has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God" ( Eph. 5:5)
" etc. etc. ... not the rapacious will inherit the kingdom of God" ( 2 Cor. 6:9,10)
" etc. etc. ... shall not inherit the kingdom of God" (Gal. 5:19 ...[text shortened]... Christian will give Christ the King opportunity to reveal that [b]mercy TRIUMPHS over judgment.
The expression eternally saved is not in the Bible
More grasping at straws.
Eternal salvation is in the Bible - with
"eternal redemption" (Heb. 9:12)
"eternal inheritance" ( Heb. 9:15)
"eternal salvation" (Heb. 5:9)
Explain to the people how those with "eternal salvation" are saved only temporarily and not eternally.
Crying with the mouth unto God -
"With my VOICE I cry to Jehovah;
With my VOICE I make my supplication to Jehovah.
I pour out my complaint before Him,
I declare my trouble before Him ...
... I cried to You, O Jehovah;
I said, You are my refuge.
My portion in the land of the living. ...
... Give heed to my cry,
For I have been brought very low." ( See Psalm 142 )
Psalm 143 continues more about calling upon God.
"O Jehovah, HEAR my prayer.
Give ear to my supplications;
Answer me in Your faithfulness and in Your righteousness." (Psalm 142:1)
Pay no attention to Rajk999 dogma of discouragement - ie. "Don't use your mouth to worship God."
TO live unto God ... you better call upon God often. Stay close. Turn your heart to the Lord Jesus.
"Eat" Him ... and live because of Him.
"As the living Father has sent Me and I live because of the Father, so he who eats Me, he also shall live because of Me." (John 6:57)
Learn to call on the Lord, in whisper, in musing, in shouting, in speaking, in prayer, in praise using your mouth and your believing heart. Contact the Lord Jesus.
Don't be afraid to use your mouth with your burning spirit and your believing heart. Open your mouth wide and God will fill you.
"I am Jehovah your God, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt.
Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it." (Psalm 81:10)
Grasp the promise. Call on the name of the Lord Jesus, anywhere, everywhere, if you're up or if you're down. Call on the name of the Lord Jesus.
07 Aug 19
@rajk999 saidSo what you are doing is mouth worship!
I accuse people of PREACHING A MOUTH WORSHIPING DOCTRINE. This is a doctrine contrary to the doctrine of Christ which is about good works and righteousness. Christians generally preach that professing that they believe in Christ gives them eternal life, and good works is not required.
07 Aug 19
@sonship saidWho are these people? Do you have some names?
@Rajk999The expression eternally saved is not in the Bible
More grasping at straws.
Eternal salvation is in the Bible - with
"eternal redemption" (Heb. 9:12)
"eternal inheritance" ( Heb. 9:15)
"eternal salvation" (Heb. 5:9)
Explain to the people how those with "eternal salvation" are saved only temporarily and not eternally.
I see that the bible says that eternal salvation is for those who follow the commandments so it appears that you need to wait until Jesus returns and then Him decide.