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The Challenge


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Ok, so all the dishonest atheistic scientists, say that life comes from matter, so if life comes from matter, so go and fetch some matter....now create some life.

If all the matter around us is creating life every day by itself, then a conscious scientist should be able to create life in their labratory.

I will make it very easy, go and create a little tiny ant in your labratory, ...off you go.

What was that, you cant do it, why not, what science goobly gook excuse are you going to give me.

Now this is going to be very interesting, here comes all the nonsense talk, from the big big scientist.

So Iam waiting, I demand to see that little tiny ant created by you.

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Originally posted by vishvahetu
Ok, so all the dishonest atheistic scientists, say that life comes from matter, so if life comes from matter, so go and fetch some matter....now create some life.

If all the matter around us is creating life every day by itself, then a conscious scientist should be able to create life in their labratory.

I will make it very easy, go and create a lit ...[text shortened]... m the big big scientist.

So Iam waiting, I demand to see that little tiny ant created by you.
If I were religious, I'd light a candle for you, or whatever the equivalent is for the religion to which I belonged. As it is, as an atheist, I can only offer positive thoughts in your direction.

With metta,


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Originally posted by vishvahetu
Ok, so all the dishonest atheistic scientists, say that life comes from matter, so if life comes from matter, so go and fetch some matter....now create some life.

If all the matter around us is creating life every day by itself, then a conscious scientist should be able to create life in their labratory.

I will make it very easy, go and create a lit ...[text shortened]... m the big big scientist.

So Iam waiting, I demand to see that little tiny ant created by you.
For starters, life doesn't spring from non-living matter all the time (anything living is also matter, I should add). It is likely to have just happened once (on this planet) estimated to be around 4.5 billion years ago. Life then continued to evolve over that length of time.

When evolution has a head start of 4.5 billion years, how can you expect scientists to just create any living organism in a lab at will?

The Miller-Urey experiment carried out in the 50s actually did duplicate one possible way it started.

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Originally posted by vishvahetu
Ok, so all the dishonest atheistic scientists, say that life comes from matter, so if life comes from matter, so go and fetch some matter....now create some life.

If all the matter around us is creating life every day by itself, then a conscious scientist should be able to create life in their labratory.

I will make it very easy, go and create a lit ...[text shortened]... m the big big scientist.

So Iam waiting, I demand to see that little tiny ant created by you.
Do you actually read the complete rubbish you come up with (on the odd occassion where you dont directly steal it without quoting the source) before you post you sanctimonious tool.

The only lying in your threads is done by YOU.

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Originally posted by vishvahetu
Ok, so all the dishonest atheistic scientists, say that life comes from matter, so if life comes from matter, so go and fetch some matter....now create some life.

If all the matter around us is creating life every day by itself, then a conscious scientist should be able to create life in their labratory.

I will make it very easy, go and create a lit ...[text shortened]... m the big big scientist.

So Iam waiting, I demand to see that little tiny ant created by you.
Well if you charge scientists with the task of creating ants in labs why don't you hyper-fundamentalist chappies tootle off and take us some hi resolution pictures of actual souls and spirits, perhaps make a pluto sized planet in 12 days if that's too easy.

Go on vishvahetu...chop chop!

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Originally posted by Agerg
Well if you charge scientists with the task of creating ants in labs why don't you hyper-fundamentalist chappies tootle off and take us some hi resolution pictures of actual souls and spirits, perhaps make a pluto sized planet in 12 days if that's too easy.

Go on vishvahetu...chop chop!
Do you ever wonder whether you are contributing a set of data points to some sociologist's thesis on displacement activities including arguing with people who are wrong on the internet? Would a vishbot get through the ethics committee?

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Originally posted by Lord Shark
Do you ever wonder whether you are contributing a set of data points to some sociologist's thesis on displacement activities including arguing with people who are wrong on the internet? Would a vishbot get through the ethics committee?
That's a fair point actually, a point that worries me more than you'd expect. Not that I wonder in them specific terms but yeah, I cannot justify the amount of time spent skirmishing with the OP or debating/loitering here in general. Truth be told, if I could get a (self requested) temporary forum ban I might get on with some bloody studies instead of procrastinating so much :]

*edit: I've made a post in the help forum to this end

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Wheres my ant?.....no talking, action please.

If life sprang from matter by accident, then all the conscious scientists with all their microscopes and test tubes and electricity, should have no problem.

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Originally posted by vishvahetu
Wheres my ant?.....no talking, action please.

If life sprang from matter by accident, then all the conscious scientists with all their microscopes and test tubes and electricity, should have no problem.
No problem at all, as long as the test tube is the size of the Earth and you have a few hundred million years to wait.

You want an ant do you?
Well in the case you'll need to let your Earth-sized test tube percolate for a few billion years instead.

And by the way, life comes from matter everyday. You, my very strange fellow human, and I, are made up from matter. And we continue to add matter to our bodies to help build new living structures, every time we eat, drink and breathe.

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Originally posted by amannion
No problem at all, as long as the test tube is the size of the Earth and you have a few hundred million years to wait.

You want an ant do you?
Well in the case you'll need to let your Earth-sized test tube percolate for a few billion years instead.

And by the way, life comes from matter everyday. You, my very strange fellow human, and I, are made up ...[text shortened]... matter to our bodies to help build new living structures, every time we eat, drink and breathe.
You mentioned the word new LIVING structures...so tell me more about this living phenomenon, what is it.

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Originally posted by vishvahetu
You mentioned the word new LIVING structures...so tell me more about this living phenomenon, what is it.
In a word ... cells.
In more words .... skin, bones, blood, hair, etc. Our body replaces all of these and more constantly. You shed an entire layer of skin every few weeks, and unless there are new layers growing underneath, you'll soon be skinless. Where do you think these new layers come from?
The spirits? Jesus? Krishna?
No,our body builds them from organic raw materials, which we get from what we ingest.
Ergo, life (eg. skin) comes from matter.
Of course, skin in and of itself is not life, but it's part of a living system. We can look at any of the other parts of the living system we call a human and see the same process.
Interestingly, few if any of the cells that make you up now are the same as the ones that made you up when you were younger. You are a new organism in a sense, built entirely from ... matter.

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Originally posted by amannion
In a word ... cells.
In more words .... skin, bones, blood, hair, etc. Our body replaces all of these and more constantly. You shed an entire layer of skin every few weeks, and unless there are new layers growing underneath, you'll soon be skinless. Where do you think these new layers come from?
The spirits? Jesus? Krishna?
No,our body builds them ...[text shortened]... u up when you were younger. You are a new organism in a sense, built entirely from ... matter.
Yes i am very aware that the body replaces itself, but it cant do this alone.

Matter cant motivate itself, it needs to be instructed.

The spiritual energy within the body is the source of that instruction.

In a past thread i stated that intelligence is all pervading, its within every atom.

Now the scientists have their string therory, but their calling this intelligence by another name, they call it string or sometimes strands, and sometimes something else.

There is actually 5 string therorys.

They say that this non material thing is the source of everything, but they dare not call it God ....this is their dishonesty.

They cant even see this string, but accept that its there, and it is there, but its not a string, its intelligence which is coming from the spiritual soul.

I said that its because of the intelligence in the atom, that the components of the atom vibrate at a certain frequency, and each frequency, produces a particular type of element.

The intelligence instructs the particular vibration frequency.

One frequency and you get iron, and another frequency you get silicon, and so on.

Ive said all this before earlier, because it is explained in Vedanta.

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Originally posted by vishvahetu
Yes i am very aware that the body replaces itself, but it cant do this alone.

Matter cant motivate itself, it needs to be instructed.

The spiritual energy within the body is the source of that instruction.

In a past thread i stated that intelligence is all pervading, its within every atom.

Now the scientists have their string therory, but thei ...[text shortened]... get silicon, and so on.

Ive said all this before earlier, because it is explained in Vedanta.
String theory is an explanation but in no way is it accepted as the explanation for different atoms or for space-time or for anything else. It's certainly not used to explain the 'intelligence' found in individual cells, because as far as I can tell, you're the only person I've ever heard suggest that individual cells have intelligence.
Cells are directed to do what they do - including division and growth - by the 'software' of the cells, the DNA and the RNA and the effects these have on proteins. DNA and RNA are molecules ... matter. There's no requirement for some sort of spooky invisible spirit.
It's a little like the software that governs the operation of this computer.
But of course, you'll claim that this is rubbish or that there are wise people out there who know better or that krishna or confucius or the buddha or jesus have some magical insight into the spirit world.
Go ahead, keep yourself ignorant and mentally impoverished.

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Originally posted by amannion
String theory is [b]an explanation but in no way is it accepted as the explanation for different atoms or for space-time or for anything else. It's certainly not used to explain the 'intelligence' found in individual cells, because as far as I can tell, you're the only person I've ever heard suggest that individual cells have intelligence.
Cells ht into the spirit world.
Go ahead, keep yourself ignorant and mentally impoverished.[/b]
Why do you use adjectives like spooky spirit.

Do I say spooky natural selection.

The soul is energy, the soul is you, you are not that material body.

The man in the mirror is not you, its your vehicle.

You are the spiritual being within the vehicle.

When you die your body becomes dust, then the dust scatters all over, and becomes one with the earth, so if you are really just dust, then who are you really.

Intelligence is a subtle energy, and is all pervading, and it is all pervading, because the spiritual energy is all pervading.

Matter is not conscious, your body experiences consciousness, because consciousness is a product of the soul..

Consciousness can not be produced from matter.

If consciousness is a material thing, then tell me what chemicals and elements make up consciousness.

When scientists say that there was a random accident at the beginning of life on earth, what they are actually saying is,... that when the random accident occured, the dead matter became conscious or alive.

This is not possible, because matter cannot produce consciousness, but it may contain it.

In creation, the gross comes from the subtle, not the subtle from the gross.

The order of subtle to gross looks like this; soul,intelligence, false ego,mind, ether,fire,air,water and earth.

It all starts with the spiritual energy which is Dynamic, in contrast to the material energy which is Static.

The Dynamic Spiritual Energy, is the creative principle, and the source of the direction and function and motivation and the order.

This is why when you observe a living cell, you see functionallity not chaos.

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Originally posted by vishvahetu
Why do you use adjectives like spooky spirit.

Do I say spooky natural selection.

The soul is energy, the soul is you, you are not that material body.

The man in the mirror is not you, its your vehicle.

You are the spiritual being within the vehhicle.

When you die your body becomes dust, then the dust scatters all over, and becomes one with ...[text shortened]... and the order.

This is why when you observe a living cell, you see functionallity not chaos.
I use spooky because you're referring to supernatural concepts - and may as well refer to ghosts or gods or vampires, for all the difference between them.
Soul is a supernatural concept so I'll ignore that one, since there is no possible proof that it exists.
Intelligence is not an energy - energy is the ability to do work. Intelligence is merely a useful generality for a range of different characteristics that we humans, and other creatures, exhibit - communication, tool use, abstract thought, reasoning. (And some of us do these better than others.)
Consciousness is not life - you mistakenly confuse the two. Consciousness is not scientifically understood yet so it would be silly of me to try and define its substrate. But I would guess that it is closely tied to the operation of neurons in our brain.
And then you just go into your new age, airy fairy rant, so I won't bother responding to the last half of your post ...

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