13 May 18
Originally posted by @divegeesterClearly the church is still in you. Paul explained in almost every letter to the churches what a good confession was about. You listed the part about confessing with your mouth and about your personal failings. That is fine but it is incomplete. Here is an example:
I haven’t been to “church” in must be nearly 20 years.
and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. So then, my beloved, even as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who worketh in you both to will and to work, for his good pleasure. Do all things without murmurings and questionings: that ye may become blameless and harmless, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom ye are seen as lights in the world, holding forth the word of life; that I may have whereof to glory in the day of Christ, that I did not run in vain neither labor in vain. (Philippians 2:11-16 ASV)
The key elements are:
- confess and believe
- work towards salvation
- aim to become blameless children of God
- in the end Jesus will glorify worthy Christians with eternal life.
The idea that one can confess with the mouth, believe in the heart and continue to live contrary the teachings of Christ is a false doctrine and is the road the damnation.
13 May 18
Originally posted by @rajk999If a key element is confess and believe, how is it you believe an atheist can be saved without doing so?
Clearly the church is still in you. Paul explained in almost every letter to the churches what a good confession was about. You listed the part about confessing with your mouth and about your personal failings. That is fine but it is incomplete. Here is an example:
[i]and that [b]every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of ...[text shortened]... inue to live contrary the teachings of Christ is a false doctrine and is the road the damnation.[/b]
13 May 18
Originally posted by @divegeesterI have found no reason to question your faith in Christ by anything you've posted in this forum, but we disagree on some things.
Does this mean that I’m part of the “gang” now? So to speak...
13 May 18
Originally posted by @divegeesterNot good.
I haven’t been to “church” in must be nearly 20 years.
Originally posted by @divegeesterTwo points I'd like to make.
To confess Christ is, I believe an important element in being a Christian. Unfortunately I hardly ever do it, although I have in this forum several times and often in some detail. Sometimes to friends.
I also confess to not being much of Christian, in fact rubbish, pathetic, astray at times. But I post honestly and with principle, even if it is a li ...[text shortened]... e approval of the pretentious, the pious or the self-anointed, wether they are Christian or not.
1. Fire insurance.
I know you don't believe in the existence of eternal punishment, but understand my point please.
Trusting in what Christ did on the cross on our behalf and being saved from eternal damnation.
2. Lordship. From the moment one is saved then begins a life long process of making Jesus Lord of every facet of one's life. Dethroning anything and everything that comes between you and the Lord. Especially the self. This process is directly linked to the study of God's Word with the help of the Spirit.
13 May 18
Originally posted by @dj2beckerYou lack understanding which is typical of church Christians. The teachings of Paul makes it clear that Christian saints fall under one rule while those who know of no law fall under another. All will face the righteous judgment of God.
If a key element is confess and believe, how is it you believe an atheist can be saved without doing so?
God is no respecter of persons.
In fact born again Christian saints who have enjoyed the indwelling Holy Spirit but who continue in their sins will face a fate worse than if they did not know Christ at all.
Read your bible church boy
Originally posted by @dj2becker
If a key element is confess and believe, how is it you believe an atheist can be saved without doing so?
Originally posted by @rajk999If unbelievers fall under a different law what is the point of the great commission?
You lack understanding which is typical of church Christians. The teachings of Paul makes it clear that Christian saints fall under one rule while those who know of no law fall under another. All will face the righteous judgment of God.
God is no respecter of persons.
In fact born again Christian saints who have enjoyed the indwelling Holy Spirit ...[text shortened]... s will face a fate worse than if they did not know Christ at all.
Read your bible church boy
Would you mind supplying your biblical reference to back up your statement that atheists can be saved without faith?
13 May 18
Originally posted by @dj2beckerAsk Paul.
If unbelievers fall under a different law what is the point of the great commission?
Would you mind supplying your biblical reference to back up your statement that atheists can be saved without faith?
13 May 18
Originally posted by @dj2beckerDid that already.
If unbelievers fall under a different law what is the point of the great commission?
Would you mind supplying your biblical reference to back up your statement that atheists can be saved without faith?
13 May 18
Originally posted by @rajk999You'll never earn salvation. Salvation is not a reward Pharisee.
Clearly the church is still in you. Paul explained in almost every letter to the churches what a good confession was about. You listed the part about confessing with your mouth and about your personal failings. That is fine but it is incomplete. Here is an example:
[i]and that [b]every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of ...[text shortened]... inue to live contrary the teachings of Christ is a false doctrine and is the road the damnation.[/b]
Eternal life is a gift. You'll never do enough or ever be good enough to earn eternal life.
That's what the scriptures teach, but you're not saved and lack the Spirit, which is why you don't see it.
But don't worry blind Pharisee. Someday you will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
13 May 18
Originally posted by @secondsonI quote the bible .. the teachings of Jesus and the Apostles.
You'll never earn salvation. Salvation is not a reward Pharisee.
Eternal life is a gift. You'll never do enough or ever be good enough to earn eternal life.
That's what the scriptures teach, but you're not saved and lack the Spirit, which is why you don't see it.
But don't worry blind Pharisee. Someday you will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
You regurgitate the vomit of the church pastor.
Pharisees dont quote Christ.
13 May 18
Originally posted by @rajk999If I were to add up all the words you spew into this forum they'd far outnumber the words you quote from Jesus. And the way you quote scripture and twist their meaning is vomit out of your mouth.
I quote the bible .. the teachings of Jesus and the Apostles.
You regurgitate the vomit of the church pastor.
Pharisees dont quote Christ.
You're a mouth worshipper.