Originally posted by twhiteheadyou are acting irrational and making no sense whatsoever. Just because you happen to disagree with me doesn't make me wrong, it just makes you...well...kinda dumb
You accuse JWs of something that you yourself are guilty of. That makes you a hypocrite. Calling it 'off topic' doesn't make you less of a hypocrite.
Originally posted by galveston75a reasonable response
Manny..Do you really not understand the differance between making honest errors and being fraudulent?
It has been explained to you many times what the brothers did in the early years and it was just plain mistakes that they later recanted and no longer make those claims as we've learned that "no one knows the hour." Are we not human too?
I don't know ...[text shortened]... 's a Christian??? Right... Not even close. He should be banned from this sight forever.
Originally posted by galveston75Wow Rajj said that? I missed that one. Even in jest thats not cool. Did you really say that Rajj?
Manny..Do you really not understand the differance between making honest errors and being fraudulent?
It has been explained to you many times what the brothers did in the early years and it was just plain mistakes that they later recanted and no longer make those claims as we've learned that "no one knows the hour." Are we not human too?
I don't know 's a Christian??? Right... Not even close. He should be banned from this sight forever.
The reason I go back to the past in the case of the JW's is because your whole modern foundation is built upon that history. Usually what happens is the Watch Tower makes an excuse as to why a prophecy did not happen but they never admitted it was a mistake or error. A mistake admitted can be forgiven I guess but continual errors like the Watch Tower has made leads me to believe that the organization is fraudulent.
If they can't get it right after many failed prophecies not coming true but they keep on making more that is fraudulent. Lastly the Watch Tower is claimed to be God's mouth piece to man right? If this be so then your god of the Watch tower would be fraudulent also because he lies.
Originally posted by menace71Look, it may not seem important to you , but his name is "Rajk"!!!!
Wow Rajj said that? I missed that one. Even in jest thats not cool. Did you really say that Rajj?
The reason I go back to the past in the case of the JW's is because your whole modern foundation is built upon that history. Usually what happens is the Watch Tower makes an excuse as to why a prophecy did not happen but they never admitted it was a mistake be so then your god of the Watch tower would be fraudulent also because he lies.
I've seen Robbie and G75 go through this for many a post. Then Badwater did it. Now you?
Please,please people. If you really want to know anything remotely resembling the truth, you are going to have to get simple, four letter words right....*sigh*
Originally posted by karoly aczelRajj or Rajk or Whatever who cares ? I call G-75 G-man sometimes. G does not seem to mind too much. R.C. used to call me Manfred LOL it's all in fun I think Raj can handle his own battles just fine 😉 So K-man? or is it K-Woman? Do you think all truth is relative or are there absolute truths?
Look, it may not seem important to you , but his name is "Rajk"!!!!
I've seen Robbie and G75 go through this for many a post. Then Badwater did it. Now you?
Please,please people. If you really want to know anything remotely resembling the truth, you are going to have to get simple, four letter words right....*sigh*
PS: G-75 or Galvo is actual Steve and well Manny is Manuel 😉
Manny aka "The Menace"
Originally posted by menace71Ok then what lies are being told? Make sure you do the research and get the facts straight first. And make sure and don't confuse what you call fraudulent as just a doctrine we believe in. A lie has to be a true lie and not just a differance in opinion.
Wow Rajj said that? I missed that one. Even in jest thats not cool. Did you really say that Rajj?
The reason I go back to the past in the case of the JW's is because your whole modern foundation is built upon that history. Usually what happens is the Watch Tower makes an excuse as to why a prophecy did not happen but they never admitted it was a mistake ...[text shortened]... be so then your god of the Watch tower would be fraudulent also because he lies.
Originally posted by galveston75Fair enough
Ok then what lies are being told? Make sure you do the research and get the facts straight first. And make sure and don't confuse what you call fraudulent as just a doctrine we believe in. A lie has to be a true lie and not just a differance in opinion.
Originally posted by menace71Yes he did. It got him off the forums for awhile. Once he came back I've tried to look the other way and have even tried to have a decent conversations with him but he still pushes it to much. Why I wonder? He would be so much more influencial "maybe" if he'd be civil.
Wow Rajj said that? I missed that one. Even in jest thats not cool. Did you really say that Rajj?
The reason I go back to the past in the case of the JW's is because your whole modern foundation is built upon that history. Usually what happens is the Watch Tower makes an excuse as to why a prophecy did not happen but they never admitted it was a mistake ...[text shortened]... be so then your god of the Watch tower would be fraudulent also because he lies.
1979 Because of this hope, the "faithful and discreet slave" has alerted all of God's people to the sign of the times indicating the nearness of God's Kingdom rule. In this regard, however, it must be observed that this "faithful and discreet slave" was never inspired, never perfect. Those writings by certain members of the "slave" class that came to form the Christian part of God's Word were inspired and infallible, but that is not true of other writings since. Things published were not perfect in the days of Charles Taze Russell, first president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society; nor were they perfect in the days of J.F. Rutherford, the succeeding president. The increasing light on God's Word as well as the facts of history have repeatedly required that adjustments of one kind or another be made down to the very present time. But let us never forget that the motives of this "slave" were always pure, unselfish; at all times it has been well-meaning. (The Watchtower; March 1, 1979; p. 24)
The slave motives were always pure? An un-truth or lie is a lie no matter how well intentioned the deliverer of the lie is. Even ignorance is not an excuse for falsehood. The Motives are not what matters in this case it's truth that matters.
Originally posted by galveston75Please quote where I made the alleged statements about raping (YUK !! got the shivers just writing that), whoever it was. Thanks
Yes he did. It got him off the forums for awhile. Once he came back I've tried to look the other way and have even tried to have a decent conversations with him but he still pushes it to much. Why I wonder? He would be so much more influencial "maybe" if he'd be civil.
The entire forum know that you are unable to prove anything you say and you lack basic comprehension skills.