13 Jun 18
Originally posted by @alphazeroIt doesn't help cracking the metaphor but thanks anyway
The issue you have is easily resolved if you know a little about translations.
In the Hebrew there are two words translated into the English as 'Lord' or 'LORD'
Adonai -> Lord
Now, you will notice a difference between the two words. One is Lord in all caps the other is Lord with just the L capitalised. The translators ...[text shortened]... to translate YHWH from the Hebrew to the Greek Kurios.
Hope that helps a bit.
13 Jun 18
Originally posted by @sonshipGet this trash outta my threadAnyway, so according to you God does not want people because they are good people. I think you are right. God wants people who bow down, who worship and obey. Heaven doesn't want people who use their brains to free-think. Which is ironic.
God wants Christ. He wants Christ in Himself and He wants Christ duplicated in people.
Only Chri ...[text shortened]... wed something better to live for - [b]Apathist.
No wonder you don't care about anything.[/b]
Do you understand the concepts 'God ' and 'Lord' as metaphor ? Yes/No?
Originally posted by @karoly-aczelIt is a conundrum.
I'm not a big bible reader however I've noticed 'Lord' come up more often than 'God'
Anyone else want to re-concile their vocabulary or do we just assume 'Lord' means 'God' ?
You hear nonbelievers say, "God!" all the time even though they say they don't believe in him whereas believers use the term "Lord" more often and refrain from saying "God!" when they stub their toe.
Very odd.
13 Jun 18
Originally posted by @karoly-aczelCan you please try to make sense when you post.
It's simple really
Thanking you in advance.
13 Jun 18
Originally posted by @karoly-aczel"Follow along"?
Please follow along or take a hike
You've shown nothing of value to me ever
Did you read my post?
13 Jun 18
Originally posted by @karoly-aczelI get the gist of the thread, but I rarely get the 'gist' of what you post.
Did you get the gist of my thread?
I see that you go from thread to thread in a matter of 2 minutes or so, blurting out one-liners that rarely make sense.
Maybe you are unaware that you're doing it?
13 Jun 18
Originally posted by @karoly-aczelThe irony is strong in this one.
Please follow along or take a hike
You've shown nothing of value to me ever
13 Jun 18
Originally posted by @chaney3Folliw the thread or piss off. Your wasting perfectly good recources
I get the gist of the thread, but I rarely get the 'gist' of what you post.
I see that you go from thread to thread in a matter of 2 minutes or so, blurting out one-liners that rarely make sense.
Maybe you are unaware that you're doing it?
Originally posted by @whodey“Shoots and ladders” in place of another word/words to keep conversation clean. 😉
It is a conundrum.
You hear nonbelievers say, "God!" all the time even though they say they don't believe in him whereas believers use the term "Lord" more often and refrain from saying "God!" when they stub their toe.
Very odd.