Originally posted by FreakyKBHin fact this article has been copied from the watchtower of 1962, August the 1st pages 473-478, of which we as Jehovahs Witnesses have in our reference work, the watchtower library. The copyright remains the property of The Watchtower and Bible tract society of Pennsylvania incorporated.
Holy hot, steaming feces.
That's just too precious!
Originally posted by robbie carrobieWhat part of the definition of plagiarism don't you understand?
actually you are quite wrong, we have our own work of reference, entitled the watchtower library, which as Jehovahs Witnesses we are at perfect liberty to use, for this is a data base of the literature which we author, distribute and print, which is not for the consumption of infidels like you. Do you feel stupid now? this was not an attempt to ap ...[text shortened]... nor the private correspondence that me and Glavo had rpior to its posting, what an nin cow poop!
You did not author the text, did not cite the source, therefore presenting it without any indication that it was not your own.
If you weren't trying to appear more intelligent than you are, why didn't you simply cite your source?
Evidently the concept of plagiarism continues to be beyond your cognitive abilities.
That you choose to try to cover up your transgression through name calling and providing a ridiculous defense shows complete lack of both intelligence and character.
Is it any wonder that Raj has complete disdain for JW's when people like you are representatives?
Originally posted by ThinkOfOnewhat part of it was done as a joke between me and Glavo do you not understand, this is none of your business, its between me and Galvo, in fact he even offered to take some of the text and rearrange it, for i was complaining that it was too much! what should you do with your stupid and groundless insinuations now, that is correct, you may put them where they belong! my only disappointment was that Raj never took the bait and instead we now have muppet heads like yourself to contend with and the ruse is over, well thank you stinkofone, next time, please call before visiting!
What part of the definition of plagiarism don't you understand?
You did not author the text, did not cite the source, therefore presenting it without any indication that it was not your own.
If you weren't trying to appear more intelligent than you are, why didn't you simply cite your source?
Evidently the concept of plagiarism continues to be b ...[text shortened]... any wonder that Raj has complete disdain for JW's when people like you are representatives?
Originally posted by robbie carrobieSince you've been called on your plagiarism numerous time before by others as well as myself and not only continue the practice, but seemingly have no conscience about it, it seems you have a complete lack of integrity. Like other people with a complete lack of integrity, you seem to believe that any excuse is a good excuse. Joke or not, it's still plagiarism.
what part of it was done as a joke between me and Glavo do you not understand, this is none of your business, its between me and Galvo, in fact he even offered to take some of the text and rearrange it, for i was complaining that it was too much! what should you do with your stupid and groundless insinuations now, that is correct, you may put them w ...[text shortened]... nd with and the ruse is over, well thank you stinkofone, next time, please call before visiting!
You're really quite the clown.
Originally posted by ThinkOfOnethankyou very much, i do not need to post the sources, nor shall i continue to do so. I never claimed that the text was my own, nor do i care if persons like you wish to insinuate that i did. my conscience is very clear on the matter.
Since you've been called on your plagiarism numerous time before by others as well as myself and not only continue the practice, but seemingly have no conscience about it, it seems you have a complete lack of integrity. Like other people with a complete lack of integrity, you seem to believe that any excuse is a good excuse. Joke or not, it's still plagiarism.
You're really quite the clown.
You have made a claim, that is unsubstantiated, based upon a distrust and with the intent of assigning an improper motive to someone, yet you are unable to tell what a persons motive could possibly have been. Your cynicism has led you to this point and i am only too glad that this stupid attempt to extract some measure of guilt has been soundly refuted, as Galvo shall also corroborate. You now seek to try to add insult to injury, by calling up the insinuations of others, well well, how banal! I would post the correspondence that me and Glavo had prior to the posting, but its none of your business and i would not do so without his permission.
if you do not have anything of substance to state, i would be pleased if you would tell the forum whether you are a sinner or not, for it is well understood that your denial has also led you to a state of self-righteousness, of which this is a case in point. therefore are you a sinner stinkofone?
Originally posted by robbie carrobieThe claim that you plagiarized the material has been completely substantiated. That you continue to assert otherwise is ridiculous.
thankyou very much, i do not need to post the sources, nor shall i continue to do so. I never claimed that the text was my own, nor do i care if persons like you wish to insinuate that i did. my conscience is very clear on the matter.
You have made a claim, that is unsubstantiated, based upon a distrust and with the intent of assigning an impr ...[text shortened]... of self-righteousness, of which this is a case in point. therefore are you a sinner stinkofone?
Like other people with a complete lack of integrity, you seem to believe that if you deny something long enough and forcefully enough that somehow you are not guilty. Little wonder that you claim that your "conscience is very clear" since it's evident that you have none.
Originally posted by ThinkOfOneblah blah blah!
The claim that you plagiarized the material has been completely substantiated. That you continue to assert otherwise is ridiculous.
Like other people with a complete lack of integrity, you seem to believe that if you deny something long enough and forcefully enough that somehow you are not guilty. Little wonder that you claim that your "conscience is very clear" since it's evident that you have none.
Originally posted by Badwaterone must of necessity then ask you Baddy, what was the reason behind the blood sacrifices, for Paul, in the book of Hebrews clearly outlines their purpose, and what is more, shows the connection to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, to which i am sure you are aware.
I was talking about the reason behind the sacrifice, not the procedure involved.
Blood is not the underlying reason, the main component, and the do-all and end-all of the animal sacrifices of the ancient Jews. The blood sacrifice of Jesus is different; there is different reasoning and it's directly connected to written quotes attributed to Jesus.
Originally posted by ThinkOfOneLOL .. nice one... Robbie plagiarises all the time without any remorse. He apparently thinks nothing of it. And for what reason is he trying to bait me?? I did not start the thread on 'Problems with Jehovah WItnesses" neither did I contribute to that thread except to tell JosephW that he is not in a position to say that JWs dont worship the right Jesus Christ, or to imply that JWs wont get salvation. Robbie is a true clown .. 🙂
What part of the definition of plagiarism don't you understand?
You did not author the text, did not cite the source, therefore presenting it without any indication that it was not your own.
If you weren't trying to appear more intelligent than you are, why didn't you simply cite your source?
Evidently the concept of plagiarism continues to be b ...[text shortened]... any wonder that Raj has complete disdain for JW's when people like you are representatives?
Originally posted by rwingettoh but that lens is available to us, through a book, which has been preserved for thousands of years. the whole point of blood sacrifices were representative of life. this pointed towards the perfect life that Adam had forfeited, bringing imperfection into the world. These blood sacrifices created an environment, in which the understanding of the meaning of sacrifice should have been apparent, identifying the Christ as the Messiah. The fact that this arrangement is no longer extant, adds to the body of evidence, that God had forsaken the animal sacrifices which have now ceased, for a perfect propitiatory sacrifice had been ransomed, at once fulfilling Gods own standards of righteousness and justice, 'buying' back, that perfect life, which Adam had lost.
The ancient Israelites viewed the world and god through a lens particular to their own time and place. That lens is no longer available to us. It would be futile to try to force our view of the world and of god to conform to that ancient perception. We must look at these things through the lens of the 21st century. Blood sacrifices harken back to pagan times and are no longer applicable to a modern understanding of things.
Originally posted by Rajk999wrong Raj, i had no intentions of trying to claim this as my own, none what so ever, any fool with an inclining of understanding, with the exception of stinkofone would realise that its not my style of writing! why you did not respond i do not know, but I and Galvo were giggling away at the prospect. He actually thought that you would 'explode', but it never happened. when he returns and if he permits, i may post the actual conversation, which shows, without a shadow of a doubt that i had no intention of claiming this as my own. If you people can prove otherwise, then you may have a case, as it stands, its just the usual insinuations which stinkoone likes to throw as if it were a mud pie! so if you please, where did i claim that it was my own? that is correct nowhere, and what is more, i am not going to start posting every reference for internet cynics, so you shall just have to get used to it!
LOL .. nice one... Robbie plagiarises all the time without any remorse. He apparently thinks nothing of it. And for what reason is he trying to bait me?? I did not start the thread on 'Problems with Jehovah WItnesses" neither did I contribute to that thread except to tell JosephW that he is not in a position to say that JWs dont worship the right Jesus Christ, or to imply that JWs wont get salvation. Robbie is a true clown .. 🙂
we know that you did not start the problems with Jehovahs witnesses thread, but it was this that gave us the idea to have some fun with you, but alas, stinkofone and his big mouth has spoiled it! actually Galvo was rather amazed that you were not taking your usual stance against us, but were siding against the trinitarians.
Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All references may or may not be from a third party, the author claims no responsibility for the content, nor is it to be taken as representative of his own work!
Originally posted by robbie carrobieI'm neither saying nor insinuating that there is no connection there, Robbie, and I've stated that there is a connection and what the connection is.
one must of necessity then ask you Baddy, what was the reason behind the blood sacrifices, for Paul, in the book of Hebrews clearly outlines their purpose, and what is more, shows the connection to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, to which i am sure you are aware.
What I'm saying is that an animal sacrifice of 5,000 years ago has different reasoning to it than the blood sacrifices of the early Christians. That is not to say that the Christian sacrificing would be wholly separate symbolically. The underlying reasoning, though, is quite different. No Jew of Christ's time is going to buy into the reasoning of the sacrifice of Jesus or the sacrifices described in the OT.
Originally posted by Badwaterit seems to me that God had created an environment, into which the concept of sacrifice should be realised, all through the ages, from the time of Able (god looked upon his blood sacrifice with pleasure) through the Jewish period and right up until the early Christians, it was associated with atonement for sin. One must remember of course Baddy, that as far as the Christians were concerned, animal sacrifices has ceased, and with the destruction of the temple at Jerusalem in 70 C.E, under the Romans and general Titus, it was confirmation that God had forsaken the Jews and their form of worship.
I'm neither saying nor insinuating that there is no connection there, Robbie, and I've stated that there is a connection and what the connection is.
What I'm saying is that an animal sacrifice of 5,000 years ago has different reasoning to it than the blood sacrifices of the early Christians. That is not to say that the Christian sacrificing would be whol g to buy into the reasoning of the sacrifice of Jesus or the sacrifices described in the OT.
Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All references may or may not be from a third party, the author claims no responsibility for the content, nor are any to be taken as representative of his own work!
Originally posted by Rajk999Evidently he is too dense to realize that publishing text that he did not author without citing the source constitutes plagiarism. Evidently he is too dense to realize that plagiarism constitutes THEFT of intellectual property.
LOL .. nice one... Robbie plagiarises all the time without any remorse. He apparently thinks nothing of it. And for what reason is he trying to bait me?? I did not start the thread on 'Problems with Jehovah WItnesses" neither did I contribute to that thread except to tell JosephW that he is not in a position to say that JWs dont worship the right Jesus Christ, or to imply that JWs wont get salvation. Robbie is a true clown .. 🙂
Originally posted by ThinkOfOnei am at perfect liberty, as an ordained member of Jehovahs witnesses to use the literature, produced by Jehovahs witness, for furtherance of the good news as is deemed necessary. You are too much of a big mouth to know that! that its why it is printed! We pay for, author, print and distribute the literature, ourselves. If it grieves you that i do not cite the reference, go and cry to someone else, i am uninterested in your petty whimpers!
Evidently he is too dense to realize that publishing text that he did not author without citing the source constitutes plagiarism. Evidently he is too dense to realize that plagiarism constitutes THEFT of intellectual property.
Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All references may or may not be from a third party, the author claims no responsibility for the content, nor are any to be taken as representative of his own work!