Originally posted by Proper Knob
You think every atheist has the 'same situation', that's what makes it funny.
So where did you get your degree in 'Arm Chair Psychology'?
Hey, you analyze me. So if some analysis comes back your way, bear it.
But I would not have such an opinion if it were not for the speaking to the matter by the word of God itself.
"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven upon all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold down the truth in unrighteousness, Because that which is known of God is manifest within them, for God manifested it to them.
Because that which is known of God is manifest within them, for God manifested it to them.
For the invisible things of Him, both His eternal power and divine characteristics, have been clearly seen since the creation of the world, being perceived by the things made, so that they would be without excuse;
Because though they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God or thank Him , but rather became vain in their reasonings, and their heart, lacking understanding, was darkened.
Professing to be wise, they became fools ... " (Rom. 1:18-22)
I probably would not hold the opinion that the Atheist hatred of God is his chief problem, if it were not for this verse.
I do not say that an atheist has not plenty of arguments to put forward based on many things. Sure, he has many arguments. But the chief problem is enmity towards God.
He "holds down" that which wants to rise up in his conscience, not necessarily about the contents of the Gospel, but about an Intelligent Creator God whose characteristics and eternal power are manifested to mankind through the creation.
Now you may not know whether it is Vishnu or Allah or Yahweh or whoever. But I am pretty sure you know One with divine characteristics and eternal power has created you and your world, somehow.
Now you atheists psycho evaluate Christians in spades. Right?
So bear with some Bible analysis coming back your way.
09 Jun 14
Originally posted by sonship[b]You think every atheist has the 'same situation', that's what makes it funny.
So where did you get your degree in 'Arm Chair Psychology'?
Hey, you analyze me. So if some analysis comes back your way, bear it.
But I would not have such an opinion if it were not for the speaking to the matter by the word of God itself.
...[text shortened]... evaluate Christians in spades. Right?
So bear with some Bible analysis coming back your way.[/b]What a load of drivel.
Originally posted by sonship[b]You think every atheist has the 'same situation', that's what makes it funny.
So where did you get your degree in 'Arm Chair Psychology'?
Hey, you analyze me. So if some analysis comes back your way, bear it.
But I would not have such an opinion if it were not for the speaking to the matter by the word of God itself.
...[text shortened]... evaluate Christians in spades. Right?
So bear with some Bible analysis coming back your way.[/b]The trouble with this, from your perspective, is that we know what we think and feel.
We KNOW you are wrong.
If you claim you are making this claim because it says so in the bible then all you are
doing is proving to us [yet again] that the bible is inaccurate.
Also, keep up the good work in denying agency to female atheists by referring to all atheists
as he... Keeping the ingrained sexism of your religion alive and well.
But if you don't want to come across as a sexist asshat, you could try learning how to construct
sentences with gender neutral pronouns. just saying.
Otherwise, keep up the good work. Your nuttery and incomprehensibility is an example to us all.
09 Jun 14
Originally posted by googlefudge
The trouble with this, from your perspective, is that we know what we think and feel. We KNOW you are wrong.
If you claim you are making this claim because it says so in the bible then all you are doing is proving to us [yet again] that the bible is inaccurate.
Is it possible for you to be deceived about anything?
Have you ever in your life been misled about something which latter you came to the realization you have been deceived ?
Let's make this interesting. Do you remember the first time you kissed a girl ?
Also, keep up the good work in denying agency to female atheists by referring to all atheists
as he... Keeping the ingrained sexism of your religion alive and well.
But if you don't want to come across as a sexist asshat, you could try learning how to construct sentences with gender neutral pronouns. just saying.
That is the least of your problems right now.
Otherwise, keep up the good work. Your nuttery and incomprehensibility is an example to us all.
Anybody can see that with my great chess scores that reasoning skills are pretty good.
09 Jun 14
Originally posted by checkbaiterIf you really think that he secretly believes in god, then you should not call him an atheist, should you?
I think you are indeed deceived. Somewhere inside you know God is real, but have convinced yourself that he is not.
I think like most atheist, you will not be held accountable for anything.
You exalt your self above God and that is who you serve, self.
Or is accuracy of terminology something Christians care about at all?
After all, we're just telling billions of people that they need to drop their whole set of beliefs and adopt yours on pain of eternal damnation, but I suppose no one should be put off by this indication that you don't actually care what the important terms in the discussion mean, should they?
09 Jun 14
Originally posted by sonshipIf anyone should ever tell you that you are perceptive, or good at reading people, don't believe a word of it. 🙄
Twhitehead, your problem with God is not intellectual.
That is a posture, a front, a facade.
Probably you're self deceived yourself.
Intellectual difficulty with God's existence is not your problem.
Your problem, in spite of vigorous protestations, is that you hate God.
You hate God because you consider your autonomy threatened by God.
Y ...[text shortened]... ay be able to explain that. But you hate God.
Dazzle us all with your atheist reasoning now.
Originally posted by wolfgang59Matthew 3:2
OK. Let's hear it.
Because I can't think of anything that isn't taught in primary school.
“Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.”
Matthew 3:8
Prove by the way you live that you have repented of your sins and turned to God.
Matthew 4:17
From then on Jesus began to preach, “Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.”
Also on the cross he forgave those who put him up there and he also said it is finished! But technically everything he said is wise!
09 Jun 14
Originally posted by sonshipIf I recall correctly, you were once an atheist of some sort yourself, although you did say that you have always believed in some sort of divine being.
I probably would not hold the opinion that the Atheist hatred of God is his chief problem, if it were not for this verse.
So were you at that time also a God hater, or did it not apply to your situation?
Originally posted by BigDoggProblem
If you really think that he secretly believes in god, then you should not call him an atheist, should you?
Or is accuracy of terminology something Christians care about at all?
After all, we're just telling billions of people that they need to drop their whole set of beliefs and adopt yours on pain of eternal damnation, but I suppose no one shou ...[text shortened]... ation that you don't actually care what the important terms in the discussion mean, should they?
If you really think that he secretly believes in god, then you should not call him an atheist, should you?
You have a point.
But there is a distinction between believing in God and believing into God.
The former is just some objective information that even the evil spirits have. The latter is to trust in God in such a way as to enter into a fellowship, intimately, with a Living Person.
The objective information one can be in denial about. He certainly can present himself to others in any manner he wants.
Or is accuracy of terminology something Christians care about at all?
After all, we're just telling billions of people that they need to drop their whole set of beliefs and adopt yours on pain of eternal damnation,
This reference to Romans 1 was not about dropping other beliefs to become a Christian. It was more about people throughout all cultures and all times intuitively knowing that the Source of the creation must possess divine characteristics and eternal power..
You see the passage actually has a positive aspect to it for the people of the world.
The Apostle Paul wrote this about the second coming of Christ -
"And to you who are being afflicted, rest with us at the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven with the angels of His power, in flaming fire,
Rendering vengence to those who do not know God and to those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
They will pay the penalty of eternal destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His strength." ( 2 Thess. 1:7-9)
It is a possible interpretation that Paul sees two categories people on the earth at the time Christ physically returns.
1.) Those who do not know God.
2.) Those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ
If this interpretation is good, I think it means that some people on earth are spared eternal punishment because they at least know God.
Remember Paul said in Romans that no one has an excuse not to believe in a Creator whose divine characteristics and eternal power is manifested in the things made.
"Rendering vengence to those who do not know God .... AND .... to those who do not OBEY the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ ..."
So it need not necessitate that billions (as you say) who are ignorant of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ will suffer the same fate as those who do not know or acknowledge God and those who do not obey the Gospel of Jesus Christ to believe into the Son of God for redemption.
And I could be wrong.
But you see, the billions and billions of people does not bother me overmuch. In the book of Jonah, God knew the very number of people whom He should exempt from judgment. The last sentence in that book shows that God was completely aware of the situation of every individual in that city - who was culpable and who was not.
Jonah 3:11 - And I [Jehovah], should I not have pity on Nineveh, the great city, in which are more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot discern between their right hand and their left, and many cattle ?"
One hundred and twenty thousand people at least, who God PERSONALLY realized their ability of discernment as to make them culpable to judgment or not.
You see, if you think about it a little, you should see that the same God who is maintaining the proper operation of every single atom throughout the universe, for whom such an oversight is child's play, is well able to know the heart of billions of people.
In other words, I no longer believe that HUGE numbers of human beings forces limitations of One who is of "eternal power" .
Why God could examine by His records the complete lives of a trillion people simultaneously in one instant with infallibility.
I think your best bet is to believe the God sent Redeemer of all men, Jesus the Son of God. I honestly think that is your best bet.
but I suppose no one should be put off by this indication that you don't actually care what the important terms in the discussion mean, should they?
It was very wise for Jesus to tell us that even the hairs on our head were numbered.
"But even the hairs of your head have all been numbered. Do not be afraid; you are of more value than many sparrows." (Luke 12:7)
Speaking of wise things said by Jesus, it is very wise that He gave us heads up. If you pluck out one hair on your head, God knows, for example, that that was hair number 241,728.
Billions of people - and God knows the number of every hair on each head.
We have to realize Who it is we are dealing with. It is wise that we realize that God's knowledge is infallible and total.
He created sparrows. But we, to Him, are of more value than many sparrows. We are created in the image of God. And God became a man. He did not become a sparrow but a human being.
So His wisdom informs us of two aspects of one great truth.
1.) His familiarity with everything concerning us is total, we might even say infinite.
2.) So if He says we need forgiveness of our sins, He knows what He is saying.
It behooves us to be one with Him turning over our hearts and our lives to Him.
To oppose Him is not wise. To accept His redemptive love shown us in Christ, is our best bet. Don't you think that is wisdom to inform us of this ?
I do.
09 Jun 14
Originally posted by twhiteheadNo, it is just an op I have, based on a verse that claims God has set eternity in the heart of every man...no offense intended, just a thought provoking verse...
Again, is this based on anything in my posts, or is it a product of your imagination? Also is it in any way relevant to the thread, or is this shared embarrassment of your fellow Christian who made a ridiculous claim that he cannot support?