Originally posted by kd2aczhaters are gonna hate and you are absolutely correct, all the text/threads that he has started are aimed at discrediting jehovahs witnesses and attempts made to slander others.
And so it is. Thx.
What type of spirituality is it that needs for its gratification to make others appear bad?
25 Jun 13
Originally posted by robbie carrobieBible prophecy coming true isn't it?
haters are gonna hate and you are absolutely correct, all the text/threads that he has started are aimed at discrediting jehovahs witnesses and attempts made to slander others.
What type of spirituality is it that needs for its gratification to make others appear bad?
On a human level it can be disturbing to see the attitudes that the people of the world have that do not love or even know Jehovah or his people and his organization. But Jehovah promisses he will protect his people against satan and his cohorts.
It will only be his people, the meek, that will inherit the earth.
So these evil attacks not only happen but will increase as the end draws near. Finally Jehovah will say that is enough and will act in reguards to his people and the wicked will be removed off the surface of the earth with the event of armegeddon.
We know the bible cleary describes these events and those who have paid attention and have done exactly as Jehovah has asked of them will be saved. But for those who reject Jehovah, this will be a fatal mistake.
Originally posted by galveston75Oh give it a rest already.
Bible prophecy coming true isn't it?
On a human level it can be disturbing to see the attitudes that the people of the world have that do not love or even know Jehovah or his people and his organization. But Jehovah promisses he will protect his people against satan and his cohorts.
It will only be his people, the meek, that will inherit the earth. ...[text shortened]... as asked of them will be saved. But for those who reject Jehovah, this will be a fatal mistake.
The world is getting safer, and nicer as time goes no not the other way around.
25 Jun 13
Originally posted by googlefudgeTotally agree. The world is by far a better place than it ever was in any prior era. Anybody who says otherwise does not know basic world history or are not aware of the amazing developments in medical science and other technologies.
Oh give it a rest already.
The world is getting safer, and nicer as time goes no not the other way around.
Originally posted by Rajk999Too bad your pollyanna attitude doesn't extend to your Christian brothers in this forum.
Totally agree. The world is by far a better place than it ever was in any prior era. Anybody who says otherwise does not know basic world history or are not aware of the amazing developments in medical science and other technologies.
25 Jun 13
Originally posted by SuzianneYou are talking about weather.
Tell that to the folks in Darfur.
Or Syria. Or Egypt (again).
I am talking about climate.
The world is generally getting safer and nicer for people to live in.
This is not disproved by some places where it's locally getting worse.