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think of one - poll


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Many of you by now will know of ThinkofOne's constant talk of how sin must be overcome in order to gain salvation. He supports this with familiar quotes from Jesus that I will not quote again because he has put them out there 100's of times.

You will also know that ToOne is quite a black and white fellow so I'm assuming that he means that sin must be overcome 100% ( and not 99% ) and that this overcoming is and "all or nothing" thing.

My question is not about this theology or this issue but about whether you think ToOne has actually overcome sin himself in the way he preaches about using the words of Jesus?

I ask this because he's pretty clear about his view on this issue but simply won't say whether he has actually achieved it himself ie -- the very thing he seems to be exhorting many of us to acheive.

So I'll start. My personal view is that ToO hasn't actually overcome sin himself in the way he describes and that he refuses to say whether he has or not because he fears it would undermine his position and make him look a bit silly. When I make this assumption he accuses me of lying but at the same time still refuses to answer the question. I'm interested to know if my assumption is crazy of not.

So has ToO overcome sin and gained salvation through righteousness? Or is he just talking the talk without walking the walk?

(You could of course ask him yourself if he practices what he preaches but don't hold your breath)

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Originally posted by knightmeister
Many of you by now will know of ThinkofOne's constant talk of how sin must be overcome in order to gain salvation. He supports this with familiar quotes from Jesus that I will not quote again because he has put them out there 100's of times.

You will also know that ToOne is quite a black and white fellow so I'm assuming that he means that sin must ...[text shortened]... course ask him yourself if he practices what he preaches but don't hold your breath)
I think you're being petty and vindictive.

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Originally posted by knightmeister
Many of you by now will know of ThinkofOne's constant talk of how sin must be overcome in order to gain salvation. He supports this with familiar quotes from Jesus that I will not quote again because he has put them out there 100's of times.

You will also know that ToOne is quite a black and white fellow so I'm assuming that he means that sin must ...[text shortened]... course ask him yourself if he practices what he preaches but don't hold your breath)
I've asked ToO the very same question myself, and many others besides, and he simply won't answer. I think it is because the question throws him so far off his game that his only recourse is to ignore the enquiry.

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
I think you're being petty and vindictive.
Look who's talking.

I'd say that most of what you post here in this forum is petty.

Christianity is serious business whether you agree with that or not.

I enjoy the banter around here as much as the next guy, but when it comes to things spiritual I'm not playing any games.

For me it's a matter of life and death.

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
I think you're being petty and vindictive.
I agree there is an edge to my post , however , I do feel that when we are being preached at so frequently we are entitled to ask whether the preacher also practices.

I offer no personal snipes nor am I insulting ToO using degrading language. ToO has created a rod for his own back in this area. I did not create the rod and he has been given countless opportunities to put the record straight.

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At first I thought he was looney. But after chatting with him awhile, he's okay--he just likes pushing people's buttons, & making them think.

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Originally posted by PinkFloyd
At first I thought he was looney. But after chatting with him awhile, he's okay--he just likes pushing people's buttons, & making them think.
He did make me think and I tried to make him think as well. That's why I asked him a few questions like whether he had any personal experience of overcoming sin himself.

No answer.

Apparently he seems not want anyone else to make him think.

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Originally posted by knightmeister
Many of you by now will know of ThinkofOne's constant talk of how sin must be overcome in order to gain salvation. He supports this with familiar quotes from Jesus that I will not quote again because he has put them out there 100's of times.

You will also know that ToOne is quite a black and white fellow so I'm assuming that he means that sin must ...[text shortened]... course ask him yourself if he practices what he preaches but don't hold your breath)
You're being trashy.

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Originally posted by bbarr
You're being trashy.
You think so?

If some one asks you a question, don't you think you should give a strait answer?

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Originally posted by josephw
You think so?

If some one asks you a question, don't you think you should give a strait answer?
How long is your penis? Did you have a bowel movement today? Did you enjoy it? Ever have doubts about God? What was your last sin? What's your name, address, social security number and description?

No you don't need to always give straight answers to questions.

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
How long is your penis? Did you have a bowel movement today? Did you enjoy it? Ever have doubts about God? What was your last sin? What's your name, address, social security number and description?

No you don't need to always give straight answers to questions.
My strait answer to those questions would be: It is none of your busness. 😀

Though the question that ThinkofOne was asked is not like those questions. If he can not explain that he himself has overcome then he is a hipocrite to tell others they have to do so.

I for one believe that it is Christ who overcomes sin for we are unable to do so on our own.

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Originally posted by pritybetta
My strait answer to those questions would be: It is none of your busness. 😀

Though the question that ThinkofOne was asked is not like those questions. If he can not explain that he himself has overcome then he is a hipocrite to tell others they have to do so.

I for one believe that it is Christ who overcomes sin for we are unable to do so on our own.
To set the record straight:

Our on-going argument is that I believe that Jesus teaches salvation through righteousness. KM believes otherwise.

Whether or not I have overcome sin has no bearing on what Jesus taught.

There is no hypocrisy.

Unfortunately rather than deal with the words of Jesus, KM has sought to impugn my character.

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You know, I think ToO reminded me that salvation isn't a case of tapping the heels of my ruby slippers together and saying "I believe/There's no place like home" three times and I am magically saved. Granted, I don't agree that we are saved through our own righteousness, nor by anything WE do, but I've come to see that he does have some valid points.

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Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
To set the record straight:

Our on-going argument is that I believe that Jesus teaches salvation through righteousness. KM believes otherwise.

Whether or not I have overcome sin has no bearing on what Jesus taught.

There is no hypocrisy.

Unfortunately rather than deal with the words of Jesus, KM has sought to impugn my character.
Salvation through righteosness? I thought it was salvation through faith given by grace.

What you stated was what the pharasees and scribes taught.

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Originally posted by pritybetta
Salvation through righteosness? I thought it was salvation through faith given by grace.

What you stated was what the pharasees and scribes taught.
I believe that Jesus taught that one must "be righteous", not just "act righteous". You cannot continue to sin and "enter into the Kingdom of Heaven"/"remain in the house forever".

Matthew 7:21-23
Not everyone who says to me,'Lord, Lord,' will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will tell me in that day,'Lord, Lord, didn't we prophesy in your name, in your name cast out demons, and in your name do many mighty works?' Then I will tell them,'I never knew you. Depart from me, you who work iniquity.'

John 8:32-36
So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, "If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free." They answered Him, "We are Abraham's descendants and have never yet been enslaved to anyone; how is it that You say, 'You will become free'?"
Jesus answered them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin. The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son does remain forever. So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed."

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