@kellyjay saidWhen you say “okay” you are referring to the person not being placed by God into a hellish place to be eternally burnt alive because they were somehow able to love him back, is that what you are saying.
Can an unrepentant sinner remain in their sins and be okay, because God loves them? Why does word repent come up in scripture if that were the truth?
Those who do not love your version of God back are not “okay” because God has to torture them for eternity. Is that correct?
When he personally burning billions of people alive for eternity does he still love them, or has “his love which endures forever” (as quoted in Psalms dozens of times) been turned off, or his he burning people while he still loves them because he has to because he is not all powerful?
A response to these questions would be appreciated .
Thank you.
08 Mar 20
@suzianne saidI tell you what, I'll let you know what I believe, and you can speak for yourself that fair?
If KJ believes God's love is "not unconditional", then that is the disconnect. The title clearly contains the word "unconditional".
Why do I always have some kind of idiotic semantic fight with you? I said there was a disconnect and then you say the connection is clear and then go on to describe the very disconnect I was talking about.
You know, if you're only going ...[text shortened]... other responding to me. I've already told you numerous times that I do not wish to play your games.
Unconditional love is God sending Jesus to us for our forgiveness. Love and mercy are making away for us to turn from our sins and be redeemed by Christ. That is love and compassion since there was no limit that God's love was not prepared to endure for our forgiveness and salvation.
That is not saying God is going to accept a child molester who loves doing that so much s/he refuses to stop harming kids. You cannot compare such a person to another who also did those things but turned to God repented asking Him for God's forgiveness for Jesus' sake. We all have sinned; at one time, we were children of wrath until Jesus' redemption enters our lives. When we have been forgiven for Jesus' sake, we become the righteousness of God through faith in Him.
The love God has for those that God calls out of sin and darkness to become His family is one thing. It is not the same thing as those that remain in their sins. Those whom Jesus tells to call God Father, that love is reserved for His own, it is very conditional. We are either in Jesus abiding in Him, or those outside of Christ our standing before God depends on who Jesus is to us, is He our Lord and Savior, or not?
If you think that I'm wrong about this, can you produce scripture to back it up on how and why I am? I'm telling you such an unrepented sinner has the wrath of God already on themselves in they are in grave danger of Hell.
@suzianne saidActually, I don't think it is ME who seems "idiotic" every time the waves of your scorn-for-scorn's sake send you crashing pointlessly onto the beach of my reasonable and cogent posting, time and time and time again since years and years and years ago.
Why do I always have some kind of idiotic semantic fight with you?
@fmf saidIncredibly self-serving AND untrue. Well done.
Actually, I don't think it is ME who seems "idiotic" every time the waves of your scorn-for-scorn's sake send you crashing pointlessly onto the beach of my reasonable and cogent posting, time and time and time again since years and years and years ago.
@suzianne saidTell him Suzy
If KJ believes God's love is "not unconditional", then that is the disconnect. The title clearly contains the word "unconditional".
Why do I always have some kind of idiotic semantic fight with you? I said there was a disconnect and then you say the connection is clear and then go on to describe the very disconnect I was talking about.
You know, if you're only going ...[text shortened]... other responding to me. I've already told you numerous times that I do not wish to play your games.
You can murder as many babies before being born as you want and God will understand.
No worries.
But if you build a wall...……….well...……………….let's just say Orange man will be in hell.
31 Mar 20
@whodey saidAgain, NO ONE is "murdering babies".
Tell him Suzy
You can murder as many babies before being born as you want and God will understand.
No worries.
But if you build a wall...……….well...……………….let's just say Orange man will be in hell.
And it is not JUST "a wall". It is your selfish attitude that you simply don't need to help ANYone worse off than you, JUST because they have "brown skin".
It is precisely these attitudes found in Matthew 7 and Matthew 25 that you ignore because it is convenient, that will cause Jesus to tell you "Depart from me, I never knew you".
@ogb saidUm, what?
it says in the Bible that God favored one side of a war, and supported one group so that they'd win.. That means slaughtering thousands of people. How unconditional is that ?
I actually didn't think that killing people was an "unconditional" act.
Unconditional love means loving someone/something without any conditions on
them/it. In other words the quality of what is loved is immaterial. If that were
possible then one would love everything and subvert the very meaning of love.
@wolfgang59 saidAccording to his profile update, KellyJay is no longer visiting this website.
Unconditional love means loving someone/something without any conditions on
them/it. In other words the quality of what is loved is immaterial. If that were
possible then one would love everything and subvert the very meaning of love.