@sonship saidHere it is again, dunce. When quoting the bible, if you want to be trusted, then state the version and do not add or change the text in any way. Its that simple. Who cares which one is more correct.
Explain why King James Version translated Passover to Easter if you think its the an infallible rendering of the Greek.
Who is putting in THIER spin on the original language there?
[quote] This verse discusses a time right after Herod had arrested and execute the Apostle James. This pleased the Jews, and so he decided to do it to another apostle–P ...[text shortened]... diaper rash from you at seeing King James supply to "help"
words in brackets NOT in the original?
Rajk999 says I do not every single TIME I quote the Recovery Version I do not tell which version I am quoting.
As a matter of fact I quote other versions.
For no English translation is absolutely perfect.
I like 1901 American Standard
(Even the New King James I would give someone),
Darby's New Translation
The Recovery Version.
No hiding ANYTHING Rajk999. No deceit for quoting.
I refer to Bible Hub where people can compare 10 TIMES more then you ever
Besides world renown Greek language scholar of the New Testament F.F. Bruce said this about the Recovery Version New Testament:
"I have read with interest the copies of translations of New Testament epistles in the Recovery Version. This is a version which I had not previously met. The version seems to me to be an accurate and fairly literal rendering of the Greek. The user of this version will get a precise impression of what the sacred text says.
With all good wishes:
Yours Sincerely,
F.F. Bruce "
Spin your dumb conspiracy theory now for us.
Folks, I introduce you to the Recovery Version Bible
@sonship saidAgain, great example of how poor a teacher you are. Not one single indication where in the KJV bible one can find the point you are making about Easter v Passover. A reader who is interested in the point you are making will not know what you speaking about. So the critical thing about trust, flies straight over your head. Nobody trusts you. You dont provide references. You dont provide versions. You change bible texts and insert your opinions.
Explain why King James Version translated Passover to Easter if you think its the an infallible rendering of the Greek.
Who is putting in THIER spin on the original language there?
[quote] This verse discusses a time right after Herod had arrested and execute the Apostle James. This pleased the Jews, and so he decided to do it to another apostle–P ...[text shortened]... diaper rash from you at seeing King James supply to "help"
words in brackets NOT in the original?
Complete Failure.
Who cares which one is more correct.
Plenty Bible students CARE to view a second or third opinion on HOW a verse is translated. (For the sake of accuracy)
"In my Father's house are many mansions " (John 14:2) (???) - King James (???)
What confusion that has caused millions. They're expecting Jesus has spent 2,000 year hanging curtains and arranging chandeliers for their private mansion in heaven.
The Recovery Version is more accurate "In My Father's house are many abodes.".
He was not talking about luxurious mansions in heaven!
He was talking about making an ABODE (or dwelling place) with those who love Him (John 14:23)
@sonship saidI guess when God was sharing brains you were in the line across by Satan trying to get more books by Witness Lee.
@Rajk999Who cares which one is more correct.
Plenty Bible students CARE to view a second or third opinion on HOW a verse is translated. (For the sake of accuracy)
"In my Father's house are many mansions " (John 14:2) (???) - King James (???)
What confusion that has caused millions. They're expecting Jesus has spent 2,000 year hanging cu ...[text shortened]... He was talking about making an ABODE (or dwelling place) with those who love Him (John 14:23)
The King James translation of John 14:2 "many mansions" is not Witness Lee's fault. Lee just wanted Christians not to be deceived with a false hope and luxurious mansions waiting every Christian in heaven.
If you think the place Jesus went to prepare for the believers was in heaven to work on physical mansions, that's your baby milk brain that needs the education of a better translation.
And you never read ONE even short book by Lee I would bet.
So you're pretended familiarity is more lying to make more ugly stains on your own character.
@sonship saidOr maybe we could think of The Father's House as the Cosmos (or the sublime context in which the Cosmos occurs), and the many abodes as those who willingly allow Him to dwell within.
@Rajk999Who cares which one is more correct.
Plenty Bible students CARE to view a second or third opinion on HOW a verse is translated. (For the sake of accuracy)
"In my Father's house are many mansions " (John 14:2) (???) - King James (???)
What confusion that has caused millions. They're expecting Jesus has spent 2,000 year hanging cu ...[text shortened]... He was talking about making an ABODE (or dwelling place) with those who love Him (John 14:23)
Or maybe we could think of The Father's House as the Cosmos (or the sublime context in which the Cosmos occurs), and the many abodes as those who willingly allow Him to dwell within.
If the many saved allow Christ to themselves abodes of the Father and the Son (John 14:23) Christ will be ENLARGED. Christ will be expanded.
He told the people "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up." (John 2:19). They thought He was speaking of the temple of stone that Herod built in Jerusalem. This is the temple it took them in forty six years.
"Then the Jews said, This temple was built in forty-six years, and You will raise it up in three days? But He spoke of the temple of His body." (vs. 20,21)
Christ in resurrection in three days prepared a way for men to come into Himself as the mystical Body of Christ, as the temple of God. The living temple which is the Person of Christ was enlarged and expanded in resurrection to include many abodes of the saved.
If He were the ONLY abode He would have TOLD us so. But wonderfully He went to the cross to prepare a place that we who believe in Him could become the "many abodes" in His body, His mystical Body, His enlarged temple of God.
"Do not let your heart be troubled, believe into God, believe also into Me. In My Father's house [His body] there are many abodes; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you." (14:1,2)
if He was the ONLY man who could enjoy this indwelling of God He would have told us so. But by His going away to Calvary's cross to accomplish eternal redemption, He prepared a place for millions to enjoy the same reality as a corporate, collective Body of Christ.
"And if go and prepare a place for you, I am coming again and will receive you to myself that where I am you also may be." (v.3)
That is in the same reality as abodes of the triune God. The Cosmos does have God omnipresence. But the indwelling of the many abodes is something more than God's omnipresence.
The ever faithful Apostle Paul said the believers are being built up into "a habitation [or dwelling place] of God in spirit."
" Being built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the cornerstone.
In whom all the building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord; In whom you also are being built together into a dwelling place [or habitation] of God in spirit." (Eph. 2:20-22)
This is a long way off from the subject of alleged sex slaves in the Bible.
But it is so central to the whole eternal purpose of God.
God is building a living corporate expression of Himself abiding in man and man abiding in Him - a habitation of God. A temple of Christ enlarged.