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Originally posted by Joe Fist
I did but to be clear yes I find the book of Mormon to be just as valid. Why? Because I don't believe either one of them. I think I have been quite clear on this. I don't believe the Bible, the book of Mormon, the Koran, the book of Buddha (if such a thing exists) to be the absolute authority on God.
Interesting. I don't believe it when people say they like brussel sprouts, but I do not find the opinion of a person with the inability to taste just as valid as a person with the ability.

How can you abandon reason so easily?

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Originally posted by Joe Fist
I did but to be clear yes I find the book of Mormon to be just as valid. Why? Because I don't believe either one of them. I think I have been quite clear on this. I don't believe the Bible, the book of Mormon, the Koran, the book of Buddha (if such a thing exists), or any book to be the absolute authority on God.
I forgot, you asked "why" . I only really have experience with the Bible so I cannot accurately describe the others for content. However, the entire notion that man has a handle on who God is, what happens after we die, and how God wants us to live our lives is to me absurd and arrogant. I believe it's just what the author(s) of those books believed to be true but I think they are just as confused as everybody else is.

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Originally posted by Darfius
Interesting. I don't believe it when people say they like brussel sprouts, but I do not find the opinion of a person with the inability to taste just as valid as a person with the ability.

How can you abandon reason so easily?
I have no clue as to the concept you are trying to convey with your "brussel sprouts" analogy. How do you assign reason to something that is quite possibly beyond mankind's comprehension? You believe the Bible is the word of God. I don't. This is really a pointless discussion we are having. I am no more convinced of your position than you are of mine. The difference is I don't have a belief which I am trying to convince you of and you do. I have nothing to offer you spirituality and I am actually quite comfortable with that. I know you are not and that's the dilemma. So good luck and I hope you find what you are looking for.

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Originally posted by Darfius
Where is your proof that they were invented by humans? That's a fantastical claim.
Here's one for you...

If humans didn't invent religion, are you claiming that god's and deitys invented these religions themselves for humans to worship them?

Think, with so many different religions, is it not falable that humans invented their own gods and religions as a false belief that their lives will mean something when they are gone and that they can escape from worrying about whats happening in their own life and the world around them.

I believe religion is an excuse. For example,
something unexplainable happens; act of god
someone dies; god must have said it was his/her time
" it doesn't matter what you do in life, so long as you have faith, god will look after you ", an excuse for not (without intentionally insulting any person) believing that every person, begins to die from birth, once death overcomes, there is no more.

obviously from my post, it's easy to see that i don't believe in god and have no faith.

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Originally posted by Darfius
One is an entire race of people.
I'm pretty sure that by "one" here you meant one religion, e.g. Christianity. More evidence that you don't even listen to yourself.

... --- ...

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Originally posted by thesonofsaul
I'm pretty sure that by "one" here you meant one religion, e.g. Christianity. More evidence that you don't even listen to yourself.

... --- ...
I actually meant Judaism. Now you owe me an apology. I forgive you beforehand.

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Originally posted by kirkyboy85
Here's one for you...

If humans didn't invent religion, are you claiming that god's and deitys invented these religions themselves for humans to worship them?

Think, with so many different religions, is it not falable that humans invented their own gods and religions as a false belief that their lives will mean something when they are gone and th ...[text shortened]... re.

obviously from my post, it's easy to see that i don't believe in god and have no faith.
I'm not claiming God invented the religion. I'm claiming God showed Himself to Moses roughly 4000 years ago and gave Laws to a mankind that had forgotten Him. He had made a promise with Abraham that the Jews would be His beacon to the world. Proof that He exists. He also promised that the savior of mankind would be born of the Jews. Guess what Jesus Christ was? A Jew. From Him we have Christianity. Why is it that almost every other religion considers Jesus Christ a great prophet? Or one of the greatest teacher ever? While Christianity maintains that every other religion is false? How could an "obscure Jew" who was CRUCIFIED (who wanted a crucified Jew as a hero of their religion???) be the most spoken and adored name in human history? I will need something other than millions of intelligent, rational people--who are willing to die for the God they say they have a personal relationship with--are "making something up to comfort themselves.

Christians claim God exists. By extension, we claim Satan exists. Now, if Satan exists, how do you think he would attempt to damn men's souls? By appearing in front of them and saying "I am Satan, bow to me, fools!" ? Uhh...if he proved he existed, then by extension we know God exists and who would knowingly worship the weaker guy?? No, his method has always been disillusionment and lies. If he cluttered the world with other religions, men would damn themselves. If he made Christians out to look like crazy, intolerant fools, men would damn themselves.

Why do so many people hate Jews? Why? What are they guilty of? Why is anti-Semitism rising steadily every year? Why did Hitler hate them above blacks, or asians? Why do Muslims hate them so much? Why are they unwilling to do anything less than "drive them into the sea"? I am making the claim that this hatred comes directly from Satan himself. It is supernatural hatred from a supernatural being. The Jews remind him of what awaits him at the end of this age. He is damned to the Lake of Fire, and he wants to damn the Jews and other men with him. I suppose in some small part of himself he still holds out hope that he will defeat God--with the coming Antichrist--but he is most assuredly doomed.

Think critically. If Christians merely wanted to "comfort" themselves, why would they impose seemingly harsh rules on themselves? What human would take away rampant sex from themselves for comfort? Why would they even believe in hell if they wanted comfort? Ask a Christian if they relish the thought of ANYONE suffering for eternity. Wouldn't the threat of 10,000 years of punishment have sufficed if they were merely trying to "keep people in check?" Clearly this judgement is coming from a higher power who believes 10,000 years to be too short a time for punishment.

I realize you are simply finishing this post as a formality before you respond to it with insults and smart remarks, but do a double check. Read one of the Gospels with the hypothesis that Jeses loves you more than anyone ever could. Maybe then you'll get insight into His motivation. Pray a simple--10 second--prayer that if God is real, He give you whatever truth He wants you to know while you read. Say if He does, you will follow His son as He wishes.

If you're honestly after the truth--no matter how uncomfortable it makes you--this should be a simple enough thing. But make sure it's sincere. Arrogance doesn't aid in truthfinding.

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I vote yes, but, we're not nearly as important in the whole scheme of things as we think we are.

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Originally posted by Darfius
I'm not claiming God invented the religion. I'm claiming God showed Himself to Moses roughly 4000 years ago and gave Laws to a mankind that had forgotten Him. He had made a promise with Abraham that the Jews would be His beacon to the world. Proof that He exists. He also promised that the savior of mankind would be born of the Jews. Guess what Jesus C ...[text shortened]... be a simple enough thing. But make sure it's sincere. Arrogance doesn't aid in truthfinding.
it's come to me now (without insult or sarcasm) that you truly have faith, my intentions were not to make you feel uncomfortable. by that, i mean, from what i wrote, you should gather that i do not have such a faith, yet you try to make me 'see' what you think you know.

sorry to say this, but i have read bits and pieces of the bible and remain with the same idea that God is fiction, created by man to serve as an excuse for why we are here. Their is no malace in my convictions, if i come across as arrogant, that is your perception, i have tried finding the truth and will continue to do so. but so far, i have not found, spiritualy, physically or logically a reason to believe. please don't reply with saying i don't need a reason as i have heard, that would be justifying my every point of god not existing.

once again, i am not trying to insult or be sarcastic, i am just expressing my p.o.v and this should be quite a healthy debate

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Originally posted by vhouckham
well-when you think about it, what does your vote count for? the church in the west is dying, but it the east it is growing. does that mean that there is no christian god int he west? no!

you can vote all you want, but it doesn't change the truth about the one, true, God 🙂

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i dont think god is real.
he hasnt done a good dam thing for me


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...he created you...

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Originally posted by genius
...he created you...
Great come back

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if he does exist, why do we have disasters like volcanoes/earthquakes/war

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