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What did Jesus mean....?

What did Jesus mean....?


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Originally posted by darvlay
You two must make the cutest couple in Bible Study. 😉

Seriously, do you think he'll make it out alright? Straight, that is. It's great when you're straight, isn't it?
Do I believe God will answer his prayers to help him control his homosexual feelings and find a girl whom he can love? I believe that if it is in God's plan, then it will happen without a doubt.

Is it great when you do God's will rather than your own? Of course. It's fantastic. No greater feeling.

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Originally posted by Darfius
Is it great when you do God's will rather than your own? Of course. It's fantastic. No greater feeling.
LMAO! I've felt better. And if the day ever arises when your "friend" realizes that being a homosexual is nothing to be ashamed of, he will feel a lot better too. Mark my words.

Could you do me a favour and go over to RBHill's Bible Study and translate those verses for me? You were right. I can't understand a damn word since you told me I need the Holy Spirit to properly interpret their meaning. It all looks like Greek to me. 🙄

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Originally posted by Darfius
Hitler, Stalin and Mao disagree with you.
Hitler , Stalin and Mao were, last time I checked, still dead,

and none of them have present day rabid followers that thinks they were a God who would expiate the sin of masss murder

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Originally posted by darvlay
LMAO! I've felt better. And if the day ever arises when your "friend" realizes that being a homosexual is nothing to be ashamed of, he will feel a lot better too. Mark my words.

Could you do me a favour and go over to RBHill's Bible Study and translate those verses for me? You were right. I can't understand a damn word since you told me I need the Holy Spirit to properly interpret their meaning. It all looks like Greek to me. 🙄
When have you ever done God's will out of love to compare and contrast the feelings, darv?

My friend has felt the love of God and the comfort of the Holy Spirit, I find it highly unlikely that he will trade that in for the certainty of hell and a few years of acting on disturbing lusts.

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Originally posted by blindfaith101
You have said something very interrestting, that you used to do the will of your church. What about doing the will of GOD?
It's not that interesting, lame brain.

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Originally posted by darvlay
It's not that interesting, lame brain.
Without living within the will of THE WORD OF GOD,you are living in the world of sin.

2 edits
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Originally posted by Ragnorak
I guess there aren't many true christians out there then.

I can't imagine a nice christian neighbourhood welcoming prostitutes, beggars, thieves, adulterers and all manner of folk (even illegal Mexicans Chancre?) into their lives.
...[text shortened]... gions, including other christian religions, like Catholicism.

Just because RB and Darfius quote the Bible doesn't make them bigots...they are just the messengers of the word as they interpret it....if you don't believe the Bible as truth, well, that's something you will have to discuss with God...I think they have mentiond a zillion times, if not more, that they love the sinner and hate the sin...i.e. hate homosexuality-love the homosexual....illegal Mexicans are breaking the law, Rag, but I would clothe, shelter, and feed them until they could be deported...it's not sinful/unlawful to uphold sovereign laws...well, maybe in Ireland it is....will you welcome 10 million illegal Algerians into Ireland, Rag?...RB and Darfius may be biased against Catholicism, and that isn't right, so I agree with you there....oh, Happy Saint Paddy's day to ya...😵

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Originally posted by chancremechanic
Just because RB and Darfius quote the Bible doesn't make them bigots...
A bigot, by definition, is 'a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices.' As they have routinely
damned people irrevocably to hell for disagreeing with them (be they
atheists, homosexuals, Roman Catholics, Mormons and Moslems),
this necessarily makes them bigots by definition. For them,
there is but one interpretation to the Bible and they have it. They
are obstinate to arguments to the contrary and intolerant
of other perspectives.


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