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What do we do now, God?

What do we do now, God?


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Originally posted by josephw
That's easy. There are those who believed God and those who didn't.

You know. The sheep and the goats. The righteous and the unrighteous. The good and the evil. Right and wrong. Left and right. etc.

It's all black and white in spite of what some may say.

The only gray areas are things like what is your favorite color. Otherwise it all boils down to what is the truth and what is a lie.
You didn't answer the question. What will happen to the "sheep" and what will happen to the "goats"? As I am a goat with a sheep fetish I am quite interested.

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
You didn't answer the question. What will happen to the "sheep" and what will happen to the "goats"? As I am a goat with a sheep fetish I am quite interested.
"He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left."
"Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels."

Doesn't sound like too much fun, huh.

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
Wow. I have newfound respect for you.
You're far too gullible.

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Originally posted by FreakyKBH
"He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left."
"Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels."

Doesn't sound like too much fun, huh.
...prepared for the devil and his angels and for all those others that stubbornly refuse to submit to the will of the church.

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Originally posted by rwingett
You're far too gullible.
Kiss my ass. What Freaky said makes sense even from an atheist viewpoint.

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Originally posted by FreakyKBH
"He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left."
"Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels."

Doesn't sound like too much fun, huh.
Then what? Being a goat, I will of course ignore his instructions.

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Originally posted by fergalish
So, God said, "Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth". Well, we've done that. What did He say we should do next?
he didn't say.

and some doods can't think for themselves so they still expect god to tell them when to stop(catholics not using condoms). they still expect god to give an ok to evolution. they still expect god to hold their hands.

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Originally posted by FreakyKBH
What you quote is from a certain and specific point in time. The message which was given at that moment and time was intended only for that moment and time. This doesn't mean, of course, that further application is not warranted; however, we must always read and interpret the Scripture according to the proper dictates to gain any understanding.

Start there, my advice.
so when it comes to evolution we shouldn't follow your advice then? wasn't the genesis account for creation also designed for that moment in time?

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Originally posted by FreakyKBH
... was intended only for that moment and time. ... further application [may or may not be] warranted;

You're contradicting yourself. Is it applicable or not? If not, are there any other important passages now rendered invalid?

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
ok tell us what you are planning to do with yourself? ... here it is for your convenience, (Genesis 1:28-30) . . .

So, I'd read Genesis 1:28 before posting, but I certainly don't have the time to read the entire bible to see where God says something like: "Oh, and when you've finished filling and subduing the world, you should ...". Has anyone seen any such a passage? That's what I'm looking for. GrampyBobby suggests we should "mature", I presume (s)he means as a species. Well, maturing generally means becoming independent and learning to makes one's own decisions without looking to one's 'creators' for guidance. So maybe it's time humanity put the Bible aside (anyone know what the Koran says about this?), and started to think for itself.

As for me personally, I intend to find a quiet part of the globe (actually I've already found it, I just need to get suitable job there), with a low population density and try to live a simpler life. Less supermarket, more market, less RHP, more OTB and so on :-)

Originally posted by josephw
Enjoy the fruit of your labor.

This would be fine, but right now, in western Europe, I'm really enjoying the fruits of the labor of a dozen or more under-age, under-paid, over-worked, malnourished third-world people. You say you see the reality of the human condition... are you sure you don't merely see the reality of the American condition? Either we (westerners) are being selfish against God's wishes, or God never intended that all people should enjoy the fruits of their labors.

But even still, you're missing my point - we've multiplied and filled the world. There, done and dusted, got the t-shirt. Now... should we stop multiplying or keep at it? Either way, we can enjoy the fruits of our labors so you're not addressing the question. The former option would be tough unless you happen to be a powerful authoritarian regime, but with the latter we'll eventually lead ourselves to a Malthusian crisis, if we're not already on the way.

Originally posted by josephw
I know so very little you see.
Don't we all.

Originally posted by AThousandYoung
What Freaky said makes sense even from an atheist viewpoint.
What Freaky said was, "read on and see what the Bible says". So... what does it say? Can anyone tell me?

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
Then what? Being a goat, I will of course ignore his instructions.
Currently, the divine will of God is co-existing with human will. In the end, His will reign supreme.

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Originally posted by Zahlanzi
so when it comes to evolution we shouldn't follow your advice then? wasn't the genesis account for creation also designed for that moment in time?
Not really sure what you're saying here.

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Originally posted by fergalish
Originally posted by FreakyKBH
... was intended only for that moment and time. ... further application [may or may not be] warranted;

You're contradicting yourself. Is it applicable or not? If not, are there any other important passages now rendered invalid?

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
ok tell us what you are p e what the Bible says". So... what does it say? Can anyone tell me?
You're contradicting yourself. Is it applicable or not? If not, are there any other important passages now rendered

There is no contradiction. In order to properly apply Scripture, one must be able to do more than simply read their own language. You need the history, the original language, etc., etc., etc.. Isagogics, exegesis, hermeneutics... there exists an entire structured academic system which has been developed over the course of hundreds of years dedicated to ascertaining the meaning of God's word.

What is said at any given point in time--- while it may have only limited application to those who follow--- needs to be considered first in the time/setting originally said in order to understand it wholly. Moreover, anything studied needs to be considered in light of all of Scripture, not isolated from the same. Perhaps something which is said later will shed light on that which is stated at an earlier point in time.

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Originally posted by FreakyKBH
Not really sure what you're saying here.
The message which was given at that moment and time was intended only for that moment and time. This doesn't mean, of course, that further application is not warranted; however, we must always read and interpret the Scripture according to the proper dictates to gain any understanding.

this claim. why doesn't the theory of evolution fall under this claim?
surely the "7 days creation, i made eve out of adam who was made out of dirt" theory was for that time. once we evolved and our knowledge evolved as well, we developed the theory of evolution(along with the internet). why are there people who still believe in a literal interpretation of the bible.

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
Kiss my ass. What Freaky said makes sense even from an atheist viewpoint.
your respect is too easily given for one that most likely didn't mean to say that.

you must ask for clarification first considering who the recipient is and some of his past posts.

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Originally posted by Zahlanzi
The message which was given at that moment and time was intended only for that moment and time. This doesn't mean, of course, that further application is not warranted; however, we must always read and interpret the Scripture according to the proper dictates to gain any understanding.

this claim. why doesn't the theory of evolution fall under this cl ...[text shortened]... internet). why are there people who still believe in a literal interpretation of the bible.[/b]
Oh, I get you now.

No, there is nothing within the account of the creation of man which would suggest that it occurred in any way other than transcribed. Meaning, each of the words used in the original language are specific and pointed. Our progressive 'understanding' notwithstanding, I'll stick with God's account; His track record's a bit more assuring than man's.

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