Originally posted by barstuddto barstudd
Seek and you shall find and dont listen to fools and their foolish talk, this life is your one and only chance to make things right with God, now is the time to have your sins purged, to open an account with God.
Read the Bible and see for yourself as no one else can do it for you...lean not on your own understanding, but learn to trust in Gods word, a ...[text shortened]... e seek God, the more he reveals himself to you....Go now and find out as tomorrow maybe to late?
this is the goobly gook type of nonsense, that i am talking about !...to say that this life is the only one is erronious and was written in the bible by the ruling class of men at the time, so to make all the people well behaved, so they dont burn in your christian hell for eternity, sent there by your vengfull angry god of the bible.
If you are still pushing this dusty old silly idea of god, then you better get off the drugs.
And you said it right, seek and ye shall find, which means not to blindly follow a man created corrupted doctrine, but instead seek true knowledge.
Originally posted by vishvahetuI dont take drugs and never have...time you stopped talking your own gobbly gook....so perfect example of how little you actually know...the bible was written 2000+ years before your little opinion come along.,...So your not so wise as you think you are.
to barstudd
this is the goobly gook type of nonsense, that i am talking about !...to say that this life is the only one is erronious and was written in the bible by the ruling class of men at the time, so to make all the people well behaved, so they dont burn in your christian hell for eternity, sent there by your vengfull angry god of the bible.
If ...[text shortened]... ot to blindly follow a man created corrupted doctrine, but instead seek true knowledge.
You Mr Vish are NOT God and no one will bow down to worship you...so take your worship off yourself and put it in God above....God wont stand in your while you continue to fry your own little desire.
Originally posted by barstuddYou are God!
I dont take drugs and never have...time you stopped talking your own gobbly gook....so perfect example of how little you actually know...the bible was written 2000+ years before your little opinion come along.,...So your not so wise as you think you are.
You Mr Vish are NOT God and no one will bow down to worship you...so take your worship off yourself a ...[text shortened]... put it in God above....God wont stand in your while you continue to fry your own little desire.
Originally posted by barstudddear mr barstudd
I dont take drugs and never have...time you stopped talking your own gobbly gook....so perfect example of how little you actually know...the bible was written 2000+ years before your little opinion come along.,...So your not so wise as you think you are.
You Mr Vish are NOT God and no one will bow down to worship you...so take your worship off yourself a ...[text shortened]... put it in God above....God wont stand in your while you continue to fry your own little desire.
i am not attacking you personally, but my comments are directed to all the christians and muslims, who have not given their time, to honestly investigate and authenticate their doctrines that they blindly follow.
You see, when a person is born in Iran, isnt it questionable that they become a muslim, just like when a person is born in Rome they become a catholic.
So you see, that a person accepts a religion that he is familar with, and that demonstrates that the person has not enquired hoestly and passionately into the very religion that they swear to, and try and convince others about.
And you see, that with all these millions of people, accepting their religions blindly, that they ARE the problem, and not the solution.
All the bogus religious people are the cause of all the problems in the world to day, and cant you open your eyes and see this clearly.
The bible is not the word of god, it is the constructs of the ruling class at the time to control the people, and to have power over them.
That does not mean there is no god, but god is not as the bible describes, their is no hell, there is no satan, there is no judgement by a judging god, there is no ONE life only, there is no adam and eve, or snake, its all make believe.
And why is it that if something is really old, like a book, lets say 2000 yrs old, that it must be credible, what sought of logic is that.
Now, how did you come up with a statement like no one will bow down to worship you, so take your worship off yourself......where did that come from?
Let me ask you a direct question please!.....what is yourn understanding of the fires of hell, and who goes there?
Originally posted by vishvahetuThe bible is not the word of god, it is the constructs of the ruling class at the time to control the people, and to have power over them - vishvahetu
dear mr barstudd
i am not attacking you personally, but my comments are directed to all the christians and muslims, who have not given their time, to honestly investigate and authenticate their doctrines that they blindly follow.
You see, when a person is born in Iran, isnt it questionable that they become a muslim, just like when a person is born i ...[text shortened]... tion please!.....what is yourn understanding of the fires of hell, and who goes there?
Evidence please!
Hell is non existent, indeed its not even a biblical word, death and ceasing to exist are the end of life, the Bible is quite clear on the matter.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieto mr Robbie Carrobie
The bible is not the word of god, it is the constructs of the ruling class at the time to control the people, and to have power over them - vishvahetu
Evidence please!
Hell is non existent, indeed its not even a biblical word, death and ceasing to exist are the end of life, the Bible is quite clear on the matter.
There is absolutely no word of god in recorded history, and you have mistaken the bible as the authority of god, but it is a collectoin of human writtings, put together by the ruling class, in order to have an emotional hold over the people.
There is a god but the bible has nothing to do with the real an wonderfull and incocievable, creative potency, that some people choose to call god.
The false assumption (because the bible is mostly false) that we have one life, is a christian idea, to use as an emotional tool, to create fear in the people, and send them to the church.
Tell me what is your secret motivation for accepting the bible without question, is it because if you call out to jesus, you will get a free ticket to heaven? or is it because you have your eyes on the sexy young girl, in the front row of the church.
Originally posted by vishvahetumy dear vishvahetu, you have as yet simply repeated your previous assertions. Without any evidence or appeal to reason they are ineffective and can be dismissed simply on this basis. Therefore i ask you again, where is the evidence for your assertions?
to mr Robbie Carrobie
There is absolutely no word of god in recorded history, and you have mistaken the bible as the authority of god, but it is a collectoin of human writtings, put together by the ruling class, in order to have an emotional hold over the people.
There is a god but the bible has nothing to do with the real an wonderfull and incociev ...[text shortened]... it because you have your eyes on the sexy young girl, in the front row of the church.
1. the god of the Bible has nothing to do with reality
2. that the Bible was written by power hungry men who wished to control others
3. that it is simply a human work and uninspired
4. that the creator is unknowable
5. that the text cannot be trusted and is false
for if you cannot, will not, are unable to either through not knowing or having accepted things on hearsay (ironically the very accusation you level against those who have taken the time to study the bible), then i suggest that you need to study the text and then you shall have at least recourse to reason, rather than mere opinion 🙂
to robbie carrobie
the asking me for evidence, is silly, its like i invent the blue and green man, and then ask my douters to give evidance that that he doesnt exist.....you see the problem in that situation, in that example !
Are you a priest or teacher or something?
The christains have the very foudations of spirituallity, grossly wrong, and they assume that we have one life, and if we arent a christian when we die we go to hell, ....is that what you beieve?
Originally posted by vishvahetuThis is a spiritual forum... your opinion and mocking of the word is far from spiritual.
to mr Robbie Carrobie
There is absolutely no word of god in recorded history, and you have mistaken the bible as the authority of god, but it is a collectoin of human writtings, put together by the ruling class, in order to have an emotional hold over the people.
There is a god but the bible has nothing to do with the real an wonderfull and incociev ...[text shortened]... it because you have your eyes on the sexy young girl, in the front row of the church.
Your comments do not belong in a spiritual forum...so I advise you to go into site ideas and request for a forum for the spiritually dead, so you have somewhere to post your anti-Christian beliefs in...and stop polluting the spiritual forum with such junk talk.
meanwhile we will pray for you, so that the eyes of your heart maybe opened to the truth, so that no longer will you need to believe in only your own opinion and foolish view points, or be dictated to like a puppet from satan, your opinion or your own view is powerless, it has no power to create life, because God had already Created it before you came along....your view point can not save you from passing away or sickness or what comes beyond this life in the flesh...God has all that under control, it is all in Gods hands not yours, He helps those who chose to help themselves, ........this is what you should be saying, "Thank you Oh Heavenly Father for if not for you I have no idea apart from my head full of opinions on how I actually got here." and "I thank you Lord with all my heart for the breath of life and the promise of eternal life if I so choose to turn to you"...amen
Jesus Christ as witnessed is the way the truth and the life...as a born again Christian all that negative rot, the uncertainty, all the selfish opinions and view points and all those doubts, and the anger and the depression and all the worldly junk has been put to death, and never have I been happier than I am now.
God is the Creator of, and auther of Heaven and Earth and all living things...you will have to make an account of yourself to him weather you choose to agree or not, for you will not have the last say in your own life, or what is to come without help from the Lord...truth is it is not in your own hands...you are powerless unless you plug yourself into God.
The Word is from God...and it is for those who chose to be wise and seek him.
Originally posted by barstuddto mr bar stud
This is a spiritual forum... your opinion and mocking of the word is far from spiritual.
Your comments do not belong in a spiritual forum...so I advise you to go into site ideas and request for a forum for the spiritually dead, so you have somewhere to post your anti-Christian beliefs in...and stop polluting the spiritual forum with such junk talk.
...[text shortened]... f into God.
The Word is from God...and it is for those who chose to be wise and seek him.
i am puttig forward a big idea of god, not a puny weak idea of god that the christians are putting forward,....your puny christian god sends people to your christian hell to suffer, that is not god at all, but your erronious concept of god to have power over the people and scare them to going to your church.
Why dont you tell them the truth for once, that they are immortal and eternal already without your false christian doctrine.
If you told them that truth, then your church would be finished.
Christians know nothing of spiritallity, not even the eternallity of their very soul, and there is no such thing as satan, this is another cheap christian trick to scare innocent people, stop the nonsemce please, it makes the real god look evil and stupid.
SOriginally posted by vishvahetuYou really have no Idea what you are on about, which I understand your situation...take that trash off yourself and way from this forum. give these troubles you have to Jesus and accept the people that he has already accepted...as I shall rebuke those comments that you posted in the name of the Lord.
to mr bar stud
i am puttig forward a big idea of god, not a puny weak idea of god that the christians are putting forward,....your puny christian god sends people to your christian hell to suffer, that is not god at all, but your erronious concept of god to have power over the people and scare them to going to your church.
Why dont you tell them t ...[text shortened]... nnocent people, stop the nonsemce please, it makes the real god look evil and stupid.
May God Bless you, and open the eyes of your heart and may he remove the Demons that cause you to speak such rot.
Turn to God for he has left a guide for you to live by, called the the bible, and if its not his word that you live by then it is from satan tapping into your head his lies...as a christian we wish you to turn to him, you will be amaized for I once sounded just like you do about christianity.
Gods people are Loving and kind hearted souls, they are beautiful people, thanks to the Lord who purify's his people and all who turn to him....give that paranoia to the Lord and It is promised he will heal you too....it is not a trick it is his promise and a true example of his power.
Originally posted by barstuddto mr barstud
You really have no Idea what you are on about...take that trash off yourself and way from this forum. give these troubles you have to Jesus and accept the people that he has already accepted...as I shall rebuke those comments that you posted in the name of the Lord.
May God Bless you, and open the eyes of your heart and may he remove the Demons that caus ...[text shortened]... paranoia to the Lord and It is promised he will heal you....it is not a trick it is his power.
why do you not come to a higher appreciation of god, whats hoding you back, why not tell the people that they are immortal and eternal by their nature, why clutch the dusty old bible with all its superstious goobly gook, what is the pay off to be loyal to that book.
The bible has very basic knowledge,....it tells you not to steal or kill etc, which any atheist appreciates or even a small child, but it tells nothing of our repeated lives and our eternal nature, because its the word of men with a motivated agenda who are ill-informed.
How does your consciousness let you accept satin, burning in hell, one life only, you must have a secret agenda to accept this dribble, and i must speak out against its because when you teach little children this stuff its child abuse.
I will never stop telling it the way it is, because the christians and muslims have a grip over most people, and the world needs to be told some truth.
Originally posted by barstuddPost deleted. Be well.
This is a spiritual forum... your opinion and mocking of the word is far from spiritual.
Your comments do not belong in a spiritual forum...so I advise you to go into site ideas and request for a forum for the spiritually dead, so you have somewhere to post your anti-Christian beliefs in...and stop polluting the spiritual forum with such junk talk.
f into God.
The Word is from God...and it is for those who chose to be wise and seek him.