Originally posted by vistesdIt is Gods word and something valuable you are missing out on, but that sadly is your choice... and yeah Christians take the focus and worship from themselves and place it above on God, because God is worthy of it.
If you think the Spirituality Forum was invented only for Christians, you are mistaken (I was here when this forum was established, and took part in the discussions over whether or not it should be established; I was on the “pro” side). If you think only Christians should take part here, you will just be frustrated. If you want a forum just for Chr ...[text shortened]... sually don’t) would be radically different from your own; no insult or condescension intended.
Non-Believers take their eyes off God and put it on themselves, I was once a non-believer,...you have a free will given to you from God to make choices.
But because the non-believer chooses to live by his own opinions, when things finally go wrong in many cases he then blames God for it....christians are caring loving people, that are forgiving of others and circumstances wheres as the non-believer wear's all this stuff himself, the guilt, the anger the hatred.....when you submit to the word of God he takes all that stuff away, and I speak from experience.
I have been a Christian for only 12 months, I spent my entire life prior to this listening to non-believers talk, their opinions that are forever changing, saying one thing today about what they believe and contradict it tomorrow when they have changed their minds, this is the truth...I heard non-christian views my entire life from family and friends, work colleagues, and occaisonly a Christian would come along and the non-believer would say "Christians are always shoving their belief down your throat." it was this hypocrisy that made me realise after all these years the Christians belief in God hadn't changed like everybody else's and even my own, and christianity wasnt just a single persons opinion, it is wide spread throughout the nations and even the century's...Lets face it, we all once believed in God but that wasnt enough, and we got swept away as soon as something went wrong, so suddenly the belief went elsewhere.
The truth is, all these years it was not the Christians doing the shoving of beliefs down peoples throats....A simple reminder that God exists and he loves you is all they got, and he sends his people to you once in a while for your own benefit, but the non-believer continue's to choose to reject it for their own belief, whatever it maybe?.....A former flatmate of mine was like that, I always had to listen to his anti beliefs, I listened to his obsenity's and the hatred of his heart, what he believed, or for that matter what didn't believe, it was all day and everyday and the sad thing was he was blind to it.
No where did I suggest this forum was a or should be a christians only forum that was your doing, I suggested that all the anti spiritual stuff should find its way to forum for anti spiritual talk....
Originally posted by barstuddYeah , now that Australia are eliminated from the cup you are back to your stern old ways.
It is Gods word and something valuable you are missing out on, but that sadly is your choice... and yeah Christians take the focus and worship from themselves and place it above on God, because God is worthy of it.
Non-Believers take their eyes off God and put it on themselves, I was once a non-believer,...you have a free will given to you from God to make t all the anti spiritual stuff should find its way to forum for anti spiritual talk....
What does God want?
(Ohter than my earlier answer)..
:To view the outer universe in a similar way to the openning credits of "Big Bang Theory", the lyrics are apt as well.
......."truly religous people always makes jokes about their religon-their faith is so strong that they can afford it.".. a quote from my beuatiful friend who is a girl who wanted me to post this on here.
Originally posted by vishvahetuMy appreciation of God is much higher...God v god.
to mr barstud
why do you not come to a higher appreciation of god, whats hoding you back, why not tell the people that they are immortal and eternal by their nature, why clutch the dusty old bible with all its superstious goobly gook, what is the pay off to be loyal to that book.
The bible has very basic knowledge,....it tells you not to steal or ki ...[text shortened]... s and muslims have a grip over most people, and the world needs to be told some truth.
My God has a big G, but yours only has a little one...thats because my God is real and yours is make belief.
thats right thou shalt not murder....this my friend is for you to chew on, thou shalt not murder the thoughts of others....you are serving a false god if you are not serving the God....you are making for yourself a false idol.
God was in the beginning and his book is for people of all time until the very end, but your god that you promote started with you thats why it wasnt here in the beginning....unfortunatly for you, you are not God and you are not representing God...the Bible explains all about false prophets, your not fooling anybody except yourself.😛
Originally posted by barstuddto bar stud
My appreciation of God is much higher...God v god.
My God has a big G, but yours only has a little one...thats because my God is real and yours is make belief.
thats right thou shalt not murder....this my friend is for you to chew on, thou shalt not murder the thoughts of others....you are serving a false god if you are not serving the God....you are ...[text shortened]... g God...the Bible explains all about false prophets, your not fooling anybody except yourself.😛
How could your christian god be higher, if he sends people to hell.
And did you know that the commandment (thou shalt not murder ) was recently created by man, it used to be (thou shalt not kill,) but the christians who slaughter and kill animals didnt like that, so they changed the words of the bible.
How can you change the bible, it supposed to be gods word, aaah it was changed which proves you guys make it all up....busted
Originally posted by vishvahetuThere is no bible that god has written. The bible of today is only a compilation of texts. Some of the 'holy' texts are included, some are excluded.
to bar stud
How could your christian god be higher, if he sends people to hell.
And did you know that the commandment (thou shalt not murder ) was recently created by man, it used to be (thou shalt not kill,) but the christians who slaughter and kill animals didnt like that, so they changed the words of the bible.
How can you change the bible, i ...[text shortened]... ed to be gods word, aaah it was changed which proves you guys make it all up....busted
The one you read is written by man, by the translator. No translation is another one alike.
Originally posted by FabianFnasto Fabian Fnas
There is no bible that god has written. The bible of today is only a compilation of texts. Some of the 'holy' texts are included, some are excluded.
The one you read is written by man, by the translator. No translation is another one alike.
What are you saying here, iam not clear !
Originally posted by vishvahetuno i am nothing but a peasant, my grandfather was a coal miner and his father a ploughman
to robbie carrobie
the asking me for evidence, is silly, its like i invent the blue and green man, and then ask my douters to give evidance that that he doesnt exist.....you see the problem in that situation, in that example !
Are you a priest or teacher or something?
The christains have the very foudations of spirituallity, grossly wrong, and th ...[text shortened]... ve one life, and if we arent a christian when we die we go to hell, ....is that what you beieve?
You have made assertions for which you have no basis, you have been asked twice for reasoning, you have produced nothing. Why do you make statements like, the Bible is false and then produce nothing to back it up? indeed, i wonder if you have ever perused the pages of the ancient text, for had you done so, you would have at least produced a single verse which you think is false, as it stands, the very accusations that you are levelling against others have turned around and bit you on the bum, that being, ignorance and prejudice. Either make with the readies or continue to espouse nothing but unsubstantiated opinion!
Originally posted by barstuddwhile it may be the case barstudd, i do not think it wise nor very Christ like to make comparisons of my God is better, bigger and stronger than your God, or my love is greater than your love etc etc
My appreciation of God is much higher...God v god.
My God has a big G, but yours only has a little one...thats because my God is real and yours is make belief.
thats right thou shalt not murder....this my friend is for you to chew on, thou shalt not murder the thoughts of others....you are serving a false god if you are not serving the God....you are ...[text shortened]... g God...the Bible explains all about false prophets, your not fooling anybody except yourself.😛
(1 Peter 2:12-17) . . .Maintain your conduct fine among the nations, that, in the thing in which they are speaking against you as evildoers, they may as a result of your fine works of which they are eyewitnesses glorify God in the day for his inspection. For the Lord’s sake subject yourselves to every human creation: whether to a king as being superior or to governors as being sent by him to inflict punishment on evildoers but to praise doers of good. For so the will of God is, that by doing good you may muzzle the ignorant talk of the unreasonable men. Be as free people, and yet holding your freedom, not as a blind for badness, but as slaves of God. Honor men of all sorts, have love for the whole association of brothers, be in fear of God, have honor for the king.
Originally posted by galveston75================================
In just simple terms and explinations, what does God want from us?
In just simple terms and explinations, what does God want from us?
God wants Christ.
He wants Christ in Himself and Christ in you.
He wants Christ to be all and all.
[b]Originally posted by galveston75
In just simple terms and explinations, what does God want from us?[b]
To love Him with all out heart, soul, mind, and strength.
This is a no-brainer. It's the first commandment.
Can we get back to this?
If there be a God, isn't it reasonable that He would expect us to love Him? Completely?
Originally posted by jaywillTo answer the question though, God wants us to believe in His Christ.
In just simple terms and explinations, what does God want from us?
God wants Christ.
He wants Christ in Himself and Christ in you.
He wants Christ to be all and all.[/b]
I know you know that. I think we're saying the same thing in different ways.
Originally posted by josephw==============================
To answer the question though, God wants us to believe in His Christ.
I know you know that. I think we're saying the same thing in different ways.
To answer the question though, God wants us to believe in His Christ.
I know you know that. I think we're saying the same thing in different ways.
Yes. God wants man to believe in Christ.
Then He wants man to receive Christ.
Then God wants man to be filled with Christ and live Christ.
He wants man to be saturated with Christ, permeated with Christ and be built up together in Christ.
God wants to become man and for man to become God in life and nature but not in His Godhead.
God wants to dispense Christ into man and bring about the mingling of humanity and divinity, for His expression and man's enjoyment.
God wants Christ to Head up all things. He wants God in man and man in God for a union - a mingling.