What does Jesus want from us?

What does Jesus want from us?


Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
22 Apr 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I have attempted to get him to do just that chaney3 and concluded that he thinks the counsel if not for him or doesn't apply to him or he has no need to change his behaviour towards others.
Why would anyone in their right mind take council from someone like you!!


03 Sep 13
22 Apr 16

Originally posted by divegeester
You seem to be having complex comprehension issues. To help you, here is the exchange I am referring to:

Reply by chaney3 to divegeester
[b]Is a Christian someone who posts 'good riddance' when news of Prince's death is reported?

Reply by yoctobyte to chaney3
We should not desire the end of another person, even a guy like Prince (as in your example), that is in God's hands.[/b]
No comprehension problems, I assure you... I know what I was referring to. If that comment is derogatory, how is it?


26 Aug 07
22 Apr 16
1 edit

Originally posted by divegeester
Does you repeatedly calling me "a son of satan" mean you are no longer a Jehovah's Witness then?
would you prefer, 'offspring of viper', or 'white washed grave full of dead mens bones'? 😀

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
22 Apr 16

Originally posted by yoctobyte
No comprehension problems, I assure you... I know what I was referring to. If that comment is derogatory, how is it?
Ask chaney3, he said it; and you referred to it as something a Christian shouldn't say.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
22 Apr 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
would you prefer, 'offspring of viper', or 'white washed grave full of dead mens bones'? 😀
What's up can't answer the question?

Does you repeatedly calling me "a son of satan" mean you are no longer a Jehovah's Witness then?


26 Aug 07
22 Apr 16
1 edit

Originally posted by divegeester
Why would anyone in their right mind take council from someone like you!!
because divegeester you are acting in an unchristian way, I have brought it to your attention, chaney3 has brought it to your attention and who knows who else.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
22 Apr 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
because divegeester you are acting in an unchristian way, I have brought it to your attention, chaney3 has brought it to your attention and who knows who else.
Does you repeatedly calling me "a son of satan" mean you are no longer a Jehovah's Witness then?


26 Dec 14
22 Apr 16

Originally posted by divegeester
Your problem with me is not my comprehension, it's my dislike, mistrust and lack of respect for you.
Do you really think I care.....at all.....what your opinion of me is?

I started this thread, despite knowing you would possibly hi-jack it, to get some thoughts on Jesus and Christianity. So far, everyone who has contributed has been impressive with their attitudes toward the OP......except you!!!

There have been some non-believers who have said some insightful things about the OP where as you have said nothing at all useful......go figure?

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
22 Apr 16

Originally posted by chaney3
Do you really think I care.....at all.....what your opinion of me is?


26 Aug 07
22 Apr 16

Originally posted by divegeester
Does you repeatedly calling me "a son of satan" mean you are no longer a Jehovah's Witness then?
No because I have apologised for my idiosyncrasies divegeester, chaney3 is also content to look at himself and make changes, but you simply think you are above doing so, or have no need to do so when clearly you have a great need to do so.

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
22 Apr 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
No because I have apologised for my idiosyncrasies divegeester, chaney3 is also content to look at himself and make changes, but you simply think you are above doing so, or have no need to do so when clearly you have a great need to do so.
No you haven't. You have never apologised to me personally for calling me a "son of Satan" - which is probably the worst thing one Christian can say to another and makes my calling you a prick, a duchebag, a weasel and and bell-end pale in comparison.

14 Mar 15
22 Apr 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
No because I have apologised for my idiosyncrasies divegeester, chaney3 is also content to look at himself and make changes, but you simply think you are above doing so, or have no need to do so when clearly you have a great need to do so.
Can you kindly list the idiosyncrasies you have apologised for? (Use a separate page if necessary).

In regards to the OP, man will never know what Jesus wants from us, if he wanted anything at all,...or indeed even if he actually existed. Later writers created his words, perhaps they created him as well.


26 Aug 07
22 Apr 16

Originally posted by divegeester
No you haven't. You have never apologised to me personally for calling me a "son of Satan" - which is probably the worst thing one Christian can say to another and makes my calling you a prick, a duchebag, a weasel and and bell-end pale in comparison.
Fine I apologise for calling you a son of Satan and if you think your foul mouthed rants are less morally reprehensible then so be it. I would like to point out though that you do not consider me a Christian and I have deep reservations about you being one.


03 Sep 13
22 Apr 16

Originally posted by divegeester
Ask chaney3, he said it; and you referred to it as something a Christian shouldn't say.
You know dive, I think I will pass... because I really could care less. This conversation has turned into something like what you would find in a school yard and I would rather not be a part of it.

You get to the point where you just throw your hands up and say... you win! You win dive, but not really.

Don't you get tired of the he said she said bantering? I do.

People change, grow and move on... they have a change of heart and think differently... heaven forbid we stay in the mire. Instead let's endeavor to not throw sand in each others faces and as Christians... lets exemplify the cause of Christ... now there is a novel idea.


26 Aug 07
22 Apr 16
3 edits

Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
Can you kindly list the idiosyncrasies you have apologised for? (Use a separate page if necessary).

In regards to the OP, man will never know what Jesus wants from us, if he wanted anything at all,...or indeed even if he actually existed. Later writers created his words, perhaps they created him as well.

being too awesome
too brainy
too well informed
a chess bomb
too handsome
too articulate
too spiritual

thats about it to be honest.

Nah in seriousness I have apologised to Thinkofone for calling him a disparaging term for a homosexual, I have apologized to FMF for insinuating that he was hiding out in Indonesia for some unspeakable crimes and I have apologised to divegeester for calling him a son of Satan. There may be others but these ones stick in my mind.

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