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What i believe


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Originally posted by jaywill
I do.

It doesn't back up flood story.

Well, Proper Knob here's my view:

The Bible is God's revelation. Science is man's invention. If the two do not agree the problem must be with man's invention of science because God knows all the facts.

Let's wait and see what they say next year.[/b]
Man has this invention called 'the theory of gravity', maybe you'd like to test it out by throwing yourself off a ten story and seeing how that goes?

Or do you concede that some of these 'ideas' are pretty concrete?! (pun intended)

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Originally posted by jaywill

Concerning the second coming of Jesus:

This age of history will culminate in a man and his armies physically trying to fight against Jesus Christ.

Let me repeat this way. This stage of world history will come to a climax with a strong leader and his armies seeking to physically fight against God over the ownership of this planet.

The Antichrist us could be at any time unkown to us, a surprise.

Seek the Lord while He can be found.
"... by getting to know CHRIST, in prayer and in prayerful reading of the Bible."

Greetings, Jaywill. Just a few direct and friendly questions for you, if I may...

* You recall Christ's mandate/final words to the disciples at the crucifixion?


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Originally posted by Proper Knob
Man has this invention called 'the theory of gravity', maybe you'd like to test it out by throwing yourself off a ten story and seeing how that goes?

Or do you concede that some of these 'ideas' are pretty concrete?! (pun intended)
Man has this invention called 'the theory of gravity', maybe you'd like to test it out by throwing yourself off a ten story and seeing how that goes?

Or do you concede that some of these 'ideas' are pretty concrete?! (pun intended)

I do not need science to explain to me that I should not jump off a ten story building.

However, I am very eager for them to encrease in understanding as to WHY things fall in that manner.

At the present time I am told that gravity is caused by the curvature of space time around mass.

Please do not object if I wish to see how this will be explained next year and into the future. They may be on to something' I want to see how this is developed in the future.

Now there may be something to evolution. To what extent ? These ideas may be modified, revized and corrected in the future.

Same goes for the present study of human genetics.

By the way, if gravity is the effect of the curvature of spacetime around mass in the natural world why is it hard to believe something like this:

Time is the curvature of reality around an eternal God. Just as gravity is something we human beings need to exist so TIME itself is perhaps a creation of God for the existence of His creatures.

I believe that the universe with its properties are the result of a Intelligent and all powerful God who has created a realm that WE need to exist. He can freely penetrate it. He can enter into it. But He transcends it.

And sometimes He has to demontrate to us that He transcends it. ie. the resurrection of the Son of God from the dead.

Ie. the prophetic utterance of things to happen in the future - prophesy.

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
[b]"... by getting to know CHRIST, in prayer and in prayerful reading of the Bible."

Greetings, Jaywill. Just a few direct and friendly questions for you, if I may...

* You recall Christ's mandate/final words to the disciples at the crucifixion?

"... by getting to know CHRIST, in prayer and in prayerful reading of the Bible."

Greetings, Jaywill. Just a few direct and friendly questions for you, if I may...

* You recall Christ's mandate/final words to the disciples at the crucifixion?

I am all ears. What are you refering to?

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Originally posted by jaywill

"... by getting to know CHRIST, in prayer and in prayerful reading of the Bible."

Greetings, Jaywill. Just a few direct and friendly questions for you, if I may...

* You recall Christ's mandate/final words to the disciples at the crucifixion?


I am all ears. What are you refering to?
"Feed my sheep!"

* Why that brief, simple and unambiguous last instruction?


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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
[b]"Feed my sheep!"

* Why that brief, simple and unambiguous last instruction?

"Feed my sheep!"

* Why that brief, simple and unambiguous last instruction?

Bull's eye. Now there's a post that completely shuts my mouth folks.

May the Lord help me to "feed" the sheep. But it seems I get deeply involved in trying to convince some to become His sheep.

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Originally posted by jaywill
"Feed my sheep!"

* Why that brief, simple and unambiguous last instruction?

Bull's eye. Now there's a post that completely shuts my mouth folks.

May the Lord help me to "feed" the sheep. But it seems I get deeply involved in trying to convince some to become His sheep.[/b]
Interesting that the New Testament sheep metaphor is so completely unflattering (as well as a casual reflection of Deity's perfect happiness/relaxed sense of humor) and that sheep, without a shepherd, can't even find suitable daily water much less sustaining food. New believer in Christ is no more able to feed himself than a dependent newborn baby in some cradle or crib.

Although there are a range of gifts individually bestowed by the Holy Spirit upon believers at the moment of 'faith alone in Christ alone' ,i.e., salvation, evangelist and pastor-teacher are the only two communication intensive gifts given to men during the present dispensation. Job of the evangelist is to accurately communicate gospel information to groups of motivated hearers.

Job of pastor-teachers is to prepare academically, including expertise in the original langugages of the canon, for a lifetime of study (literally beating their brains out daily in verse by verse translation, interpretation, application) in order to provide consistent spiritual food from the entire realm of sound doctrine for the nourishment, comfort, reproof, correction, instruction in righteousness, protocols, mechanics beginning with I John 1:9 for the edification, growth and maturity of the sheep. Pastor-Teacher's job isn't to run around patting people's heads or holding hands with the infirm or sick. That ministry's for those with the gift of helps.


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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
You've somehow managed to get things seriously reversed.

Only question of consequence is... 'Will He recognize you'.

If I get all this christian gibberish right, then yeah, he should recognize me.

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
To repeat, Christianity isn't a religion but rather a vertical royal family relationship.

All religions (as in every last one) are little more or less than cheap counterfeits.

What ? like christianity is a cheap counterfeit of eastern mysticism/hinduism,etc.?

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Originally posted by karoly aczel

If I get all this christian gibberish right, then yeah, he should recognize me.
<----- goats ..................................?................................... sheep----->

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Originally posted by karoly aczel
What ? like christianity is a cheap counterfeit of eastern mysticism/hinduism,etc.?
Let's agree that everybody's got to be somewhere and that everybody

ultimately places their trust/faith in someone (and/or in something).

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
[b]<----- goats ..................................?................................... sheep----->[/b]
come again? (I really am interested in the post the one before the one i responded to, about jesus recognizing me. what do you mean? Am i a sheep or a goat?)

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Let's agree that everybody's got to be somewhere and that everybody

ultimately places their trust/faith in someone (and/or in something).
no no! dont wriggle out of the question.
Christianity is not the oldest or the most popular religon.
It has been said that jesus got his ideas from the eastern mystics.

I believe that all universal "truths" are...universal. Regardless of religon.
I believe you were trying to say other religons are cheap counterfeits of christianity.
Please explain to me where my logic is wrong because according to my facts christianity is clearly linked to other religons? (which are in turn linked to all other universal, humanitaian-type "truths" )

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Let's agree that everybody's got to be somewhere and that everybody

ultimately places their trust/faith in someone (and/or in something).
Agreeing with that contention is like agreeing that its probably going to rain when grey clouds come overhead.
Can you be more specific with your contention? or are you having trouble shaking your likeable net personality when it comes to making solid comments about christianity?

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Originally posted by karoly aczel

come again? (I really am interested in the post the one before the one i responded to, about jesus recognizing me. what do you mean? Am i a sheep or a goat?)
Yes... one or the other, just the same as all of the rest of us.

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