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Originally posted by karoly aczel

no no! dont wriggle out of the question.
Christianity is not the oldest or the most popular religon.
It has been said that jesus got his ideas from the eastern mystics.

I believe that all universal "truths" are...universal. Regardless of religon.
I believe you were trying to say other religons are cheap counterfeits of christianity.
Please ...[text shortened]... ther religons? (which are in turn linked to all other universal, humanitaian-type "truths" )
There wasn't an ounce of specificity in my straightforward sentence... just a simple

suggestion that we might both agree, in principle, that all of us reach conclusions.

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Originally posted by karoly aczel

Agreeing with that contention is like agreeing that its probably going to rain when grey clouds come overhead.
Can you be more specific with your contention? or are you having trouble shaking your likeable net personality when it comes to making solid comments about christianity?
Would the kind gentleman please review the reply given moments ago.

P.S. Nobody forces/convinces anyone's volition. It's free will or nothing.

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Yes... one or the other, just the same as all of the rest of us.
so which are you? goat or sheep?

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
There wasn't an ounce of specificity in my straightforward sentence... just a simple

suggestion that we might both agree, in principle, that all of us reach conclusions.
Ok then. You were not saying that other faiths are cheap christian counterfeits?
I must've misunderstood,eh??

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Originally posted by karoly aczel
so which are you? goat or sheep?
On Red Hot Pawn, it would depend upon the members you happened to ask.

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Would the kind gentleman please review the reply given moments ago.

P.S. Nobody forces/convinces anyone's volition. It's free will or nothing.
You are frustrating me. Happy?
Do you really want to do out on a limb and answer my questions or just... ... what is it that you are doing? Is this a debate? or...

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
On Red Hot Pawn, it would depend upon the members you happened to ask.
and on facebook the answer would be replied to in a more succinct way?
you made the contention, now answer: goat or sheep?

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Originally posted by karoly aczel
Ok then. You were not saying that other faiths are cheap christian counterfeits?
I must've misunderstood,eh??
No. You're still missing the point entirely. "To repeat, Christianity isn't a religion but rather a vertical royal family relationship. All religions (as in every last one) are little more or less than cheap counterfeits."

Aware of your antagonism and realizing you lack the frame of reference, I chose to seek casual agreement in principle... regarding the hard fact that we all ultmately place our confidence in someone or something.

P.S. RHP quip was an attempt at levity. Time for bed. Thanks for our chat. -Bobby


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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
No. You're still missing the point entirely. "To repeat, Christianity isn't a religion but rather a vertical royal family relationship. All religions (as in every last one) are little more or less than cheap counterfeits."

Aware of your antagonism and realizing you lack the frame of reference, I chose to seek casual agreement in principle... regardin ...[text shortened]... or bed. Thanks for our chat. -Bobby

No worries Bobby. Just remember, if you upset me , you have done well. Really well!!
When you have time, and if you would like to pursue any of my questions litererally, feel free to respond and tell me which religon is a cheap counterfeit of christianity? (not denomination-religon). Ok?

"We all ultimately place faith in someone or somehting". Really? I am really keen to know what you think someone like me places my faith in. Because I do place my faith in something, you are right about that , but more accurately speaking. it would be better defined as a"nothing",(ie. no- thing).
I'm just trying to guage whether we are in the same ballpark here.

(antagonism,yes...lack of frame of reference,ok. "hard fact" ...now you are losing me,,,just some clues for you in case you do decide to continue this...conversation(?) )

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Originally posted by karoly aczel
No worries Bobby. Just remember, if you upset me , you have done well. Really well!!
When you have time, and if you would like to pursue any of my questions litererally, feel free to respond and tell me which religon is a cheap counterfeit of christianity? (not denomination-religon). Ok?

"We all ultimately place faith in someone or somehting". Real ...[text shortened]... g me,,,just some clues for you in case you do decide to continue this...conversation(?) )
Footnote: Got out of bed to offer you one thought to ponder. All religions since time began have been and still are man made, worthless counterfeits. Christianity resides in an exclusive category of absolute truth because it's simply and merely (ever read 'Mere Christianity' by C.S. Lewis as we discussed) the revelation of a person, the Lord Jesus Christ, and His gracious gift of relationship with Him (the Father and Holy Spirit) in time and eternity. There wasn't any intent to upset or hurt you.


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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Footnote: Got out of bed to offer you one thought to ponder. All religions since time began have been and still are man made, worthless counterfeits. Christianity resides in an exclusive category of absolute truth because it's simply and merely (ever read 'Mere Christianity' by C.S. Lewis as we discussed) the revelation of a person, the Lord Jesus Chris ...[text shortened]... r hurt you.

This may be so to a christian. To non-christians, christianity is of course a religion. I expect that followers of other faiths can construct similar arguments that suggest that their religion is 'truth' while other people's faiths are simply 'worthless counterfeits'.

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Originally posted by jaywill
Man has this invention called 'the theory of gravity', maybe you'd like to test it out by throwing yourself off a ten story and seeing how that goes?

Or do you concede that some of these 'ideas' are pretty concrete?! (pun intended)

I do not need science to ...[text shortened]... m the dead.

Ie. the prophetic utterance of things to happen in the future - prophesy.[/b]
I do not need science to explain to me that I should not jump off a ten story building.

Of course you don't, because you can observe the efects of gravity and deduce the likely outcome if you did jump off a building. Most possibly death, or serious injury.

Now geneticists and molecular biologists and the like, devote their lives trying to understand other rules and laws of the physical world which you may not be privvy to. Just because you may not have an understanding of them, doesn't make them some sort of 'invention'. They are an invention as much as the 'theory of gravity' is an invention.

As for your physics questions, sorry, that's not my area.

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Originally posted by avalanchethecat
This may be so to a christian. To non-christians, christianity is of course a religion. I expect that followers of other faiths can construct similar arguments that suggest that their religion is 'truth' while other people's faiths are simply 'worthless counterfeits'.
Thank you avalanchethecat for chiming in with the obvious. (this is so silly as to make me sound sarcastic, but , I assure you, I am not)

Bobby, you have had no concious intention to upset me, but nevertheless have upset me with your ambigous answers to some direct questions.

Forget it.
Just answer two. What are you? : a goat or a sheep? And why?

If it is as you claim, that we are all goat or sheep, then should I be taking spiritual advice from either?
I have attempted to construct some common ground here, but you have eluded me, choosing to answer my questions with more rhetoric.
Your "spirituality" has fascinated me and I have wanted to furthur understand where you are coming from.
It is becoming exceedingly obvious that if I dont talk christian spirituality with you that you think it is not worth it.
Spirit is said to reside in all things, concious or not. Hence the title of the forum. If it was called "christianity forum" , I wouldn't bother.
Please stay in bed and out of my sensitive field of belief if you have trouble getting into the spirit of my questions,etc. ok?

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Originally posted by karoly aczel
Why not? It seems totally logical to me. After all this is a different world that he left. I doubt he would have to fear being strung up again.
The dalai lama speaks publically despite being persecuted , why wouldn't jesus?
Or did you have a different angle on why he wouldn't give apress conference?
The circumstances surrounding His return will make the "press conference" entirely moot.

Most people on Earth during the Tribulation will be dead by the time he shows. Those who survive will know He's back. Even the Jews, who have been waiting for the first showing of their Messiah, will recognize and accept Him immediately.

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Originally posted by Suzianne
The circumstances surrounding His return will make the "press conference" entirely moot.

Most people on Earth during the Tribulation will be dead by the time he shows. Those who survive will [b]know
He's back. Even the Jews, who have been waiting for the first showing of their Messiah, will recognize and accept Him immediately.[/b]
Sure thing.
So your saying I'll probably be dead or "survive" and instantly recognize him,right?
Either way, I will have questions.
Death doesn't concern me, neither does surviving. As for recognizing the messiah, I will only bow down to one who treats me and all others as the equals that we are. Equal to christ. Equal to god.

I'm not ruling out your scenario, but I find it unlikely. Unless of course it fits in with some other scenarios, which it may well...hmmm...are you a fundamentalist?

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