-Removed-You can twist and turn it all you like and quote Paul, and whoever, and mix up the terms saved and eternal life all you like. In the end the passage in Matt 25 where Jesus is judging there are only two outcomes:
- eternal life in the Kingdom of God for those who do good works
- damnation for those who do not do good works.
This is the word of God, explained to you in Matt 25, by Jesus the Son of God.
I notice you hesitate to state what the bible says about those who do not live according to the commandments of Christ, referring to it as a 'sorry situation'. Jesus and Paul said no such thing and said it plainly .. they are cast out.
-Removed-Here is one of my favourite scriptures
.. every man should eat and drink, and enjoy the good of all his labour, it is the gift of God. (Ecclesiastes 3:13 KJV)
Eat drink and be merry. It is the gift of God. BUT ... I will be a damn fool to think that gift of God [just like salvation], alone will get me into the Kingdom of God. There are other things to be done.
-Removed-Not only me. Jesus and all the Apostles rejects that scripture if it is taken out of context. A profession of faith is a stepping to righteousness. Only then will that profession of faith become a living faith leading to eternal life, otherwise it is dead, its stubble, its chaff fit to be cast into the fire. You preach a dangerous doctrine of death.
@bigdoggproblem saidObviously you're talking about the Rajk.
Christian = a follower of Jesus Christ, who thinks most other followers are doing it wrong.
@bigdoggproblem saidYou'd sure think so, reading this forum.
Christian = a follower of Jesus Christ, who thinks most other followers are doing it wrong.