Originally posted by kirksey957Related to this, what's up with people giving entire names of famous people as first and middle names (like John Wayne Gacy, or the innumerable "Robert E. Lee [Surname]"s)? Is this a southern thing?
You should never give your male child the middle name of "Wayne." One of the most common middle names for people on death row. John Wayne Gacy, for example.
Originally posted by kirksey957Lord have mercy, I think you need to go preach that sermon over here:
Refresh my memory. I preach so many life changing sermons I can't keep up with them.
"What naming your kid Adolf Hitler gets you!"
Thread 106727
Originally posted by kirksey957==============================
It wasn't exactly a "loaves and fishes" story was it? That was one hell of a grocery list, but when you grow up with the name Jesus you kind of learn to expect anything you want.
It wasn't exactly a "loaves and fishes" story was it? That was one hell of a grocery list, but when you grow up with the name Jesus you kind of learn to expect anything you want.
Maybe until you learn that the name Jesus is not a magic amulet.
One of the most bizarre and shocking performers of our era, GG Allin, was born as Jesus Christ Allin.
"Allin is best remembered for his notorious live performances that typically featured wildly transgressive acts such as Allin defecating and urinating onstage, rolling in feces and often consuming excrement, committing self-injury, performing naked, and committing violent actions toward the audience—often doing many of these things simultaneously. Although more notorious for his stage antics than for his wide body of music, he recorded prolifically, not only in the punk rock genre, but also in spoken word, country and Rolling Stones-influenced rock. His politically incorrect lyrics, which often covered subjects such as misogyny, pedophilia and racism, deeply divided opinions of him within the highly politicized punk community. Though he had a devoted cult following, Allin's music has received mostly negative reviews from critics."