@pb1022 saidThe bible contains many many references of people from Genesis having the Holy Spirit. It is called by several names : Gods Spirit, Holy Ghost, Spirit of God, Comforter, Light of Christ, Spirit of Christ, Spirit of Truth. There is nothing different about the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. It is the same Spirit of God, throughout the bible, and throughout the ages God's Spirit was in many righteous people. The disciples of Christ were given the Holy Spirit, otherwise they would not have been able to do miracles.
They didn’t have the Holy Spirit of God in them permanently.
Jesus Christ, after His Resurrection, told His disciples to wait until God’s Holy Spirit endued them with power from on high.
“And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.”
(Luke 24:49)
And here is the fulfillment ...[text shortened]... les had God’s Holy Spirit within them when Peter denied knowing Jesus Christ before His crucifixion.
12 Feb 22
@rajk999 said<<The bible contains many many references of people from Genesis having the Holy Spirit.>>
The bible contains many many references of people from Genesis having the Holy Spirit. It is called by several names : Gods Spirit, Holy Ghost, Spirit of God, Comforter, Light of Christ, Spirit of Christ, Spirit of Truth. There is nothing different about the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. It is the same Spirit of God, throughout the bible, and throughout the ages God's ...[text shortened]... ciples of Christ were given the Holy Spirit, otherwise they would not have been able to do miracles.
Not as a permanent possession like Christians have today.
12 Feb 22
-Removed-Not gonna waste my time proving something I’ve already proven.
It’s quite clear from the verses I cited that Peter (and the other disciples of Jesus Christ) did not have God’s Holy Spirit within them as a permanent possession as Christians do today.
Perhaps you are getting nervous because your trashing of Jesus Christ’s Name and the Holy Bible are not at all indicative of you having God’s Holy Spirit within you, and you want to claim your behavior isn’t contrary to having God’s Holy Spirit within you because Peter denied Christ three times while (according to you and falsely) he had God’s Holy Spirit in him.
Search your own heart and soul, tiger.
Don’t twist the Scriptures to support your trashing of the Name of Jesus Christ.
12 Feb 22
@pb1022 saidYet another expression, not found in the bible, fabricated by the church used to elevate themselves.
a permanent possession like Christians have today.
Paul said many times there is no inheritance for born again, Christian Saints with the Holy Spirit, if they live sinfully, and that they will be destroyed, or reap corruption. It is stated many ways many times to all the churches. Only churches of today have missed that memo. Clearly the Holy Spirit of God is removed from unrighteous Christians and it is not permanent.
12 Feb 22
-Removed-You’re way too invested in this forum, tiger.
But since you have “lots of Romans1009 stuff” perhaps you can produce a single, solitary post of that RHP legend trolling you over the death of your mother or making a comment about adults having sex with a child, both of which FMF ridiculously lied about in claiming and which you and Ghost, the other members of the Trolling Trio, threw your integrity in the toilet by supporting.
Can’t do it?
Didn’t think so.