04 Dec 19
@divegeester saidI’m not obligated to and neither is God obligated to prove himself. We are a wicked and sinful generation. Even if God proved himself still people would reject him.
What you said in your OP.
@rbhill saidIf your God figure proved himself, and still people rejected him, wouldn't THAT be the existence and exercise of genuine "free will" that your believe-or-be-tortured doctrine relies so heavily ~ but unconvincingly ~upon?
Even if God proved himself still people would reject him.
07 Dec 19
@rbhill saidYou said: "Even if God proved himself still people would reject him."
Life is a battle of definitions you either believe the word of God and the definitions that come from that of what you believe or definitions that come from philosophies and things outside of the word of God.
So, you seem to be acknowledging that your God figure has NOT "proved himself" to everyone.
Surely, you don't believe that, because some people would STILL reject him, it precludes him from revealing himself to everyone and therefore give them the opportunity to exercise their free will regarding whether to worship and obey him or not?