@fmf saidRomans chapter 1 explains that He has revealed himself.
You said: "Even if God proved himself still people would reject him."
So, you seem to be acknowledging that your God figure has NOT "proved himself" to everyone.
Surely, you don't believe that, because some people would STILL reject him, it precludes him from revealing himself to everyone and therefore give them the opportunity to exercise their free will regarding whether to worship and obey him or not?
08 Dec 19
@rbhill saidWell, it's clearly not convincing enough proof for most human beings, most of human already have a theistic disposition.
Romans chapter 1 explains that He has revealed himself.
You surely don't believe that, if it's good enough for you, then it's good enough for everyone, and if it's not, let them be damned?
Surely, such a narcissistic point of view cannot be a 'divinely inspired' belief, is it?
@wolfgang59 saidYou are right about that. With a perfect relationship between father son and holy spirit for all eternity. Why would he need people. Mercy!
Welcome suckers!
Nice smiley man with beard and lots of money.
Q. His job?
A. Taking your money.
If there was a god it would not need people like this.
In fact ... why would a god need anyone to do their will?
He uses this 2 Corinthians 5:11-6:2