I have had robust attacks, but not name calling. If alleged Christians have to resort to that then I would have to question their spirituality.
Far too many think that “their” version/interpretation of the scriptures is right and can get nasty with it. My position is that no one denomination/cult (subject to your perception) has the absolute truth, though some are closer than others. On my list if not so close are those that believe in eternal torment.
A guy that I got into a debate some years ago that has become a friend used to keep on about keeping an open mind. I try to embrace that, so as not to close myself off of possibility.
@kevin-eleven saidCan you prove that scripturally?
The kingdom of Hell is within you, and you are its willing emissary.
@kevin-eleven saidIf you remind me I’ll send you a saucer of milk fo Christmas.
Perhaps you meant "fare"?
It's a sad state of affairs when the English don't know their own language.
Silly cheap points, you are better than that Kev.