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Where is RBHill?


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Originally posted by RBHILL
I got


These all 32 teams of the NFL.
A license plate frame for my car that says Mustang GT.

and some movies too.
Surely Christmas is about Jesus and not receiving presents!

I'm shocked and horrified.

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Originally posted by Nordlys
If you want it as real as possible, just go and play or sing yourself. ๐Ÿ™‚ We played some fun stuff at Christmas this year (no wait, last year), for example some organ chorals by Bach which my brother transcribed for the instruments we had available. Of course that's religious music, so I guess FreakyKBH would call me a hypocrite for playing it.
I actually do play the guitar and sing. Not very well, but I know a few chords and so I can follow the instructions somewhat (you know the ones that usually appear just above the text?).

Oh! oh! And I saw a nordlys as you call it, just the other day. Awesome. It was like a smuthered ribbon stretching from one horizon to the next. Greenish. I guess in northern Sweden they see this more often than I do 'cause they weren't very impressed. hä hä ๐Ÿ™‚

What was this thread about again?.. Right. RBHill. Well, he's back so, what can I say. Good for him?

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
Praise Jesus! Welcome back. Did you get good presents?

Kirksey wanted me to hold a funeral for you, but God put it on my heart to hold out for a few more days.
Doc, stop!

Don;t have a funeral! RB has risen from the DEAD!!!! ALL HAIL RBHILL!!!!

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Originally posted by stocken
Yeah. CD:s made the sound too clean. It's not as real anymore as it used to be. I remember my last LP/EP player (or whatever it's called in english). It was old and weary but I could still listen to my old albums and enjoy the scrapy sound of them. If there was a scratch in them I just... scratch in them I just... scratch in them [bam] ... which was always a good thing.

Oh, those were the good ol' days, ey?
Loving it!!! ๐Ÿ˜€

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Originally posted by kirksey957
My oldest kid brought a questionaire from school testing their music history background. Several of her friends were with her and I tried to help them with this and also instill some interest. I was appalled that her young friends have never heard any Bach. I played some that I thought would be familiar and part of the consciousness of their brains. N ...[text shortened]... ots coming up. I'm sure they're all crying that Kenny Chesny broke up with Renee Zellwanger.
Don;t worry Kirksey - they'll mature. Everyone hates it when they're kids, then comes out loving Frank Sinatra at 25.

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Originally posted by Nordlys
We played some fun stuff at Christmas this year (no wait, last year), for example some organ chorals by Bach which my brother transcribed for the instruments we had available.
Ooo ooo ooo...............

Which? Der Tag, der ist so freudenreich? Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ? Von Himmel
hoch? Puer natus in Bethlehem? Von Himmel kam der Engel Schar? In dulci jubilo?

And what instruments? Where was this done? During your service?


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Originally posted by Nemesio
Ooo ooo ooo...............

Which? Der Tag, der ist so freudenreich? Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ? Von Himmel
hoch? Puer natus in Bethlehem? Von Himmel kam der Engel Schar? In dulci jubilo?

And what instruments? Where was this done? During your service?

I dunno if that was you Nem, but I'm impressed!!


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Originally posted by scottishinnz
I dunno if that was you Nem, but I'm impressed!!

Huh? I'm an organist. I've played most of the Bach Chorales.


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Originally posted by Nemesio
Huh? I'm an organist. I've played most of the Bach Chorales.

Oh, I just meant the german! I didn;t know whether you spoke it or translated through an engine!

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Originally posted by scottishinnz
Oh, I just meant the german! I didn;t know whether you spoke it or translated through an engine!
With reasonably familiar religious vocabulary, I can sorta slog through it,
but those were just titles of the Bach chorale preludes I know that are on
Christmas texts.


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Originally posted by stocken
I actually do play the guitar and sing. Not very well, but I know a few chords and so I can follow the instructions somewhat
That makes two of us.

I've also been persuaded to try out for the Cape Welsh choir...

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Originally posted by shavixmir
Surely Christmas is about Jesus and not receiving presents!

I'm shocked and horrified.
Christmas is about God bringing the ultimate sacrific to life.
It is about him bringing the gift. And then it is for those that want to accept his gift.

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Originally posted by Bosse de Nage
That makes two of us.

I've also been persuaded to try out for the Cape Welsh choir...
You mean this cape welsh choir?


Well, good luck to ya. Hope it works out.


You're not pulling my leg here are you? ๐Ÿ™‚

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Originally posted by kirksey957
I was appalled that her young friends have never heard any Bach. I played some that I thought would be familiar and part of the consciousness of their brains. No luck. Not the slightest bit of interest. My daughter said I embarrassed her.
Remember this incident when she gets married and wants you to spend $1000 to hire a string quartet to play Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring at the wedding.

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
Remember this incident when she gets married and wants you to spend $1000 to hire a string quartet to play Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring at the wedding.
Maybe I'll get her an IPod and tell her to elope to Vegas. That would be cheaper.

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